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Everything posted by Elwendin

  1. Indeed. That is a stress behavior. I've been watching all the featuring-Mel videos this year and I noticed she appeared to be stressed or scared now and again. Sadly most owners (an many many trainers) can't read their dogs emotional states and since some dogs (for instance many golden retriever bitches) undergo stress without any major reaction, they usually end up being dragged in a whole bunch of tough situations. Which is utterly sad, for the reason I wrote. He can't say (and even if he learned, he wouldn't be able to watch out for her during messy situations) when she's feeling bad, so he can't make the right choices to protect her or to spare her such distress. I wonder how long she can endure that before showing some bigger issues. Then he might leave her alone. Of course, she could just go on like that (which is not ok), I suppose we'll see. Has this ever happen before? Has he dragged her around like that for some weeks/months? I know he already took her in M&G and so on (this is when I saw her being in distress), but I wonder if it happened only at times or if she already experienced a whole period of such a life. When it comes to the show, this second episode sounds as much fun as the previous one, I'm looking forward to see it.
  2. I'm watching the daily for the first time, Mika is about to pick the new songs for his contestants. Will post them in a while The theme is "censored songs" Meanwhile: Ilaria ---> I'm on fire (Springsteen), Vivian ---> Like a prayer (Madonna) Mika says he will go for racism subject They just read a tweet from Sarettinaus (she's on mfc) Mario ---> Sugar man (Rodriguez), Emma ---> Strange Fruit (Billie Holiday)
  3. Matt Bomer???? This is cruel. I cannot plug my headphones right now so I'm watching it mute! :tear: I need to see this.
  4. I think we can be 100% sure he will plan something in north italy. The thing is, you'll need a taser to fight your way through the savages.
  5. Thank you! I'm picturing Mika forgetting what he's about to sell Not that easy to remember that list in the lyrics.
  6. Thank you! I'm picturing Mika forgetting what he's about to sell Not that easy to remember that list in the lyrics.
  7. 1 - so much! 2 - 3 - Is this Zazie Zaz, the singer of "Je veux"? I like that song very much. She sounds very funny, I think I'll enjoy this new season.
  8. 1 - so much! 2 - 3 - Is this Zazie Zaz, the singer of "Je veux"? I like that song very much. She sounds very funny, I think I'll enjoy this new season.
  9. I'm trying to collect rumours from twitter. Apparently he said he will annouce soon plenty of gigs. "Almost too much"
  10. I'm trying to collect the rumors on Twitter. Apparently there will be a song called Rio
  11. I don't like her to be tossed on a plane every few days, unless she can travel with him. But usually dogs have to travel in crates in the hold, which is terrifying.
  12. Fedez and Victoria had quite a fight and Mika tried to play marriage counsellor. That's in the aftershow.
  13. Euh.... cause the actual meaning of that word as a noun is something that Mika doesn't like. Come on. Don't make me go further. Anyway it would be out of place and kind of rude to use it in its real meaning during a live show for families. Even though Victoria said something like "you douchebags/dicks" so I guess, it would be fine at the end of the day. figo and sfigato are both adjectives so you need to make them match the noun.
  14. I'm totally digging Mika suit tonight!!! I think that the Bible claims this is an apocalypse omen. Say goodbye to your beloved ones. Mika liked very much Komminuet performance. Apparently he took inspiration for LICM from the band who sang that song back in the day.
  15. Just read Mika part: it says the same things we already translated some days ago. I won't translat them again
  16. Everybody likes Emma She was the only one I was able to remember from the auditions in July.
  17. He tried. He screamed, I mean, screamed for real, to ask for people to be quiet and listen to him. I think he was frustrated when he did it. When he was arguing with morgan he eventually even spoke english. Yesterday night, watching him struggling to speak his mind, I asked myself whether he's used to be treated like a common guy, or even like a loser, or not. Cause we are used to think about him as someone important, some of us worships him, someone else is quite cool to him but still show him some respect, but I doubt that in the industry anyone is in a starstruck. I don't think anyone there sees him like a popstar. I had the feeling that it was more like "yeah, that's just Mika talking, whatever". I also have the feeling that he gets frustrated when this happens, I already noticed it during The Voice (I would be frustrated as well, it happens to me at times that I speak in a group and no one cares, I think it happens to everyone at least once, but there are no cameras on our faces, so it's less embarassing). I spent the night wondering what is the boredom LD50 and hoping to be in the surviving 50%.
  18. I'm watching the Extra Factor cause my bed is upstairs and I'm too sleepy to climb the stairs. The judges and the host Mara talked and discussed quite a lot and I had the impression that Mika's opinion wasn't respected that much. They were like "yeah, whatever" at times, or didn't allow him finish his speech here and there. Morgan told that Emma sang bad, Mika said she didn't but Morgan basically didn't care and when Mika tried to hug him he shunned him. I didn't like to see him treated like that. But I'm not actually focusing on XF, I'm a bit blue and drowsey, so I may have some poor judgement.
  19. Mika keeps repeating "domanda di stile" and Morgan asked what he means. I wonder if he gets confused between english and italian. Question=domanda Maybe he means to say è una questione di stile (it's a matter of style) I'd probably know if I paid attention, but I'm so bored I'm about to sleep. Sometimes Fedez makes me laugh, but that's not enough. Blanket+stove+lack of sleep win.
  20. Mika does know Game of Thrones. Yay. He said that the coreography of Madh performance was very GoT. Morgan said that Ilaria performance reminded him of his favourite bar, Mika said that The Wise reminded him of his. But without some wine... meh. He apparently laughed a lot cause je ejoyed it, I didn't see it cause I was busy chatting.
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