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Everything posted by Elwendin

  1. I don't think I'm committing to it then. I've been told that he said he had a 41° C fever and that Morgan was constantly winding him up. That's pretty much all. Right?
  2. Is it worthy a translation? Cause I can upload it as a video and do the subtitles, but since it's quite an effort, I'd do it just if he said something interesting When it comes to people meeting him at the radio, well, the man is really unpredictable. He doesn't stop whenever there's just a handful super quiet people whereas he does it when he's sick (and I assume there were more people than six or seven). I don't pity him at all though. It's just up to him.
  3. I agree I actually was kind of surprised just because, whereas with the drag queen his reaction was quite justified, his first attitude towards those two contestants seemed a bit too far for me. This is why I'm still convinced he was just playing them a trick. But whatever. Really, who cares. And it's not like he never did it before. I was just bored during breakfast, so this time I wrote about it, but I've seen that happening many times during the previous tv shows. Oooohhh :wub2: I must translate up to your expectations from now on.
  4. No one is judged here. I don't get why you feel it's personal. Did I take it personal when people implied that what I wrote was bull****? Even though I provided evidence and even the translation itself was showing that I just reported his words? Nope. I explained it again cause I couldn't believe that people were actually denying what a word means. And I'm very fine with people in this forum, even with those who don't agree with me. There is no judgement and no personal attack. There's just some debate. If someone can't stand a discussion, it's ok, there is so much other stuff to focus on, pics, videos, whatever, but this is not a fight. I never feel like I'm judged and I'm not judgy. I do know what a fight is, and I swear, this is not what I see here.
  5. Some other native italian speakers told it didn't. But then the translation was posted and no one can deny now that "to suck" is harsh. And, as I already explained, "fare schifo" is rude and children aren't usually allowed to say it. I'm pointing this out cause I'm sure that someone's thinking "well, it's just Elwendin who says so". It's me, and the whole italian educational system. Maybe we lived different lives, in mine, I got scold or slapped by my father whenever I was telling "fa schifo". Just saying. If I said something like that to a coworker, I think I could be accused of bullying. Please check it out here. http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=44295&langid=14 Oh, by the way, a coworker asked something to another one but then didn't even let her reply. The coworker the question was adressed to, got upset. I wonder why. Maybe cause it's rude? I hope that no one will deny again that this attitude is rude. It was, and it's fine, but it was. And then yes, he changed and got softer, but this is not the point. The point is people, even native speakers, denying that he was harsh, or saying that he was just being helpful and honest, while when we act that way, we are being negative. But, at the end of the day, whatever. Who cares.
  6. Sorry for the bad quality, I don't have all the stuff to record properly from my TV. I just used my mobile [YOUTUBE]kyEM6G0Oz44[/YOUTUBE] I may do some subtitles later.
  7. No one is saying that Mika being harsh or bitchty or sharp is a problem. If you think so, you are totally missing the point. 1. I first started to say that he went harsh on two contestants, without judging that. I didn't say "how could he!!". I just reported that he used some sharp words. 2. Then someone went "He didn't" 3. Then someone else said "He didn't and if he did, he was just being helpful" 4. Someone else said that apparently this statement is very much acceptable when it comes from Mika but it is not when it's referred to Mika So no one here is saying that Mika acting harsh is THE problem. Anyway I think that the judges aren't totally free to do whatever they want, some of their behaviours and choices could be directed from the production. During the audition there were a blond woman, who apparently is the boss, talking to them at every break, like she was giving them "advice" (orders) and once Mika seemed to argue, he didn't look pleased. Of course, they might have been talking about the lunch, so I can't be sure. I wouldn't just rely on a tv show to see Mika's true colors. It's actually forbidden. Cigarettes can't be smoken in movies and tv shows (unless they are necessary for the plot, I guess?). I was surprised when Morgan smoked in the venue during the auditions. I suppose he always does whatever he wants cause no one ever kicks his ass
  8. I lately realized, mostly for some reasons very distant from mfc, that I happen to be considered harsh or cocky or bitchy to some people just because I insist to treat them like functional adults. This means respect, to me. I refuse to adress to them like they were morons. I've seen someone else doing it, even with a gentle attitude, and I thought that this was really disrespectful. Really, I was kind of shocked cause I'd get offended if someone would have treated me like a child. So I get the whole "being harsh in order to help", even though it wouldn't be necessary to be harsh when all people involved are clever and have some common sense. But when they aren't, then it's more respectful to me not to lower the standard and ask them to adjust to it than to indulge them. This is why I don't think that Mika needs to be protected from some sharp comments or that we should lower the standard to match some poor choices of him. I trust him to be adult enough and clever enough to put up with some harsh helpful comments. This is how much I respect him. So yeah. I don't think that making excuses for his choices is much of respect. Moreover, he can't stand people who hide behind excuses, he made it clear many times. He may do the same, he may make up some excuses as well, but he doesn't need us to do it for him. Sorry if I did some mistakes, I didn't use any dictionary to check on some words I'm not sure of.
  9. He looks lost or tired or sick or something. Maybe it's just because of the pics, I don't know.
  10. I have the video, courtesy of my husband. I'm uploading it. Subtitles will come.
  11. My husband happened to listen to a short interview today on the sport channel. Mika said that during the week-end he did 32 kms running and canyoning to cope with the stress of XF and of the album recording. He said that, whenever Chelsea plays, he needs to hang their flag on his door to prevent people from damaging it. And that his cardboard cutout must have been photoshopped cause he looks like 22 y.o.
  12. He actually said "your performance sucked". Twice. Which is still a rude judgement to say, especially in front of a bajillion people.
  13. I'll take lasagna on subtitling team's behalf.
  14. So, ladies and gentlemen, mesdames et messieurs, signore e signori..... Universiday - Interview with Severgnini with subtitles world premiere. I'm very grateful to our team, someone got a headache, someone woke up at 6 a.m., someone postponed their errands and each and everyone spent many hours on this project. No kidding. It basically took three days to sort it out, partly because of the audio quality, partly because we had some IT issues, partly because... well just because it's a hell of a work. Anyway, MFC Subtitling Team proudly presents: [YOUTUBE]D6LMjXWZOT4[/YOUTUBE] Credits: Recording: GiorgiaMikette Technical stuff: Laura and DerMoment Transcription: Lucrezia, Laura, Elwendin, LogLady Correction: Deb Timing: Laura and Elwendin
  15. We will merge the audio part with the first two minutes video so that we'll have a whole thing.
  16. I'm working on the last ten minutes of the file. If you want you can take the very last five. So basically we share my part. Ok? I'll do from 20.00 to 23.00 and you'll do from 23.00 to the end.
  17. We are already working on subtitles but we're having a hard time. We need some native speakers to make it good enough to be available and useful for everybody.
  18. I don't usually post pics but I stumbled on these while looking for one for my blog, so here we go: This super tall guy is from Kazakistan and he loves TOOl And finally a pic of us. Spot us in the audience. (just kidding, you won't)
  19. He went to Mario, asked "did you like your performance?" and when he tried to answer he stopped him with a harsh NO. Did that never happen? I may be wrong, but if it did, well, this is acting bitchy, to me. (that part isn't in the short video on XF website, you need to watch the show to see it). Once someone treated me like that, and I didn't think "How nice of him, look, he's helping me." I felt like ****, especially when it comes from someone who's judging you. And I probably don't know how harsh "to suck" is in English, but in Italian it is unpolite and harsh and children are taught never to say it, cause it means to despise something or someone. And his Italian is good enough to know it. Those statements weren't nice to me. Nor that attitude. I wonder how anybody would react to a teacher or a boss telling them such things. There are different ways to tell things, and he could have conveyed the same thoughts showing some more kindness, like he did with Emma. Then, ok, he immediately changed his speech cause he just needed to surprise the audience at first, his goal wasn't to be mean for real, but I can't believe you guys don't think that those lines were harsh. Nor that he wasn't looking for some coup de theatre. I do the same when I pretend to have forgotten my husband bday or something like that. You trick someone into believing that you are mad or something and then you change your attitude and disclose that you are pleased or you appreciate them. But whatever, this is only my opinion. Just please, if you want to help me and improve my skills, don't say to me that I suck or ask me something and then prevent me to talk. Cause I'm oversensitive and I think that this is rude.
  20. OMFG when my mobile died, it didn't save any of what it was recording. I just have a lame short video. Thanks Lucrezia for your videos !!!!!!
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