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Everything posted by MelodicFreak

  1. Well, to be honest, I only watched Benedict in Sherlock, Third Star, War Horse and a part of Small Island. I don't really know what else he's in, as the result of not fangirling him as much anymore, so yeah. And OMFG, last night I dreamt that I met Benny, IN PERSON. Why can't it be real D:
  2. Wait, he doesn't believe it? What interview did he say that? I love him as much as Mycroft loves cake, so you know how much it is.
  3. Hey everyone! So, we're all gathered here as MIKA lovers, and I'm wondering if any of you is also a Michael Jackson fan (also known as Moonwalkers, MJFam, MJ lovers, etc.). Michael Jackson is legendary and there's no denial to the fact that he's one of the greatest artist of all time. He's the first and perhaps the only celebrity who has so much impact in my life. I know that there are so many rumors and wrong stories talked and written about him, but to the bottom line, Michael is a wonderful person whose goal is to spread the love through his music. I think I might going to create a list of Moonwalkers up here, so drop a few lines in this thread and I'll put you in it. Or just tell me your story about how Michael influenced your life or just about your opinion on him. I'll be very happy to read all of your replies I also know that this thread might gonna receive some horrible hate. Well, haters gonna hate! I've grown enough to know that I won't deal with this kind of things, so please be polite.
  4. I can't believe I never noticed this thread before... CAN I BE ONE OF THE STUDENTS? Like seriously, learning French is probably one of the things I wanna accomplish in my life. I'm in love with the language and the country itself. Will be stalking this
  5. You're welcome :) So how was it?

  6. You're very welcome :) How was your birthday?

  7. Would you just take at the look at how beautiful Benny is ~drools~
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