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Posts posted by Marta.

  1. Have you noticed that in Stardust Mika and Chiara pronounce that Italian verse, which I don't understand, a little bit different? The k (or c, ch) sound?


    Are you talking about the first phrase, "vieni con me" (= come with me) ?

    Mika sounds only a little more rough and tough than Chiara with the pronunciation of "c". I don't think that is a particular accent (french? american??) nor a mistake. Just a little bit of insecurity in the pronunciation of a foreign phrase: words are not linked together at 100% in a flowing and musical way. But you have to pay attention to hear the difference, also for an italian. In the next verse, for example, where they repeat "con me"... the pronunciation of Mika and Chiara is absolutely the same. :wink2:

  2. :naughty: here the tanslation... :naughty:


    Mika wears a Trussardi blazer in The Voice


    Mika, singer of international fame and beloved judge of the latest edition of X-Factor Italy, wears Trussardi, during the episode of "The Voice" France, broadcasted on Saturday, February 15th.


    Auctioning of the jacket in corduroy blue by Trussardi collection autumn-winter 2013-14.


    A classic and relaxed outfit that Mika wears in an ironic and modern way, making himself the perfect interpreter of modern stylistic codes of Trussardi.


    The Trussardi brand has decided to auction this beautiful jacket to support the project of the Friends of " Dino Ferrari Centre".


    Project: Friends of "Centro Dino Ferrari"


    Conditions: The successful winner will be notified by email and will receive the item within 7 business days of auction closing.

    Will be issued a certificate of originality on application.

    Have you any doubts?

    Write to info@charitystars.com or call 02 49762138.

  3. IMO, the winners are:


    Elle Me Dit VS Emily

    Popular Song (ft. Ariana Grande) VS Popular Song (ft. Priscilla Renea)

    Origin Of Love VS Origin Of Love (New Version)

    Stardust VS Stardust (ft. Chiara)

    Make You Happy (LA edit) VS Make You Happy (Miami edit)

    L'Amour Dans Le Mauvais Temps VS Blame It On The Weather

    In general: CD-version VS Acoustic/Live



  4. Ehmmm :fisch:

    Dipende. :aah:

    Avete letto l'articolo dove dice che praticamente si è messo a scrivere il nuovo album soltanto da quando è andato a LA?

    Misunderstanding, questione di interpretazione o ups..., in ogni caso a me diverte :naughty:


    :naughty: pure a me!

    Mi piace il fatto che non sia accondiscendente con i fans, dice quello che vuol dire quando ha voglia di dirlo. E basta. :wink2: Poi deve parlare la musica. E quella parla. :mf_rosetinted:


    Avete letto l'articolo? Sembra che stia lavorando bene e che sia contento... :thumb_yello:

  5. Non piacerebbe a Mika :mf_rosetinted::naughty:


    Eh mi sa di no... ho visto in video durante un concerto in cui si rigira i pupazzetti lanciati dal pubblico fra le mani con aria schifata dicendo alla gente: " ma cosa dovrei farmene di questi?? Portatemi un bottiglia di vino la prossima volta!"

    E' un grande. :mf_rosetinted:

  6. I am not interested in a show with Mika giving life advice and trying to make artists out of people who have not found it in themselves. That is a reality show, not a talent contest.


    I was trying to explain that in the Voice, Mika has in front of him talents already formed. Often, not always but often, they have already a clear artistic world to express. And even if they are still young or even if they are not professional singers, they are confident on the stage, they have experience, an educated vocal tecnic. Basically, they want an opportunity. That is the format of the show. Also The Voice Italy is done in that way.

    XF has been different, and Mika had to face talents not already formed. Without experience of the stage. In search of their artistic and/or personal identity. Is there an artistic world inside of them? Which is? How can you get it out? Which are their colours? You can see something, you can see the talent...but all is still confused...it could be yes or it could no.

    For all this reason, in spite of the short time spent together, I've seen a different approach in his way of coaching the contestants. Different goals to achieve.

    Very interesting to me, regardless of what context do you prefer. :thumb_yello:

  7. In The Voice there are professional singers. Very often they have also a personal artistic world to express. And he relates with them in that way, as professional singers, trying to find the right songs and to help them... but without going too far, respecting them and their point of view, because they are all adults, and in some way they are all singers and/or musicians and/or artists.

    In XF there were young girls who were able to sing, but without any ideas of what the musical world could be. Absolutely confused.

    And he related with them in that way.

    He tried to do the only thing that would have been fair to give them a real possibility: to find with them an artistical personality and a personal way to express it and to communicate it to the public. A manifesto. An artistical sense. Unfortunately, no one of the girls has found it, they have not searched about it enough. For me. I do not think the girls have really understood the importance of what he was trying to do for their careers. That was the more difficoult thing to do, i think. The most important goal to be achieved.

    All his efforts were in that direction without using them to "make the show", but trying to help them seriously. Trying to give them a real possibility to became real singers. Perhaps more...to find themselves.

    In this way, I've seen him so involved with his girls in XF...almost a sort of fight, the blood flowing in his veins, trying to win the final battle: helping them to find an identity. Identity....a so important theme for him.

    In my opinion, an honest and very professional behavior for a man who could not take care of all of that.... who could only think about doing his duty and going home.

    In this way, it has been so much more interesting for me, to see him in XF than in The Voice. :huglove::huglove:

  8. Potrebbe sfruttare il periodo che passerebbe in Italia (o in Francia o Dovecapperovuole) per lanciare il nuovo album o per fare concerti...al primo giro non era sicuro di come sarebbe andata...ma ad un secondo giro sarebbe piu' sicuro e potrebbe sfruttare la cosa al 100%.... :wink2:


    Vabbè, la verità è che mi piace l'idea che se ne torni qua... :teehee:

  9. mia nonna è convinta che si trasferirà in Italia prima o poi :mf_rosetinted:


    tua nonna è una nonna saggia, come tutte le nonne! :thumb_yello::naughty:


    Secondo me è ha sviluppato una dipendenza da Barolo e da prosciutto di Parma, e quando si romperà le scatole di girare per il mondo, si piazzerà a Santo Stefano Belbo e non si muoverà piu'. :blush-anim-cl::blush-anim-cl::blush-anim-cl:


    Il Piemonte è una regione bellissima. :fisch::fisch::fisch:

    Peccato per le zanzare. :teehee:

  10. Also because Raul Bova's mother-in-law is the sharpest and strongest divorce specialized lawyer in italy. Must not be very easy to get out from that without all bones broken... :shocked:


    ehm...yes, it's true :teehee:

    No one would like to have that woman as mother-in-law with a devorce in place. :aah: She is scary. :shocked::teehee:

    The article is more about Bova than about Mika, who has no role in this story.


    In Italy this is a great gossip :fisch:...because Raul Bova was considered a good actor, a nice person, a so handsome man completely fallen in love with his family...a sort of a dream...and also Bova family was so cute and loved by the public...but now Raul has become the "bad guy" who leave his wife and his kids for a younger girl. :aah::aah::aah: Hard times for him. :blush-anim-cl:

  11. Ciao Bere! Sei bravissima, complimenti per l'italiano! :thumb_yello:

    Sono d'accordo con te, bisogna buttarsi nelle cose, senza avere troppa paura del giudizio degli altri. Ma non è facile, dipende dal carattere di ognuno di noi. Meno male che c'è il Google Translator che ci aiuta!! :naughty: Oddio, a volte non tanto... :aah::aah::aah:


    un bacione! :huglove:

  12. Non so è difficile da prevedere. Penso che sia XF Italia che The Voice Francia gli abbiano fatto la proposta di rifare i due programmi, e dopo il successo precedente, posso immaginare che saranno state delle ottime offerte. :mf_rosetinted: Penso saranno offerte difficili da riutare, sinceramente. Parlo proprio in termini economici...e pubblicitari (sono ottimi mercati per Mika)...ma anche perchè penso che lui ci abbia preso gusto. :naughty:

    Dipenderà da come è messo con il nuovo album. Da quando vorrà farlo uscire. A me non sembra abbia molta fretta. :teehee::teehee:

    Ma solo avendo chiari questi elementi potrà rendersi conto se è possibile incastrare tutto e rifare i due show (solo uno o entrambi).


    A me diverte vederlo in tv in quel ruolo, quindi se li rifarà io saro' contenta. Il resto lo decide lui. :wink2:

  13. The article is not complete, but in the last part it says that, perhaps, Bova was so nervous on the set of the ad because he's divorcing from his wife after 16 years of marriage and 3 kids. I think the story about the height :doh: is a sort of excuse to gossip about Bova, his wife and....his new...ehm...girlfriend, a young and beautiful girl. :mf_rosetinted:

  14. During XF I didn't feel him like a professional singer. He was just a kind of nice nice amazing amazing guy passing by now and then during reharsals.

    Oh no, i don't agree. :blush-anim-cl:

    I really think that also during XF he has shown himself as a professional singer and musician. That was the reason for his success, I think. His professional behavior. Obviously, in a funny way....but I've never had the impression of seeing only an amazing and nice guy.


    XF Italy it's quite different, the judges are a little bit unconventional and also the show...it has more pepper than The Voice France...I think he has only adapted himself to the structure of the shows. :wink2:

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