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Posts posted by Elwendin

  1. :teehee:


    Thank you very much for your detailed explanation !! :huglove:


    :wink2: this extra show is much more interesting than the show itself. Morgan and Fedez fought, bad words and gestures are all over the place and Fedez eventually told Morgan what he deserved. I suppose this is why I'm enjoying it, I usually don't like people arguing on tv, but I was looking forward for someone to spit the truth to Morgan's face. Mara Maionchi is the funniest, by the way, I need her to have her own show.

  2. Mika just said that his mother wanted to have a Thanksgiving dinner, so she called a butcher and tried to order in italian a ten kilos turkey but she went "Hi, mister, I'd like to order a peacock [....] How can you not have any peacock??? It's a huge tradition!!!" :biggrin2:

    I guess she sorted it out as Mika's eating something from a plate while doing the extra show, he said that his whole family is backstage having dinner. Then Fedez said that his sister is very pretty and he wasn't happy with that: "Don't talk about my sisters".

  3. The interview is available here




    You can download it or watch it online (for streaming you've to wait 20mins because Google is uploading it)


    I guess some Italian fans will translate it (please, please :huglove: )


    Important news - I hope for translation asap...:wink2:




    Anyone wants to share the translation? We might do some subtitles...

  4. Tomorrow I'll be very happy to translate it, as soon as I'll be provided with the video I'll make subtitles and then wait for some good soul to upload it. Is it ok for you?


    My issue is with uploading the vid.

    I'd have liked to do some of them as well, for it's been a while since the last time I did them and the man isn't releasing any interview and that was the only fun vid I've seen lately, but whatever.

  5. I must say that I enjoyed today daily show.

    Mika had Mario over and they had breakfast together, it was funny cause he acted like a caricature of the typical italian host: he stuffed Mario with unwanted food.


    Mika: take some pineapple

    Mario: I hate it

    Mika: you take some pineapple.

    *Mario surrunders*


    I'd like to do subtitles of this video.... I mean, the breakfast part only

  6. I didn't really watch XF, as I was busy handling my dogs trying to kill each other, but I got this quote from Mika:


    "you're only as good as your last concert"



    Vivian said to Mika that she's sorry that he hates her. He replied that he doesn't but that she still needs to do quite a lot of job and grow up in order to bear the pressure

  7. It was real.

    After almost 6 years and a failed try in São Paulo... for the 1st time in my life i would see Mika.

    The 5 days before the dream-come-true-day went really fast and slow at the same time. My psychological preparation, my gift preparation, everything was special and had a way-too-good mean.


    I'm really happy for you, I loved your report and while reading I was like GO Wesley GO! :toot:

    Your story is cute and heartwarming :cheer:


    From his seat he spotted them and said to Zazie “oh look they're all kids! They're cute”. And kids began to shout “Zazie, we love you”... “oh well, you're less cute then!”


    There was a funny moment with a contestant when Mika, talking to her, kept doing (lovely) french mistakes and Zazie said «you see if you want someone who actually can speak you can't go with him» the girl just answered «Actually it is fine because I am having a hard time with french too as I am from London» Pagny tried to push Mika out of the run too by saying «he won't even be there for you, he's always in Milan. Just check his social networks!».


    We also had a Lebanese singer. He had to add “you can ask us questions if you want. Like where we were born for example.” And Pagny to add “but it would be stupid to have done all this journey to end up with a lebanese!”


    :floor: This is why I like the auditions so much. The battles were boring last year, but auditions always make me giggle

  8. It was real.

    After almost 6 years and a failed try in São Paulo... for the 1st time in my life i would see Mika.

    The 5 days before the dream-come-true-day went really fast and slow at the same time. My psychological preparation, my gift preparation, everything was special and had a way-too-good mean.


    I'm really happy for you, I loved your report and while reading I was like GO Wesley GO! :toot:

    Your story is cute and heartwarming :cheer:


    From his seat he spotted them and said to Zazie “oh look they're all kids! They're cute”. And kids began to shout “Zazie, we love you”... “oh well, you're less cute then!”


    There was a funny moment with a contestant when Mika, talking to her, kept doing (lovely) french mistakes and Zazie said «you see if you want someone who actually can speak you can't go with him» the girl just answered «Actually it is fine because I am having a hard time with french too as I am from London» Pagny tried to push Mika out of the run too by saying «he won't even be there for you, he's always in Milan. Just check his social networks!».


    We also had a Lebanese singer. He had to add “you can ask us questions if you want. Like where we were born for example.” And Pagny to add “but it would be stupid to have done all this journey to end up with a lebanese!”


    :floor: This is why I like the auditions so much. The battles were boring last year, but auditions always make me giggle

  9. Hi, I'm popping up to report that:


    - yesterday, during the daily show, he said that he uses to be harsh to show love to the people he cares about.

    - in the last after show there was a funny misunderstanding: Mara Maionchi said that she loves so much Bruce Springsteen that she wouldn't care if he beated his own mother up and Mika went "WHAT? :shocked: he beats his mother???"


    PS Morgan will be back for sure. He did the drama queen many times already.

  10. She also won't stop yawning


    I think this show appearances are a bit stressful for her (keeping yawning is a stress signal in dog behaviour).



    Indeed. That is a stress behavior. I've been watching all the featuring-Mel videos this year and I noticed she appeared to be stressed or scared now and again. Sadly most owners (an many many trainers) can't read their dogs emotional states and since some dogs (for instance many golden retriever bitches) undergo stress without any major reaction, they usually end up being dragged in a whole bunch of tough situations.


    we're gonna see her again: from now on she's going everywhere with him.

    Which is utterly sad, for the reason I wrote. He can't say (and even if he learned, he wouldn't be able to watch out for her during messy situations) when she's feeling bad, so he can't make the right choices to protect her or to spare her such distress.

    I wonder how long she can endure that before showing some bigger issues. Then he might leave her alone. Of course, she could just go on like that (which is not ok), I suppose we'll see. Has this ever happen before? Has he dragged her around like that for some weeks/months? I know he already took her in M&G and so on (this is when I saw her being in distress), but I wonder if it happened only at times or if she already experienced a whole period of such a life.



    When it comes to the show, this second episode sounds as much fun as the previous one, I'm looking forward to see it.

  11. She also won't stop yawning


    I think this show appearances are a bit stressful for her (keeping yawning is a stress signal in dog behaviour).



    Indeed. That is a stress behavior. I've been watching all the featuring-Mel videos this year and I noticed she appeared to be stressed or scared now and again. Sadly most owners (an many many trainers) can't read their dogs emotional states and since some dogs (for instance many golden retriever bitches) undergo stress without any major reaction, they usually end up being dragged in a whole bunch of tough situations.


    we're gonna see her again: from now on she's going everywhere with him.

    Which is utterly sad, for the reason I wrote. He can't say (and even if he learned, he wouldn't be able to watch out for her during messy situations) when she's feeling bad, so he can't make the right choices to protect her or to spare her such distress.

    I wonder how long she can endure that before showing some bigger issues. Then he might leave her alone. Of course, she could just go on like that (which is not ok), I suppose we'll see. Has this ever happen before? Has he dragged her around like that for some weeks/months? I know he already took her in M&G and so on (this is when I saw her being in distress), but I wonder if it happened only at times or if she already experienced a whole period of such a life.



    When it comes to the show, this second episode sounds as much fun as the previous one, I'm looking forward to see it.

  12. I'm watching the daily for the first time, Mika is about to pick the new songs for his contestants. Will post them in a while


    The theme is "censored songs"

    Meanwhile: Ilaria ---> I'm on fire (Springsteen), Vivian ---> Like a prayer (Madonna)


    Mika says he will go for racism subject

    They just read a tweet from Sarettinaus (she's on mfc)


    Mario ---> Sugar man (Rodriguez), Emma ---> Strange Fruit (Billie Holiday)

  13. This version came to my mind :naughty:




    Oh my, Matt Bomer :swoon:


    :what: Matt Bomer????


    This is cruel. I cannot plug my headphones right now so I'm watching it mute!

    :tear: I need to see this.

  14. No, that's another one, she's been famous for a very long time in here (more than 20 years now), as a singer but also as a songwriter (she is brilliant with words actually)


    Here is for example the videoclip song the judges sang last night (again, very good text in here) ->


    Thank you!

    I'm picturing Mika forgetting what he's about to sell :biggrin2:

    Not that easy to remember that list in the lyrics.

  15. No, that's another one, she's been famous for a very long time in here (more than 20 years now), as a singer but also as a songwriter (she is brilliant with words actually)


    Here is for example the videoclip song the judges sang last night (again, very good text in here) ->


    Thank you!

    I'm picturing Mika forgetting what he's about to sell :biggrin2:

    Not that easy to remember that list in the lyrics.

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