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Everything posted by Elwendin

  1. It means good luck. It refers to mom wolf who uses to carry her pups in her mouth to protect them while moving them from a place to another. "may you be protected and safe and may everything go well for you" Sadly people misunderstand it and it's common to reply "crepi", which means "let it die". http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=1881&langid=14 We also say "in bocca al lupo e in culo alla balena". Google translator will help you with that
  2. yeah, he told exactly the same "looks like I'm 22" 100% agree. I don't know why Mika likes to twist songs and force italian into them. Besides I hate all the useless rap parts in well-known songs, it seems like they try to make me bear with rap mixing it with some melody I already know and like. "Oh, I like this one! Wait, what's that ****.... oh, great, the guy will talk for a while, let's wait till he's done so that I can listen to some more song". Lame..
  3. I meant to write in your Bday thread something like that: Happy Bday and get your ass back to Wonkaland thread. We miss you. I suppose I can stick to happy Bday. Welcome back!
  4. Daily show: Mika consoled crying Diluvio (you did the best you can... blah blah) and said it was a honor cause he was the first singer like that on xf ever.
  5. http://www.sorrisi.com/2014/10/22/x-factor-intervista-mika/ Translation by Laura and me Second year as a judge, you're no longer the revelation. I'm the senior now! No, I don't feel like a senior, but at the same time I don't feel too much at ease. That's dangerous. How have you faced the auditions? I understood that the most difficult thing to handle in this competition isn't the pressure, it's not the audience's nor the production's opinion, not even the other judges' one. It's time. We don't have time to do anything, to make choices which can change competitors' lives forever. We have two hours per week to make up our minds about things that will have huge consequences. This year, indeed, I decided to collaborate with the contestants from the very beginning in order to try and make a movie: What's these people's story? What can we say about them? Whenever the identity is clear, choices are easier. What are your three contestants like? They're very different from each other, I took risks but I think I chose the best and most interesting ones, the ones with whom I can make a sort of surprising creative collage. It's no secret that this is a hard category. With the groups there's at least an absurdity element. you can do whatever you want with them because it's statistically harder to make the audience love them, you have a lot of freedom. The risk with the 'over' category is having a not so fresh group. I want to debunk this idea, they're not the old ones we're forced to have. During reharsals they've been amazing already!" Do they have a strong point? I found out they're not afraid of risks, they're not worried about what their parents or friends think about them: this is their last chance, an extreme action. They're open to all possibilities to put themselves into play e make people dream. It's a completely different experience compared to last year. Do you feel a different judge as well? I take more charge. Last year I had the chance to see how contestants' lives changed. We, as judges, have to take charge, we mustn't make a fool of the good ones and we have to keep in mind we have to be very clear from the beginning. So harsh as well, if it's needed. The ones who partake to the audition as a joke didn't highlight the ones with good intentions. Therefore I took charge at times, whenever there was someone who just wanted to make fun of us. What did you learn by being a coach at The Voice in France? The importance of technical perspective. For us people working in music, the technical perspective on the voice is obvious, but it’s not and it can be interesting also for people who aren’t experienced in such a topic. Or, for instance, the importance of talking about how music industry works. We are here for that too. We judges don’t know each other, which is helpful, cause being different makes the confrontation interesting. What do you think about Victoria? She’s a girl with a great emotional intelligence. She’s always been on the other side of our work: I’m a musician, she’s a host. She presents our work to the audience. Therefore she has a marketing point of view, she knows how to sell music, we know how to compose it. So she has a different perspective. And her media wisdom is smarter and focused on trading. I think that that’s useful for the contestants end even for us, cause it arises some debates. Which team you need to defeat? This year, I don’t know. Back in the day I used to think that youth was the most important thing, but I used to have a shallow perspective. This is what I got to learn: stories are the most important thing. We aren’t looking for a contestant with a great throat, we are looking for a contestant with a great heart. At home and even at the XF desk, we want to see someone who can carry us away to another world, someone who can be pictured in our lives even in many years from now. We need to convey a feeling of length in such an ephemeral context, a feeling that could break this quick media perspective. And just a gifted singer with a huge imagination can do it. This is the X Factor: atemporality, which is the most important thing in music. During the auditions you got on stage too, how does it feels to be a contestant? Production people here are very dangerous: when they notice that we are too tired, they pour Prosecco in our glasses instead of water at times. (he laughs). 15 minutes after, I’m on stage, almost drunk, singing in a gladiators arena while my coworkers are staring at me. I also got the wrong tonality. Anyway, it’s destabilizing, every judge should do that at least once. Victoria too! It would have been nice to see Simona Ventura doing an XF audition Do you miss her? I miss both of them. Simona has such an amazing tv culture, Elio has a unique politic and philosophic irony. You brought Elio to Home Visit in Mozia, indeed. How did you choose that place? First of all because I wanted to go to Sicily. The weather in Milan was awful. So you basically took advantage of it Jokes aside, I’ve heard about that Phoenician island. It is important to me, that place represents all the trends among Mediterranean populations that are divergent now. To my culture, it was a nice idea to be able to say: look, we are all the same.
  6. My friend Laura is translating this one right now: MIKA: "The key to freedom, to fight against bullying" Always elegant, flawless and with kind manners out of the common. Mika shows up like this at Tgcom24 to talk about himself among thousands of tasks around the world, torn between television with X Factor and music. The songwriter is finishing his new album which is supposed to be released in early 2015. A former victim of bullying, he thinks there's a way to defeat it: "The balance between individuality and thoughtlessness. That's the key to freedom". How do you split your time among your countless commitment to tv and music? I try to do things in a good way, taking it easy. It's better to be slow and successfull than being in a rush and having no good results. During the last months I've been going back and forth from UK, France and Italy. I'm almost done with my album, which I partly recorded in LA and will be released in early 2015. Are you considering a duet with Chiara Galiazzo? I don't know yet. "Stardust" was a magical chance. I wrote the song with Benny Benassi, I recorded it on my own and then it found its way in a duet with Chiara. It was a wonderful experience mostly because people let it into their hearts. Last year you said you chose to do tv with the sole purpose of making an independent album. Will it be this way? Yes. The contemporary music world is very different from the past. Once there were hundreds of record companies for as many artists, now there are four left. So what are we supposed to do now? You tell me. Are we supposed to ask for permission before making a record or choosing a single? I don't think so. Nowadays everybody thinks a single's enough to smooth the way to an artist, but that's not how it is. Singers need to be protected, followed in their own artistic and musical path, to be never left on their own. So yeah, my next album is going to be exactly the way I wanted it to be. Will there be songs in Italian? No. Why did you agreed for a second year of XFactor? Because my purpose is making as much musical diversity as possible. My approach is an active one, together with the artistic director Luca Tommassini, concerning both the choice of the songs and the performance on stage, which is fundamental. I wanted to have a say this time. What's different compared to last year? Are you more confident? Not at all. I think confidence is an illusion and sometimes it can hurt. Very much. You stated you've been a victim of bullying. In Italy it's happening more and more often because of sexual orientation or weight. What's the weapon to fight against it? It's a cruelty. I think people should be taught the power of the balance between individuality and thoughtlessness, which is fundamental in life. If people learn that, then we'll be able to claim we've found the key to freedom.
  7. Elwendin


    Yesterday evening during XF Fedez banged the mug against his teeth and an incisor got cracked
  8. Are you ok if I take care of the sorrisi e canzoni one? I'm not that much into fashion....
  9. They are. Like, flying in a meadow. I want them to be free. I want them on the loose in fields and grannies couches. Free butterflies! FLY AWAY, little butterflies. DO FLY AWAY.
  10. Mara is saying to Mika that Alors on Dance shouldn't have got translated (yeah) and Mika replies that he needed to translated it cause it wasn't possibile to rap in french. I wish you could understand what she says and how she says it. I love her, she makes me giggle Fedez wants Diluvio to work for his label. Ok, I'm off to post on Mara Maionchi Fan Club. Bye Back to say that they are joking about Mika suit: they say that Mika got into decoupage on Real Time channel and got inspired by boy scouts to make his suit
  11. They are overdoing as usual. It's getting boring and I'm sleepy. Both Morgan and Mika look like they are sharing my mood. Ok, Diluvio is out. Fedez took the mic one last time to support Diluvio and tell people to try his music. Isn't he sweet. There's the Extra Factor as well, but I'm not watching it. Maybe. Cause Mara Maionchi is so funny. And she's a bad ass. She told Victoria that she needs to get rid of her hormones Fedez owns his own label.
  12. That Diluvio guy who ruined Stromae song, so far. But we're not done with the competition. Someone else will be picked to compete against him.
  13. I wish I knew. I should rewind it. I was too busy typing but they did argue. You'll see. Something about the meaning of the song not matching the singer, according to Fedez. I just tweeted about Vivian personality. I like it. And Mika just said exactly the same thing. But the judges didn't like her performance and are having quite a debate. Victoria is saying that each and every judge screwed up at least once. A Schultz guy is performing right now. And he's not the Peanuts guy Mika's dancing on his chair, along with Fedez
  14. Ah yes, he's very famous. He was, actually. Everybody here knows his songs as well. Mika and Fedez are arguing right now. It makes me remind of Fedez pointing out that he didn't make friends with Mika OMFG the japanese guy is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I just can't get enough: Mika isn't happy with the performance Morgan: if you say so, you may not know this song EPIC FAIL ,Morgan.
  16. what about Scialpi????? really? omg. This is funny You are the best talent scout ever then. His first song was released in 2001 Sorry, I love you.
  17. YES Tiziano Ferro is singing his new song for the very first time. You probably don't know him. He's an italian singer. People use to talk about him like he was cheesy but then everyone knows his songs. IMO. Before another argue gets started.
  18. It was just about Diluvio ruining Alors on Danse, cause he sang it in italian, rapping. Oh. I thought you were joking about that little misunderstanding. It would have been funny.
  19. You're welcome Mika: questa canzone non esistAva fino a qualche minuto fa (this song didn't exAst till a while ago) Morgan: neither this word. How to ruin a good song by Stromae: ask that Diluvio guy to sing it. WTF.
  20. Cattelan said that Sky is already recording a series about the two oh them And Morgan is speaking like a priest. So boring.
  21. He made the girl dress up like an angel. He might be possessed by Saint Peter. Lol, Fedez claimed "saying something like that it's like saying that the little mermaid is a canned tuna fish with long hair" Ilaria is singing the scientist but now they are showing her trip, along with her mom, to get to XF. They must have a Chiara bitch as well. They got lost like a thousand times like I use to do and her mom said "if you fail as a singer, you could do the navigator"
  22. I'll try to report something while watching XF. Sky provides with a camera recording the judges the whole episode long. And Mika suit does suck. Emma's singing Blurred Lines. Morgan looks like a normal guy. Omfg. But he has holy water on his desk (This one, from Lourdes) Komminuet will sing Bach+some lines from the bible Morgan must have smoked expired weed. Leiner: What goes around
  23. I'd like to translate this TV Sorrisi e Canzoni full interview tomorrow. http://www.sorrisi.com/2014/10/22/x-factor-intervista-mika/ Of course, we can share, if anyone wants to do it as well. And there's also this one: http://m.vogue.it/uomo-vogue/news/2014/10/mika-veste-valentino-haute-couture-a-x-factor-8
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