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Everything posted by Gabry74

  1. Gabry74


    Hi @Emmavardy! I'm Gabriella and I live in Italy, nice to meet you and welcome to the MFC! Have fun here and see you around...
  2. The Lucca's concert was a big party! It was the only Italian date and Mika was charged, throbbing with energy! He put all his heart and soul into it. Hearing him finally speak in Italian for an entire gig was fantastic! It'll be one of my favorites on this summer tour. As soon as the concert started we stood up to dance and sing with him and we kept on going wild until the end, when the big red heart in the middle of the stage has magically swelled. It was so amazing! Mika and the band ended up greeting the audience and throwing flowers from the new piano, on the notes of YoYo Remix. So wonderful! Some videos and photos of the show: 20240719_232809.mp4 20240719_232146.mp4 20240719_231654.mp4 20240719_231033.mp4 20240719_230501.mp4 20240719_225531_1.mp4 20240719_225235.mp4 20240719_224116.mp4 20240719_223711.mp4 20240719_222738.mp4 20240719_222511.mp4 20240719_221836_1.mp4 20240719_221025.mp4 20240719_215820.mp4 20240719_213812.mp4 20240719_214814.mp4
  3. You're Michelle! No, I don't! But it was so crazy!
  4. For those like me who have seen the Bridgerton and the Queen Charlotte series, attend a concert of Mika, in the royal gardens where the series was set, is wonderful! The concert at Kew Garden in London was stunning. The location was amazing, like Mika and the band and the audience. Sometimes a plane flew over our heads and Mika laughed... One of the particularly exciting moments was when we made him soap bubbles during Underwater... He loved it! We met him and the band after the gig and... It was a magical evening. Some photos and videos of the show: 20240709_222614.mp4 20240709_222040.mp4 20240709_221327.mp4 20240709_220741.mp4 20240709_220540.mp4 20240709_215719.mp4 20240709_215453.mp4 20240709_214152.mp4 20240709_213622.mp4 20240709_212904.mp4 20240709_212142.mp4 20240709_210608.mp4 20240709_205747.mp4 20240709_205059.mp4 20240709_204727.mp4
  5. The concert at Warwick Castle with the rainbow was amazing! The location was amazing, Mika and the band were amazing as always and the audience full of energy! I loved it! He came down among us, involving everyone, from the first row to the last row. He also climbed on the shoulders of a man and greeted a child in the arms of his mother, who were close to me and that for him was his first concert. It was really stunning! Some pics and videos about the show: 20240707_220412.mp4 20240707_220131.mp4 20240707_220014_1.mp4 20240707_215829.mp4 20240707_214443.mp4 20240707_214022.mp4 20240707_213333.mp4 20240707_210930.mp4 20240707_210542.mp4 20240707_205825.mp4 20240707_205349.mp4 20240707_204409.mp4 20240707_203934.mp4 20240707_202806.mp4
  6. È magro come ad inizio carriera. Ci sono stati anni in cui era più in carne, come nel 2015/16. Si muove molto e suda molto e ancora di più durante i tour, ma ha un aspetto sano e soprattutto, ogni volta che ho la fortuna di poterlo incontrare, come venerdì sera, dopo il concerto di Pérouges, è sempre felice e sorridente. Gli abbiamo detto: Mika, ti aspettiamo a Lucca!!!! E lui con un mega sorriso ci ha risposto: Siiiii!!! Per quanto riguarda il taglio di capelli, contento lui... Anche io lo preferisco quando li ha più lunghi, ma ripeto, contento lui, contenti tutti!
  7. The first gig of the summer tour at the Printemps de Pérouges was simply amazing! On stage and in the audience there was an incredible energy! I loved it from the beginning to the end. And the new piano from which thousands of flowers come out? Wonderful! Thank you very much Mika and the band and... See you soon!! Summer has just begun... Some pics and videos of the show: (Bougez with Julien Granel) 20240627_232100.mp4 20240627_215312.mp4 20240627_225723.mp4 20240627_223540.mp4 20240627_214415_1.mp4 20240627_214635.mp4 20240627_221505.mp4 20240627_222707_1.mp4 20240627_230416.mp4 20240627_213802_1.mp4 20240627_231644.mp4 20240627_232434.mp4 20240628_011547.mp4
  8. Hi @Yoosungstar! I'm Gabriella and I live in Italy, nice to meet you and welcome to the MFC! Have fun here and see you around...
  9. Hi @Pencilshy! I'm Gabriella and I live in Italy, nice to meet you and welcome to the MFC! Have fun here and see you around...
  10. Lui è fantastico, ma come sta ora? A Sanremo stava relativamente bene, ma so che dopo, aveva avuto una ricaduta. Si, anche lui è un ottimo pianista.
  11. Io azzarderei un Andrea Bocelli...
  12. Si Paoletta, lo rivedo sempre molto volentieri anche io.
  13. Ciao Paola, se a lui non piace, non parlargliene più. Dov'è il problema? Condividi la tua passione con chi ha la tua stessa passione. È come chi tifa per una squadra piuttosto che un'altra. Non si può piacere a tutti e grazie a Dio. Ognuno ha i suoi gusti, le sue preferenze, ecc... Non siamo tutti uguali.
  14. Hi @CupOfT21! I'm Gabriella and I live in Italy, nice to meet you and welcome to the MFC! Have fun here and see you around...
  15. Hi @MissMagpie! I'm Gabriella and I live in Italy, nice to meet you and welcome to the MFC! Have fun here and see you around...
  16. Hi @Petite Madame! I'm Gabriella and I live in Italy, nice to meet you and welcome to the MFC! Have fun here and see you around...
  17. Hi @EmRay! I'm Gabriella and I live in Italy, nice to meet you and welcome to the MFC! I loved Brava Madrid!!!! Have fun here and see you around...
  18. Hi @Gintare! I'm Gabriella and I live in Italy, nice to meet you and welcome to the MFC! Have fun here and see you around...
  19. Hi @Kapybara, welcome back! And... Have fun here!!!!!
  20. Gabry74

    hi !

    Hi @alldnr! I'm Gabriella and I live in Italy, nice to meet you and welcome to the MFC! Berlin was so amazing! Have fun here and see you around...
  21. Hi @Joanjettkinnie! I'm Gabriella and I live in Italy, nice to meet you and welcome to the MFC! Dublin was so amazing!!!!! Have fun here and see you around...
  22. Hi @BeccaMB! I'm Gabriella and I live in Italy, nice to meet you and welcome to the MFC! Have fun here and see you around...
  23. Thank you so much @Kumazzz
  24. Una performance strepitosa!
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