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Everything posted by Lilasko

  1. I've study it since I was 8 and finally I don't need to study it anymore. Thank you now I just have to learn how to pronounce it
  2. Well, not if you don't want to. We swedes are pretty quiet and we don't like to talk, at least not with stranger We don't even want to be near them. This is a pretty common scene Ice Hockey is fun, especially when they fight
  3. No, I hate coffee But I think I'll have to learn how to drink it soon or I'll be an outcast I adopt you, from now one your a real swede
  4. Yay! Yes, your almost a swede already. Learn to drink coffee and no one will ever think your nothing else than a swede
  5. The only thing I understood was si, si. Or did you say Spanish is as easy as french? Not at all, I find German quite easy at least to read and I haven't study it. Still regret the day i chose French instead of German...
  6. No, not strawberry ice cream. Strawberries and ice cream and you don't necessarily eat them together So you don't like this beautiful language Sauna in the summer?
  7. That's correct, good! I always get too excited when people from other countries knows words in Swedish Merci, tu es très gentil Wow 11 years! then you can speak it fluent? Well at the summers it's really popular almost as popular as fika Ice cream and Strawberries that's a swedish summer
  8. Yeah, but the most important word of them all is Fika, in Sweden you fikar all the time I actually understood that sentence
  9. :rotfl: Yep all thoes words is unnecessary It's always good to know how to to buy ice cream Oh french, I've studied it for 5 years and still the only thing I can say is Je m'appelle Hanna Don't even know how to buy Ice cream
  10. Thank you Good, and if you want I can get you bigger one You, know which one it is, I hate it so much nearly as much as Call me maybe, and Call me maybe and I don't have a healthy relationship
  11. But Ja is good to know But then you need to know the word Nej also which is No Here's some useful words if you ever comes to Sweden Hej=Hi Tack=Thanks Fika= have some coffee (tea) and eating cookies and cake. Lagom = in moderation/just enough/just right Kaffe= Coffee These 5 words pretty much sums up Sweden
  12. What do you want? This? I'm back! Yes your absolutely right , it is in swedish Hears the link if someone wants to listen to it, which I doubt
  13. Don't mention it, oh I hate it so much. I get angry just thinking about the song I've always wanted to use that smile Finally someone is killing it! Well done! And by the way can you kill Whistle, starships and Dansa Pausa (a really bad Swedish song) too
  14. He is Well I think you can draw your own conclusions from my chock, he's not played on the radio. No one knows who he is, they don't even remember his performance on TV 2 years ago in the Swedish esc... So that's how he's doing
  15. Yes they do, they sound almost the same You think? I'm never right when it comes to lyrics. But yeah, I can't hear Will we know better even if I want to.
  16. I was thinking the same, I liked the blog a lot, where is it?
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