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Everything posted by mikahepburn


  2. so you're Persian? wow is that like the prince of persia movie? is it?

  3. sorry I was like stalking you on my friend's profile :)

  4. OMG RAIN AND RELAX IS MY FAVOURITE SONGS TOOOOO we're soooo in common!!!!!

  5. hahaha if there is Mika studies then i'd be atending with you too :D

  6. oohhh mine is Sunday too! and better than love

  7. haha I like boom boom music too (and Mika's of course) thank you! you look so beautiful in your picture :)

  8. thank you Lucia, desperately waiting. Because the fact is that I could do the face and all the shades but the point is his unique hair, so...

  9. I wish Mika could go to Vietnam for only once...

  10. i'm in Vietnam right now, well actually I live here... Because I go to English school so there are some Koreans... Guess you're really excited for the concert right? I've been taking about it all day but I couldn't go :(

  11. well because Korean songs have the word "boom" in there alot, so I thought that you were Korean... sorry! you have a Mika day too

  12. Lucia i'm struggling with Mika's hair... :( it's too hard :( i could draw the eyes now but not the hair

  13. hehe thank you :) oh really? what are you planning to study about?

  14. Hurts is so awesome... what's your favourite song of them?

  15. :) is your DP Hurts? you know, the two twins singing together...
  16. yeah I spent my whole summer there. You're going to university already? but you look so young! well english starts from the UK right, so having an original accent is good (I think) yes my story is kind of... unusual way to discover Mika..

  17. hello I've added you already, hope you don't mind :) I'm Wendy, from Vietnam. Cool name!

  18. My dad said that i might go to UK to study university. I want to have british accent so bad!! Like your's...

  19. hello! how do you do? thanks for the add! My name is Wendy, I'm from Vietnam. You're Korean right?

  20. I'm dong great, the whole day by myself at home on MFC :) and played some piano... how do you do?

  21. Yes I will someday in the future...

  22. oh really, it was the capital? wow I didn't know til now :] I'm living in Ho Chi Minh City, not the capital but the biggest city of Vietnam :)

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