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Log lady

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Posts posted by Log lady

  1. Benvenuta Ste! I'm a new Italian member too, like you I've joined MFC after some time spent reading it quietly. I'm glad you joined, have fun :)

  2. Ciao ragazze! Vado a Miami il mese prossimo, però mescolo il mio Italiano con il mio spagnolo, e non c'è facile per me di separare le due lingue :doh: qualcuna di voi ha questo problema?

    Mi piacerebbe averlo, perché almeno saprei parlare lo spagnolo

    Mika! :aah:


    Esatto, vai con lo spaliano! Ti capiranno :aah:

  3. I think the real reason is the hair :mf_rosetinted:


    Definitely that's it!

    I am glad the newbies (and anyone else) enjoyed it. I am sure this gig was no "worse" than my first gig. It's just all about perspective and I really envy anyone experiencing this kind of excitement for the first (or even 10th!) time. I am much more interested in people's reports than I am in watching it myself. :naughty:

    Well, then I bet you had a good laugh reading my naive report! Have fun :naughty:

    Ok, last chapter and I'm done for good.

    Thank you. SIC. :wink2:

  4. Thank you, girls, for sharing your reports!

    Log Lady, a special thanks goes to you :huglove:: you reminded me how difficult it was for me expressing my feelings until a short time ago. And you also reminded me how many times I dropped good chances of having fun and meeting friends because I was totally afraid of not being a good enough student, employee, daughter, wife... and I feared I could not afford to loose time and energies in my own personal interests.

    Honest to you, there's one more thing: my little niece still says I baked her best birthday cake the day after Mika gig. And it's probably true, 'cause I was on cloud nine, you know what i mean....


    Great! Cake for everyone after the next gig :naughty:

  5. Log Lady, I love your report, thant you so much for sharing it. It's like I can feel what you felt with your words only, I have to admit it gave me shivers :wub2:


    I'm quoting only this short lovely part but I loved your whole report :wub2: Thank you for sharing it with us. It was a pleasure to meet you in Napoli, hope to see you soon again!


    Log Lady, thank you so much for your report! It's very touching :huglove::huglove:

    I'm glad you liked it, it took me some effort to hit the "submit post" button :blush-anim-cl:


    I love your attitude, Melanie.


    My report is a little bit different from the others,

    Aah great report Lucrezia! Really sweet, it also made me giggle in some parts :teehee: I loved your words 'cause you know how I feel about it :huglove:

  6. If anyone is still interested, here’s my report.


    Before talking about the actual gig, I’d like to start by explaining why this trip had a special meaning to me. What brought me to it was a resolution I made last year as a result of some major happenings in my life. I promised to myself back then to step out of my comfort zone more often and stop running away from the things I fear -yeah, I bet you know who inspired me- and instead take advantage of these fears to grow up and become closer to the person I want to be.

    On this note, I loved what Nina wrote: "life is more adventurous if we tolerate some discomfort and sometimes it's just worth to pay the price". I think it’s absolutely true and I really can say that thanks to the risks I’ve taken and despite everything, now I’m happier than I was two years ago. Everytime an opportunity comes up, what I do now is asking myself “Why not?”. If I can't answer this question, I'll go for it.

    So this year, for example, I made new friends by daring to be myself in spite of my fear of being rejected.

    I joined the MFC community, in order to learn not to be constantly frightened by speaking my mind in front of people (I’m still working on it, but I feel I’ve taken a few steps forward).

    I decided to take a trip to Naples, even though the huge crowd and the idea of speaking to lots of new people scared me. This eventually turned out to be the right decision, because I had the time of my life there and I even feel a little braver now.:blush-anim-cl:


    Regarding the city, this was the first time for me in Naples and I found it incredibly beautiful. Thank you so much to Eugenio for being the perfect host to us!

    I found the bad reputation of the city really exaggerated. It’s true that we only saw the city centre and sure there are some dangerous areas, just as in any other big city though. I would have liked to visit many more places, but unfortunately duty called me back home soon.


    About the concert, I’m sure you already know every little detail, so I’m just going to try and add my personal vision to the picture, hoping not to sound too repetitive.


    Of course the hardest part was standing for 15 hours in a row under the sun, enduring the constant pushing (extremely rude people), not being able to move, eat or drink. Thank God I was surrounded by nice MFCers and we took care of each other all day long. Seriously, I couldn’t have made it without them.


    About an hour before Mika arrived on stage, all the fatigue gradually began to fade and excitement took its place, until finally the wait was over, he walked on stage and I forgot everything else.

    The following hour and a half passed in a blink of an eye, so intense and full of strong emotions, from the adrenaline explosions in some pieces to the deep feeling in other ones.


    I must say I didn’t like the duet with Chiara in TOOL. It’s one of my favourite songs and it was a shame to hear its meaning in some way subverted -in my opinion she singing it didn’t make much sense. Moreover, even though she has a good voice, she can’t hold the stage and her performance was very weak. Ok, I understand it might not be easy to sing those words right into his face, but still. I was expecting to hear this song so much. We were also hoping for new songs, oh well.:doh:

    Beside that, the audience’s behaviour was very annoying. They screamed so loudly all the time that it was hard to hear quite often (also, the audio was a bit poor). And the fact they kept yelling histerically “I love you” and “You’re so handsome” really got on my nerves.


    Nevertheless, I was simply grateful to finally attend a gig in person, so I didn’t pay too much attention to the rest. It was great to witness such a magical stage presence. He clearly belongs up there and it’s unbelievable how much he’s capable to give to his audience. He easily made us all madly joyful during one song and deeply moved during the following one.

    I can’t remember the last time I’ve experienced so many strong feelings all at once. I moved from wonder, to excitement, to amusement to emotion (believe me, I never ever cry because of emotion… Now perhaps I should say criED).



    I have so many beautiful memories and I can’t stop re-watching the recording, because I’m wishful to relive them and I don’t want any of them to slip away. I’m not going to tell you about every intimate thought and feeling I had in every moment, I would be too embarrassed (that is more embarrassed than I am now) and nobody would care about them anyway. I’ll just report one of the most touching: closing my eyes and listening to Mika’s voice singing Underwater. I had shivers.:blush-anim-cl:


    After the gig I was still in shock for a few days, overwhelmed by a strange feeling, a mixture of amazement and melancholy at the same time. I wanted to wait for the hangover to pass before writing something.

    Someone wise told me it's like a drug: once you tried it, you're going to want some more and more. I suppose all I can do for now is to wait patiently.



    I’m so happy to have met some wonderful people :)

    Thank you girls (you know who you are :wink2:) for making me feel like I belonged, you truly are amazing.:huglove:


    Until next time!

  7. When MFCers are in first, second and third row, the crowd is amazing and able to "educate" the entire general crowd.

    This time the show was too big to do such a thing... I was surrounded by MFCers and was so grateful we took care of each other. But in the front row there were some very aggressive people who wouldn't stop pushing :(


    Anyway Napoli is the only gig where sellers of drinks pretend to surf in the crowd where people are very very near each other. And not with a bag for drinks. They drag a cart 1 meter x 1 meter with an illuminated umbrella.

    During Happy Ending my friends in first row were crying. Me? I was laughing because this mobile bar near me, it was annoyng but also very funny: inventiveness of Neapolitans is priceless! :doh:

    No way! I saw it in the video and I wondered why the heck a giant luminous umbrella was standing in the middle of the crowd, now it's clear (still doesn't make any sense though) :naughty:

  8. I agree with what Guy wrote in general. I can't speak about France and I don't think this gig was the case, but I can see what's the situation in Italy and I'm honestly worried: people chasing him everywhere (at the hotel, like Sylvie said, and at the airport too), being desperate to see him, everybody wanting a piece of him without any regard to his privacy and will. I hope it won't get out of control, at least not more than it is already.

  9. Apart in Bayonne that I was seated, I've always been on the first row and it is totally different, you enjoy everything better by far but this time I couldn't travel the day before but I've learnt the lesson. If it depends on me never will happen again...and I'm gonna think twice before going to a gig in Italy.


    Sorry for my italian friends but from now on if the things are like in Milan signing and Napoli gig, I will stay at home :emot-sad:


    I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it :(

    I hope you'll change your mind about coming back to Italy.

    Our meeting was too short this time :aah:

  10. Ok, Mika told he's not picky. But now I can't really picture him to rub elbows (see Deb? I do learn the sayings you teach me) with that guy.

    And, more important, I can't picture me watching that guy. I foresee a disturbed me getting fat while I stuff myself with sweets in order to endure this XF new season. :banghead:


    Fine, we can be big girls together this season :biggirl:

  11. Hello!!


    After this crazy tweet of Mika yesterday evening, I let EVERYTHING at home and work to run (by subway) until Palais de Tokyo, 30 minutes, call me Wonderwoman (I was exhausted :aah::naughty:). I was really hoping that there would be a way to attend the gig, and that it was why he had tweeted about it BEFORE the gig.

    We tried to enter, no way, it was a private show in a private club actually (not exactly in PAlais de Tokyo). We tried to buy the security man with some grapes, it didn't work :mf_rosetinted:

    They told us it was only a 45 minutes gig, then Mika stayed a bit longer inside, we heard he had a signature session.

    We waited for him at the exit, he was in a very good mood :wub2: so, you know, even without managing to attend the show, it was still nice to chat a bit with him :wub2:

    I asked about the work with Dario Fo in Napoli, he said it was great and that some more will come :wub2::wub2: (I guess he was talking about project(s) with him), but that he would not go on stage (for theater). Hope we understood well each other, sorry if these informations are wrong in a few weeks / months :aah::teehee:

    We saw the band too (as you know, each member has his / her fans too, so it was nice! :naughty:).

    With us (we were 8 fans) were 3 other people (adults), who attended the show (lucky ones :mf_rosetinted:), they told Mika that they discovered him through this gig of yesterday evening, and that they really loved his music! So, maybe some new MFCers soon :wink2:

    Hahaha, crazy girl :huglove:

  12. :lmfao: But don't worry,this is not because of XF,it was exactly the same in Turkey :aah: ........well,no,not exactly,it was not "sei bellissimo",but "you're hot" :teehee:

    :naughty: I'm sure there are people like that at every concert, in Naples they were the most part though :( I'll never understand what's the point of going to a concert and then don't give a s*** about listening to him singing 'cause they've got to scream some idiotic words about his looks, managing to ruin the songs for everyone else as well. It just makes me really mad

  13. Thank you Lucrezia :huglove: I'm beyond excited for this project, finally something that it's worth his talent!

    I hope this new TV show gives him a wider audience than the X Factor's one: he is a really smart guy to say the least and deserves to be reknown for his personality as a whole!

    :thumb_yello: I still have nightmares with girls screaming like crazy "I love you" and "Sei bellissimoooo" over and over :doh:

  14. my instinct is struggling against my reason: Mika will be near home and I could meet him, but I'm not keen to the whole X factor thing... I bet my reason will eventually win


    Yeah, most of us here have the same opinion about X Factor. But who cares? I won't say no to a little trip with my friends, as I know how much fun we'll have. Oh, right, eventually seeing Mika would be better than nothing I suppose. :aah:

    At least, why don't you think about it a bit longer? :wink2:

  15. I was just messing with you :clown:

    Heartless :tears:

    Oh, frack, sorry, I didn't even know there was a limit :/. I'll try to upload them somewhere else but my connexion is pretty slow so it'll take a while - in the wait if someone with a high speed connection has managed to get them and would like to re-up them somewhere where it'll be easier for everybody else, it's completely fine by me.


    I couldn't have found a messier way to put them online could I? :aah: . I'm sorry... but I swear I won't give up :aah:


    It's okay, I'm a patient soul... just wanted to let people know that if they go for the free account, they may have to work on it over time, not get immediate results. I am VERY grateful you did this - my daughter didn't get to see, and she really wants to!


    I couldn't DL the last part but I'm uploading the other ones, will be ready soon :thumb_yello: Could you upload the last one somewhere else so that I can add it to my folder too?

  16. If anybody cares, I do like emotional reports :blush-anim-cl:

    I do like emotional reports too, I often sympathize with them. I don't necessarily like to write them myself though, because I feel embarassed. I'm going to write something and then decide what to censor :mf_rosetinted:


    You're welcome :huglove:


    (Just re-read the guidelines and I think it's fine to answer but if not, this message will self-destruct). As the video was geoblocked I couldn't get it by my usual ways so I used a site called clipConverter, which can grab the HD file and don't care of geolocking (and usually has the great advantage of letting you DL parts-only of a video but as this option would have been reaaalllly helpful here, it refused to work for this vid, obviously (hence the 6 hours of nutella-eating people that I had to get rid of :doh: ))

    Thank you very much, I had tried to download it but it wouldn't work with the Nutella YT video, so I tried with another one but it has been removed! So your file saved my life :bow:

  17. I'll pretend not to notice you implied that my report is cheesy :mf_rosetinted:


    And you call ME an idiot :naughty: I told you what I think about your report, it's beautiful. I found nothing cheesy in it, not at all. Besides, many people wrote their report, why did you think I was talking about yours? Actually what I was talking about are all the thoughts going on in my mind these days after the concert. Some of them I'm afraid might sound cheesy if I wrote them down. Nothing to do with you, don't you ever think something like that again please, or else no video for you darling :teehee::fisch:

  18. And here it is to download the full show, it'll come out in 6 rar parts, the last two are still uploading as I type but they should join the party pretty soon


    -> https://www.sendspace.com/folder/57kwe3


    Melyssa, I love you, thank you! What program do you use to download hd videos from Youtube?


    Thank you all for the pics and reports, I really enjoyed them, it's like living it all over again. I'll write mine as soon as I have a moment, these last days have been mad for me. Also, I am still overwhelmed and I'm afraid I would write something too emotional, personal and cheesy. I still haven't made up my mind about what to write. Until then, all I can say is that I had the time of my life :aah:

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