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Posts posted by Elwendin

  1. Lavoro in un pronto soccorso in una compagnia telefonica

    Mossa intelligente non dire quale. Avere conoscenti a cui affidare tutte le proprie speranze per vedersi risolti i problemi di linea, connettività e quant'altro è il sogno dell'italiano medio.

    Detto questo, se lavori per Telecom, ho un paio di cosette da dirti :floor:

  2. Oh yes, Poland is super excited as well!!

    We still hope for a concert in our country thouh :wink2:.

    I hope for that as well as I have some close friends in Czestochowa that I only visit once or twice a year.

    This festival is only a 2 hours drive from my friends' , but the thing is, I usually don't go by car to visit them :biggrin2:

  3. Allora: quelli li ho tutti. In più ho:

    Jam Session Parigi

    Paleo Festival Nyon 2011

    Milano Franco Parenti


    Alcatraz Milano 2007

    Suikerrock 2012

    Fnac Milano 2012 (non è propriamente un concerto, ma quasi!)

    Origin of Love Tour 2012 che è su Youtube, messo da una ragazza di Mikafrance

    NY Poisson Rouge 2012 (non è completo, ma c'è parecchio)

    Showcase for JBC Bruxelles 2013

    Seoul 2011

    Compiegne 2011

    Baden Baden 2009 (Mika sur Arte) sono 45 minuti

    Mika and the King Singers

    Ne avevo scaricato uno fatto in Russia, ma l'ho cancellato perchè era pessimo

    Poi ho alcuni pezzi, ad esempio qualcosa dell'anfiteatro romano a Cagliari, Nantes 2012 , pezzi del concerto per Happyness Bottle e dello Showcase AOL del 2006

    Mi pare sia tutto :thumb_yello:


    Grazie mille! Qualcuno effettivamente ce l'ho e l'avevo scordato, per gli altri mi attrezzo ed eventualmente chiedo :wink2:

  4. Concerti completi ne ho 16, più Live @ Home


    Riusciamo a fare il punto della situazione? A me di concerti (o simili) completi vengono in mente solo questi, vorrei sapere quali sono quelli che mi sfuggono.

    Penso sia interessante farne un elenco e scrivere dove trovarli, così con un colpo d'occhio si riesce ad avere il quadro completo.


    mawazine (video orrendo, con audio fuori sincrono) :

    live in cartoon motion: ce lo compriamo

    mobistar: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4040610&postcount=100

    parc des princes: ce lo compriamo


    live @ home:

    bourges: http://www.mikawebsite.com/video-concert-integral-du-printemps-bourges-2013/

    napoli: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4012053&postcount=1

    bestfest: c'è tutto su youtube, ma spezzato, si dovrebbe riunirlo


    poi, fonte AllyB (qualche aiuto per recuperarli?):


    Live from Koko

    Glastombury (del 24 giugno)

    Radio 1's Big Weekend

    Maida Vale Studios


    Cosa manca? E soprattutto, come lo troviamo?

  5. Yes, Lorenzo Fragola won. During the auditions, after having listened to his own song, they said he was meant to. This song already got a golden award.

    He was supposed to sing it again after his name was spoken as a winner, but he wasn't able 'cause he was crying and the guy who lost again him, Madh, began to sang instead of him, in order to help him. That was really nice. Jealousy is really far away from this guy, I really appreciate him. I'd usually say it was smart of him to act like this, but f.uck my cynism for once.

  6. My guess it that Mika will sing at the beginning. Let's see, it's starting in 4.10 minutes


    Meanwhile Cattelan is crucified again to the X


    And I was wrong, Mika's not singing right now




    Some girls in the audience are crying


    The song is now available on I-Tunes. Mika just told it

  7. So I take the part that goes from 9:40 'till 14:40. Am I right? Are we doing subtitles or a simple translation?

    Ps. I'll start as soon as I can watch the video in streaming, my wifi gives me a hard time trying to downloading it...

    I'm doing from 9.40 till 14.40 right now, cause those are the first five minutes :wink2: The second part will be from 14.40 to 19.40, am I right?

    I'd like to do the subtitles, but of course you don't have to. Feel free. I'm just posting it here cause I think that people are extremely curious to know the details. But I'm not even checking what I'm writing, this is why I suggested to watch the subtitled video later.

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