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Everything posted by flyingkites

  1. WHAT?! :aah::excite: Congratulations! Seriously that's unbelievable, what are the chances of something like that happening! :lmfao: Is it going to be just the one band or will there be more performers?

    How are you today? :huglove:

  2. Oh it was yours? I thought it was really cute, it made me smile. It also kind of made me want to have a baby but shhh I didn't really say that.
  3. Maybe Elton is his new BFF. Oh I love coming up with these fantasies.
  4. That means he's had plenty of time to cut it again. I wonder why he was sitting there, besides being a random dude looking hot. Maybe he was waiting for someone to pick him up.
  5. MIKA official ‏@mikasounds ! last wk a girl in the st said she liked my bag & was sent this today by a blog reading friend. funny, i was exhausted http://tinyurl.com/cw8ldze ... I wonder if the girl knew who he was.
  6. If it comes back I promise I'll hit it with a broom.

    Oh I see! So you still have a few weeks of studying left. You can do it! :hi5: Think of all the amazing time you're going to have over the summer!

    Are you not excited about going to prom?

  7. Yes I'm much better, thank you, I slept for a couple hours and it went away. I hope it doesn't come back.

    Tsk tsk, shame on you for being online instead of studying (which, by the way, isn't the exact same situation I'm in :mikacool: ) When does your school end?

  8. :lmfao:

    I'm fine, thanks. Skipped school today (oops :teehee: ) because I had major sleeping problems last night. But it was a good idea because when I woke up I had a bit of a migraine. How's you? :hug:

  9. Oh so that's what they're all about! :doh: I've always wondered what good they were.

  10. Voi ei :aah: Nooo mutta jos oot kipeenä niin muistat vaan levätäkin tarpeeks, teet ne läksyt sitten kun on parempi olo.

  11. Harmi et noi meijän lehtorit ei oo niin sinisilmäsiä, ei varmaan ihan menis toi selitys läpi. :aah: Onks sulla koe siitä fysiikasta?

  12. Oh you were in Australia with him? I didn't know that. :mikacool: YOU NEVER SHARE ANYTHING WITH US ANYMORE.

  13. Tai sit sanon että oon vapaa-ajallani tutkinut yhteisöllisyyttä verkossa :naughty:

  14. Jep, se on kyllä huomattu. Jos en valmistu niin pistän sen MFC:n piikkiin. :naughty:

  15. How much do you love our Gok?


  16. Aww, parane pian! :hug: Mitäpä mulle, ei mitään kummempia. Hengailen kotona ja yritän parhaani mukaan vältellä koulutehtävien alottamista. :naughty:

  17. No men hej där! Hur mår du? Mulla jää ruotsi vähän väliä päälle kun yks kaveri on suomenruotsalainen. :teehee:

  18. 6 tickets MORE?! OMG that's crazy! :lmfao: But so cool! How did you win the tickets by the way?

    Aww that link isn't working for me. :c I'm good thanks, I can't wait for school to be over... Only a month left!

  19. Oh right! :lmfao: Wow imagine if you had won the tickets and forgot to go to the gig! :aah: That'd be awful.

    Aww I'm sorry about your test! :(:huglove: That's happened to me too. Try to stay positive, it's only one test! We don't always have to be perfect. :wink2: How many tests do you have left?

  20. Pitäs jatkaa tollasta megasuurta koulutehtävää, en jaksa! :doh: Mitäs sulle?

  21. Hey gurl! Still willing to Skype tonight or just meet me in the chatroom later? :mikadas: I'm up for anything. I'm going to finish this one assignment tonight but I think that's enough work for today.

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