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Posts posted by Marta.

  1. ....This person on TV wearing haute couture and showing off Kylie Minogue as his new bff and whose lovelife if splashed all over the tabloids is a complete stranger to me and one I do not want to even know about muchless invest my time in.


    I think this is the center of the discussion. And maybe it's also represents the little wall that divides some of the old fans from new fans. I was born yesterday as Mika's fan, and for me his extravagance, his exposure, his public life, his work on television are not a problem.

    I met Mika in that way, i liked him so much in that way, and thanks to all those things i entered into a beautiful world. :blush-anim-cl:

    For me, all those things do not make a stranger of Mika, but the opposite: I met him and his music through them. I feel they are a part of his personality, as his work of musician.

    And that is ok for me, that is simply how i feel, what i see.

    But i can perfectly understand that there could be different feelings about his last choices.

    I do not think there is a right way and a wrong way to consider this argument, but only a lot of different points of view. If you read all of our posts, it seems almost that we are talking about different things and about a different person.

    It seems to me nice and fair to describe them all, so everyone can find a personal opinion. :huglove:

    That guy with the voice of an angel is dear to all of us.

  2. "Celebrity" and "musician" are not antithetical concepts. A celebrity is a person widely recognized by society for some reason. Mika is a person recognized first of all because he is a musician who likes to many people in the world. After this, it comes other stuff. But music never stop of being the centre point. In television he plays the role of a musician, coaching and judging other musicians...everything he does, is related with music in someway. It seems to me all connected. :thumb_yello:

  3. You know, when I was 12, I was a massive JT fan. I had to wait 4 years in between albums, but that was okay because everything he did was music related. Then after 2006, he decided to ditch music and start an acting career. This was during a very successful time in his music career, selling out arenas and stuff. I was not pleased with that. He wasn't a good actor.

    Mika is doing television and in my opinion he's doing it well. He is a good tv performer both in XF than in TheVoice, which are two shows about music and not about cooking or horsing. He talks about music all the time.

    He can do that kind of television, he is able to do it. I've seen many people in that role who were not. For me. :wink2:


    JT wasted his talents on bad acting. Mika wastes it on bad tv shows.

    I don't think these two shows are examples of "bad tv shows". I can see in them a lot of professionality. They can please the public or not, but that's another story. :wink2:


    I really think that we can talk about this argument to months. And i guess we will. :aah:

  4. :blink: MIKA will prove he still exists - when his new alb. is out, and probably promoted properly!


    i agree, for me it's all quite simple... :blink: step by step ...I continue not to see any problems in doing that kind of television: XFItaly and TheVoice France are decent shows, they are not rubbish, they have a dignity.

    Nowadays doings many different things is almost a rule for an artist (for many reasons, not only to have money to buy a new house or a new car)... and for Mika is simply the same...he is not a strange creature from another world.... :naughty:

    I do not know, maybe I have a different point of view because I did the reverse path: from the "Mika of today", I went back up to his early works. Well, it's hard for me to recognize him as he was in the past. Now I see him so differently, he is an adult, those things were his beginnings, the young and rebellious boy who made dance all over the world does not exist any more ... Mika's huge international success is strongly linked to his early work but past do not return back...years after years things have changed ... and the public has not accepted so well the "adult Mika" mainly because they did not know who he really was....that remains the real problem for me :aah:

    IMO, it is good and wise for him to change strategy in some ways, to search for new audience, to find ways to make himself known, to have the courage to restart his career in different ways and from different places. To risk everything again. To continue to fight.

    He has all my respect for this. :thumb_yello:

    We will see his choices with the new album. That will be the point, obviously. :mf_rosetinted:

  5. Does somebody know when we'll get to know the other judges?


    I think we should know it quite soon .... :crossed:


    For now, we know for certain that: :trumpet:


    -Mika is in :teehee:

    -Elio is out, he said it yesterday :no:

    -Marco Mengoni is out. :no: He said it a few days ago. He was the guy who helped Mika during the bootcamp in XF7. He won XF3 and had a great success. He's a very good singer and won Sanremo festival two years ago. Newspapers and blogs made ​​his name many times as a possible new judge, but he said ​​clearly that he will not.



    That's all. For now. :mf_rosetinted::mf_rosetinted::mf_rosetinted:

  6. It's really hard to imagine what thoughts are closed in Mika's head about his future. What he really wants to do.

    All the comments I read here are logical, have a sense . But I also think that they are all arguments that Mika has already done. So, I can only think that at this point of his career and of his life he could want different things than those who he has chased and desired until now. In what he's doing now (and in what he is NOT doing) I can see this: a change. In his mind, in his life, in his heart, I do not know.

    But this would be logical, he is 30 years old, he is an adult now...and that age can change many things in your life. We'll see. :thumb_yello:


    no confirmation yet. :aah:


    The article says:


    Sugli altri coach non ci sono ancora conferme e se Simona Ventura dovrebbe restare presenza fissa di X Factor, i dubbi maggiori riguardano Elio e l’eterno critico Morgan


    On the other coaches there are still no confirmations and if Simona Ventura should remain constant presence of X Factor, the main doubts are about Elio and the eternal critic Morgan.

  8. zia Giovi mi trovi molto d'accordo con quello che scrivi. :thumb_yello:


    Tu dici: "un artista affermato e in una buona posizione di mercato non va a fare il giudice in TV": è vero, ma è anche vero che Mika i problemi ce l'ha. Non si puo' negare che abbia dei seri problemi di posizionamento sul mercato. Da un bel po' di tempo.

    Per questo io penso che Mika stia facendo XF anche/soprattutto per la sua carriera musicale.

    Forse c'era bisogno di fare qualcosa prima di buttarsi di nuovo nella mischia. :wink2:

    Anche di ripartire, forse, in modo diverso, ripartire da un posto diverso, da un pubblico diverso, facendo cose diverse da quelle che ha fatto in precedenza, molte delle quali non hanno funzionato.

    Insomma, io a XF ho conosciuto un artista fine ed elegante, intelligente e colto...e poi mi accorgo che una enorme fetta di quello che dovrebbe essere il suo pubblico in giro per il mondo, di lui non sa quasi niente, non si è filato i suoi ultimi lavori, lo ha percepito in modo distorto come fenomeno pop-dance, è rimasto a Grace Kelly o poco piu'....

    Colpa sua, della Universal, della crisi del mercato..non lo so.


    Pero' qualcosa doveva ben fare per cambiare le cose. E qualcosa ha fatto.

    Ha scelto paesi diversi, un pubblico diverso che lo conosceva poco o niente e cose diverse da fare.

    Probabilmente XF8 chiuderà questa fase, e comunque a fine anno (o l'anno prossimo) tornerà a fare musica. :thumb_yello:

    Vedremo allora se tutte queste scelte porteranno dei frutti o saranno state un errore. Ora non possiamo saperlo. :mf_rosetinted:


    Comunque, l'orgoglio che Mika ci abbia scelto per la seconda volta non mi abbandona. Ok, ci sono di mezzo tanti soldi, ma sono certa che non c'è solo quello. Lasciatemi gongolare un po'. :teehee:



  9. this is the part about the new record


    C: Do you know when the new album will be realised?

    M: well, I do not know, I have not finished the record, but I hope this year...yes! this year! ... but I have to finish the record ... I wrote a lot ...I found a house in Los Angeles ... I wanted to escape from the usual places that are familiar to me ... I would not be at ease...I found a nice house in LA, and I arranged in it a simple study, a PC and a piano in a room... and I worked there... I wrote songs every day ...




    he does not know...who knows?? nobody knows....philosofical questions, i think..... :giveup::giveup::giveup:

  10. The translation of the entire show, "E poi c'è Cattelan" - 9 April 2014 Skyuno

    Mika and Cattelan at makeup.


    M: (to the girl who is putting the makeup on Cattelan)

    here ...on the nose ... the nose is the most important ...

    M: (to Cattelan) Listen to me for a moment. You have everything, I've already said you many times. You have a great career, a beautiful family ... even your new baby girl .. what is the name of the baby girl?

    C: Nina!

    M: Nina, ok! but then ... for Nina ... why music? why do you want to work with music?

    C: well, in my opinion ... I have some good insights...

    M: uh ... good insights? I have to say only two words ... Emis Killa! ( the Italian rapper Cattelan is going to interview)


    Cattelan and Emis Killa

    they talk about music and joke - Cattelan try to rap but he's not very good


    Cattelan and Mika in the studio


    C: so, we can start from a beautiful love story...

    (on air a video with Street Clerks in XF7 and all Mika's criticisms about them, until their elimination from the show)

    C : very good ! Tonight he is back ... probably for the last elimination of Street Clerks! ... Mika !

    (Street Clerks play "One more time" of Britney Spears, the same song played in XF7 and so much criticized by Mika)

    M : (referring to the song) oh, what a beautiful choice ! Hello guys! How are you?

    SC : good! and you?

    M : oh good!

    C: What a falsehood in these statements ( laughs) . Mika, you say " a good performance " but be careful!... you can not see ....flying knives behind you! ( laughs)

    Mika , welcome back ! It is nice to see you !

    M : Thank you! I've never done a program on television sitting on this kind of chairs (with wheels)

    C : Yes, but be careful not to fall! So, when did you come in Italy ?

    M : two days ago ! I have a bad cold , I can not sing! I can only sing as Paolo Conte (italian musician and songwriter, his voice is hoarse and low). For example, Relax ...I can sing only in this way.. (he sings along with Cattelan with a very low voice, as Paolo Conte does )

    C: you have not lost the ease of speaking Italian !

    M : I studied yesterday with Isabella, my teacher, in a park ... I studied all day to improve my Italian ... only for your show !

    C: Only for me ?

    M: Yes ! ( Cattelan embraces Mika with force! )

    ( laughs) I was afraid , because I do not speak Italian for three months!

    C: Where have you been ?

    M : I have been two months in Los Angeles to work on the new album ... I wrote a big part of this album in LA...and I was also in France and Cambodia ...

    C : Yeah, I've seen pictures of Angkor Wat

    M : It was amazing! And there were so many Chinese and Korean tourists who photograph everything... for them is a very popular place

    C: I must say that you're speaking Italian so well that you're putting me in trouble ... we do not even prepared a real interview...because we thought: Mika speaks italian so badly, that he will already make everybody laugh ... (laughs)

    But no, now we have to arrange a serious interview...

    M: (laughs) oh, but I really want to speak a good Italian ...

    C: oh yes.. you speak well ...

    M: But you speak so fast!! ... blablabla ...

    C: yes, I know...(Cattelan was really speaking too fast!)

    M: you speak Italian in the "Cattalan" way... (laughs)

    C: ... blablabla... also with gestures ... blablabla

    M: (laughs) blablabla

    C: (very, very slowly) Do-you-know-when-the-new-album-will-be-realised?

    M: (laughs) oh, caXXo.

    M: well, I do not know, I have not finished the record, but I hope this year...yes! this year! ... but I have to finish the record ... I wrote a lot ...

    I found a house in Los Angeles ... I wanted to escape from the usual places that are familiar to me ... I did not want to be at ease...I found a nice house in LA, and I arranged a simple recording studio, a PC and a piano in a room... and I worked there... I wrote songs every day ...

    C: Did you work well in that house?

    M: Yes, but I had a small problem with this house ... I did not realize that the house that I found was the Orlando Bloom's house...from 9 am to 9 pm arrived at the house all the "starbus" with tourists photographing the homes of celebrities

    C: oh i know ... starbus ... uh ... they do not have the Colosseum and then they go to see the homes of celebrities

    M: Yes, it's true ... there were tourists every day, even while I was doing gym in the garden

    C: doing gym? oh, you look so good ... (Cattelan touches the muscles under Mika's jacket)

    M: uhm...I have not, there is nothing under this jacket, I know! but that's okay!

    C: I'm trying to imagine you while doing gymnastics ... headband, shorts, sweat, bare chest ... doing exercises...

    M: Yes, that's right ... like Cary Grant

    C: Have you ever seen Orlando Bloom?

    M: yes once, he is very nice

    C: the pirate Orlando Bloom!

    M: Yes, a great pirate!

    C: Do you miss XF?

    M: Yes, and I miss Italy too! I'm finally here and I can speak Italian again! In LA I tried to speak Italian with everyone, also with the spanish people... I spoke Italian with them!

    C: I wonder how the Spaniards were happy!

    M: Yes! I tried to speak Italian when i was in Italian restaurants ... but the people who work in Italian restaurants do not speak Italian!

    C: (laughs) it's true!

    But now, there is a question that all of you want to make, Italy wants to know. This year will you be in XF8?

    M: ehm...I'm trying to hide me!

    C: come on!

    M: .... YES! .... (Applause)

    SC: oh noooo!

    M: yes!!!!

    C: (to SC) oh why? Why do you say "no"? You have already done XF7!

    SC: it's for the future generations ... (everyone laughs)


    C: I had a wonderful experience with you in XF , first of all, with you as a person ... but I realized that you were also a so important artist , during the evening with Kate Perry ... she took the microphone from my hands and screamed, " oh Mika ! I love you! ! ! "

    And so I said to myself , " porca miseria ! " No one will ever say that phrase to me !

    M " porca miseria "? ? ? ? (a " colored " Italian expression to say : " damn it !")

    (everyone laughs)

    M : I know Kate Perry for many years we started working in the same period ... I was working on my first album while she was working on the song" Waking Up In Vegas "

    C: I do not know the song ...

    M : Oh, come on... this song (he sings)

    C: ummm no . I only know " I kissed a girl"

    M : oh.

    C: Mika , you should know that in the Sky canteen there is a girl who looks a lot like Kety Perry (a video stars) and there are always so many people to get a coffee from her

    M : It is true , she looks like Kety! Beautiful girl!

    (the girl enters, dressed as Kety Perry, they make a picture to send to the true Kety Perry)

    (Street Clerks play somethings)

    M : I really like SC , I said in XF that they had a future as a band, and now they are working here!

    C: Mika , I want to challenge you to a game of musical knowledge . The game is called ..."Mika la indovino" (a words joke with the name of Mika to say "I don't guess it")

    M : ok, but I'm not very good in this games...


    (The game starts , Street Clerks play songs , Mika and Cattelan try to guess the titles of the songs.

    Mika jokes with Street Clerks , with the public suggesting the titles , with Cattelan . He wrongs the first song , guess the latter.)

    C: come on , if you guess the last song , you can win everything ... even if everything is nothing!

    M : Oh , this is very deep !

    ( the last song starts)

    M: Oh, this is a very difficult this game!

    C : Yes, I thought it was an easier game !

    (both know the song but can not remember the title... and laugh )

    C: So, Mika thank you for being with us! A round of applause to this wonderful man !


    The end :aah: Sorry for mistakes, l've done my best. :wub2:

  11. SKY news Mika riconfermato giudice di X Factor






    Here what Mika says in the video


    The experience of doing XF is a wonderful personal experience and a great challenge ... and then finally I can say: yes! l will make XF another time this year!

    I'm fond of the whole experience ... Italy, language, the show and also the public...for me there is no other program like this, a program with so much freedom

    Now I am much more at ease to express myself ... but also to make television without fear, because I realized that I should not change myself only to do television, I can remain the same.

    I'm working on my new record, I've already written so much but it is not finished yet ... maybe it will be ready this year :mf_rosetinted:

  12. Io penso solo che "la colpa" non è certo di XF.


    L'album non lo avrebbe finito prima comunque. E neppure avrebbe fatto concerti. E' evidente, si vuole prendere il suo tempo.

    Il perchè non lo so, forse ha bisogno di fare altre cose, cerca nuova ispirazione artistica, cerca nuovo pubblico, vuole prendersela piu' con calma e godersi la vita, vuole fare le cose in modo diverso o forse non vuole finire schiacciato dalla macchina del disco-promozione-tour-disco-promozione-tour-disco-promozione-tour.

    I motivi veri noi non li sappiamo, ma devono essere profondi o comunque personali...e secondo me vanno rispettati. :wink2:


    In ogni caso XF centra davvero relativamente, secondo me. Lo vuole fare, gli piace, lo pagano tanto, si diverte, si sente intellettualmente ed artisticamente stimolato, ama la nostra lingua, l'arte e la cultura, sta bene qui, mangia bene, incontra gente tipo Dario Fo...insomma, sta come un pascià. Bisogna farsene una ragione. :naughty:

    Lo ha detto lui al Corriere della Sera: "l'Italia è un'esperienza e una scoperta culturale. E' come una nuova porta aperta, anche per la mia carriera. "

    Io sinceramente ne sono contenta, e anche un po' lusingata. Mika è un uomo che al di là di tutto ha vissuto e ha girato il mondo. Si vede che qualcosa di buono in questo assurdo paese :doh: lo abbiamo ancora.


    In fondo, è un programma dignitoso.

    Non ci perde niente a farlo, l'anno scorso ne ha avuto solo cose belle.

    Il resto, spetta a lui, non è mica stupido. :thumb_yello:

  13. Here the translation of the article of Corriere della Sera

    I only translate what Mika says. IMO, very interesting.


    Mika makes an encore : "I remain in XF , I like freedom in tv"


    - I'm Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde : one is the person who composed the music in the studio, the other is the one who sings on stage. Taken separately, they are horrible but together they work well.

    The person who is on stage hates those songs that the other one has composed. I's a sort of continuos stunt . At 65 years old, I would still sing , but how will I sing "Love Today" if that fool makes me sing in tones so high? Maybe I'll have to sing in the way of Paolo Conte.


    - (about Italy and XF8) For me, Italy is mainly an experience and a cultural discovery. It 's like a new open door, even for my career .


    (about XFItaly and TheVoiceFrance) They are really different ... yes, I know, this is a very diplomatic answer . In France, they are more rigid , in Italy there is more improvisation , more anarchy. I was surprised by the freedom of the network here, when they dedicated the opening of an episode to Pussy Riot.

    It was a small gesture, a signal. But in France or in England we would not have been able to do so.


    - (about Morgan ) Every year, Morgan says that it's his last year in XF. So I never know if he's true or not. (laughs)


    - (about sons ) now (to have children ) would be irresponsible and selfish. I'm always in travel for job , I could not put them in the suitcase ! I could not have them now... but one day, yes .


    - I am fascinated by the political system of your country. In England, the decisions are always collegial , shared. But you have always needed an iconic leader . In the italian policy there is always a great character...it's like a film, Fellini and Sorrentino put together...there is always a fascinating person, no matter if positive or negative. It's a sort of Greek tragedy.


    The journalist who wrote the article, in the end writes: " He is here only for a short time, but he has already figured out everything . " :mf_rosetinted:

  14. The translation of the comment under the video:


    On December 13 , 2013, immediately after the final at the Mediolanum Forum , you began to ask: " But Mika... will be in XF next year ?? " . We have always said that we would have communicated in due course ... and at a distance of four months we can finally say it : Mika will return to sit at the table of the jury of X Factor !


    Last year Mika has been shown to have great experience, sensitivity and desire to get into the game. He learned Italian in record time managing to keep up with the other judges with his jokes and genuine fun . His musical knowledge has brought a wave of internationalism to the show , making the audience discover songs belonging to the culture of other countries. Did you see him sing, dance , get angry and emotioned. It was a strict teacher but also an elder brother to rely on. Mika, what's in store this year? One thing is certain : spaccherà ! (=he will breake everything!)


    If you want to subcribe in 2014 edition of X Factor, just fill out the form to this address or call the number 0423 . 402 300 if you have between 16 and 18 years old.




    The translation of the Mika's video:

    Hello guys! For the second year I will be a judge of XF!

    They gave me a message for you to read (he has a paper in his hand) ... but they wrote this message so big ... because apparently I'm an old man...with old eyes ...


    But what I'm looking for? I'm looking for a bit of everything ... mainly, I am looking for originality, determination, strength, experience ... but also singers with no experience...

    we want to look at a bit of everything ... and even at all styles: jazz, pop, rock, rap, hip hop .. a bit of everything ... but we're looking for something different.

    I look forward to meet you at the auditions.

    So... subscribe you on xfactor.sky.it!




    he speaks italian very very well!!!

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