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Posts posted by yang


    I don't want that to spill over to MFC. Being critical of Mika's behavior is not the same thing as personally attacked another fan and calling her a cow. If you don't understand the difference, I'm not sure I know how to explain that. :dunno:


    I understand the difference. I just dont how critical can a post be, when will the post be too critical it reach the level of mean/rude? Or is a mean/rude post towards mika also acceptable?

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  2. Oh gosh yang this is exhausting :lmfao:


    I am really tired and need to get some work done today so I do not have time to trawl back through the thread and see what people were trying to say here. Can we just put these words into perspective? Mika has called one of his fans intolerant. If they want to say he's a baby in response to that they are not being unnecessarily harsh at all. To say someone is intolerant is not just an insult it is an attack on their character. It is coming dangerously close to calling them a xenophobe which is one of the worst things you can say about a person. This is what people say about Donald Trump.


    haha this is exhausting for me too :lmfao: . I have a lot papers to grade too! But trust me the 18-20 undergrads' papers are better in logic, and their papers suddently look cuter to me :teehee: .

    I dont think he is calling them intolerant, it's just their action (not allow even one French song). Similar like you are not attacking A and B in the "A s**k up B" phrase.

    No one get close to Donald Trump about xenophobe :mf_rosetinted: .


    But anyway maybe we need to stop, this seems to go into an endless cycle. We all agree that Jemma should not be attacked in these words. I just wish MIKA is not attacked in a similar way, less mean is still mean.

  3. The word "monster" and the phrase "created a monster" do not mean the same thing. With "created a monster" you are only referring to a person who is spoiled - not a monster like a murderer or some kind of scary creature you would see in a movie.


    I am not comparing Mika to a dog. I am just using the dog as an example of how you "create a monster". You could say it about a dog or a child or in this case, Mika :naughty:


    I am sorry if my explanations are not making much sense but these words and phrases are second nature to me and I never even have to think about what they mean or how to explain it to someone else. That's why I can't just compartmentalize my language into sassy and non-sassy and stop using sassy words on MFC. I have no idea what other people view as too sassy if they are not native English speakers. It's especially difficult on MFC because it was full of English fans in the beginning and I never had to worry about explaining or censoring myself because most people understood what I meant.


    We kind of understand, but not all of them, and the misunderstanding is not in a good way, trust my word on that.


    OK now this part is understandable. I think maybe "Diva" is not as bad as I thought too. But do you mind explain to me whether "water flannel flaping around" and "baby need to be pandered" is not as bad as I thought? Cuz a lot times in a US movie or television show if someone are called as a "Giant baby" , they seem to be affended a lot.

  4. popcorn-blank.gif


    I am going to not get involved in the discussion for a change. I know, weird right?


    Anyway, I am amazed how this escalated into a "this fan and several other MFCers are xenophobes and intolerant" discussion -> see twitter.

    And I am amazed Mika did not make such a big deal out of us not being too kind to him about XFactor and the Voice. I genuinely wonder why this incident has had such an impact on him.


    And now I shall retreat back to my cave.


    Maybe it's because this offend something he valued. The diversity of his audience is always something he's very proud of, he mentioned it again and again. Maybe, just my guess.


    The pic is really funny! :lmfao:


    I understand why he did not react much in the gig, but lashed it out later, it's uncontrollable if something you expected to be wonderful get smudged. Like a conditional reflex. Two years ago this boy ruined my Chinese New Year eve dinner, I was so upset back then but still trying to smile cuz it's spring festival eve, but everytime I hear his name or the even the spring festival dinnner I remember him with this upsetting mood I swallowed back then, and had a very strong urge to complain about it. Maybe for someone it's not understandable, why I get so emotional about this one dinner. But the lunar new year eve dinner really mean a lot to me, especially when I now live abroad,.

  5. Again this is just a phrase in the English language and it doesn't mean anything horrible. To say that you have "created a monster" means that you have spoiled someone in such a way that they start behaving in ways you wish they wouldn't. If you gave your dog a treat every time they barked then they would be barking all the time and driving you nuts and you've got no one to blame but yourself because you caused them to act that way. This whole incident seems to me that Mika's fans are praising him, showering him with gifts, organizing surprises for him, chasing him all over the world, etc. and now he is so used to this he can't handle even the slightest disapproval. This is what you call "create a monster". It doesn't mean Mika is like some kind of murderer, he is just acting spoiled and seems to have forgotten what it is like to be a normal person who doesn't have 300 adoring fans giving him unconditional love every day of his life.

    But when I said "why do you make me feel like a monster" in the other thread, I was being called "dramatic" and "trying to escalate things up",....

    I really really really dont understand :aah: !


    And, please correct me if I'm wrong, are you comparing him to a dog? I really really hope I misunderstand here!

  6. Well sorry but I am not going to change the way I have been talking for the past 40+ years to accommodate every single person who may be reading my posts. I can't read the minds of thousands of people and perfectly adjust my words according to their English level and sensitivities. I try my best but there comes a point when the reader has to take responsibility for their own feelings and ask for clarification if they don't understand something instead of jumping to conclusions and getting angry about something that was never intended. If everyone sterilized their posts to the point where it couldn't possibly be offensive to anyone, we would not have any personalities at all and nothing more to say than "Mika is amazing!!!!!!"



    Of course you can express your opinion without using over-sassy words,


     "I expect him to cater to local audiences wherever he goes and he usually does. But for some unfathomable reason he just can't respect the fact that there are English fans who would prefer to hear Rain than BBB. I am not even saying that he shouldn't play BBB, because there are other English fans there who want to hear it. But he has to accept that that's how some people feel and stop pouting about it. It's just the way it is and it's not going to change. Mika told a couple of stories in English at a Montreal gig and one of the fans told me she was getting worried and wondering if he was ever going to start speaking French. He can spend the whole gig speaking English if he wants but the French fans are going to feel alienated and hurt by it. He can't just shame them into not feeling that way by calling them intolerant. It is normal and all fans prefer Mika to cater to their local language when he is a fluent speaker."


    This one seems to be much more reasonable to me, and I would not feel I need to defend for him if this is the post in the begining. I mean I still dont get why it's ok to heckle him, but I wont get into the defensive mode.

    Instead, you called him a monster. I was like, really?


    Your pictures are what I would call "kissing arse" or "brown nosing" which are harsh compared to suck up

    I google "s**k up" and these pics came out, and there are even worse.

  7. Oh my gosh it is just a silly phrase. It is just the way I express myself. There is no malicious intent like when you call someone a rude cow. You cannot compare these two things at all. And it was NOT aimed at Chinese fans. AT ALL.


    I am done explaining myself to you. You can think whatever you want.


    Oh I don't think you are targeting Chinese fans any more after your explaination long time ago :naughty: .


    But it is a silly phrase, I just want to point out to you how bad it sounds to me in the first place and why I kept saying it's a horrible phrase, cuz you want to know what that phrase mean to me.

    I am really struggling to understand what you think suck up means because it is not that bad. It is bad that's my point.

    There are actually worse pics if you google "suck up", so bad that the pic is even not allowed to post here.


    I know you like to express yourself with all this sassy words, I understand they sounds very impressive. I'm just trying to show you sometimes they may be a little TOO sassy. And it provoke the defensiveness in other fans. It's not that we are oversensitive or anything.

  8. It is not a phrase used to describe group A and group B. It is a phrase used to describe Mika's actions (well his hypothetical actions since I don't think he is actually going to do this). I can use the phrase "cater to" if you think that is more tactful. But it means the same thing and neither phrase is any kind of commentary on Americans or Chinese or any other group of people.I like to use direct and colourful language, it is not a crime and doesn't mean I am insulting anyone.


    On the subject of superiority, I think you are mistaking what people expect from their home gigs as some kind of special treatment and not a rule they would apply to everyone everywhere. When Mika performs in Montreal I expect him to speak French and play more French songs than he does in Toronto. I expect him to cater to local audiences wherever he goes and he usually does. But for some unfathomable reason he just can't respect the fact that there are English fans who would prefer to hear Rain than BBB. I am not even saying that he shouldn't play BBB, because there are other English fans there who want to hear it. But he has to accept that that's how some people feel and stop pouting about it. It's just the way it is and it's not going to change. Mika told a couple of stories in English at a Montreal gig and one of the fans told me she was getting worried and wondering if he was ever going to start speaking French. He can spend the whole gig speaking English if he wants but the French fans are going to feel alienated and hurt by it. He can't just shame them into not feeling that way by calling them intolerant. It is normal and all fans prefer Mika to cater to their local language when he is a fluent speaker.


    If your wording or other fans's wording are like this in the beginning, I dont think I would feel defensive of mika in the first place. The words people said here about mika before are really horrible, I'm not the only feel that way I can guanrantee you that.

  9. If that helps you justify Mika's behaviour and the lack of sympathy many have shown towards Jemma, knock yourself out. 


    I mentioned a lot times here, I dont like his behaviour about saying BBB to Jemma, and all the mean words towards Jemma either. Or that you just did not see? I don't know her, but her video is very self-centered, I feel so sorry for her in the beginning, being hurt from her idol. But in the end she is still asking mika to sing only English songs, even when there are people in the UK gigs love his French song, or at least the Elvis move with the song.

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  10. No actually I am not, but you can believe whatever you want. You seem determined to believe that English fans think they are better than everyone else. If that helps you justify Mika's behaviour and the lack of sympathy many have shown towards Jemma, knock yourself out. 


    I dont think all the English fans are better than everyone else, it's just some fans feel they are superior, you can tell from their wordings.

    And you can't really think "s**k up" is not a horrible phrase. I may not know English that well, but I know what action that phrase mean, that is very very rude to use to describe people.

  11. Mika is not a member of this fan club and no one has called him a rude cow, an ugly rat, etc. 

    He is the reason for this fan club. I and a lot other fans do not join a MIKA fan club to see other people attacking MIKA.


    He is called "Diva", "wet flannel flapping around", "baby need to be pandered", and that is only what I see in the last two days. I can find more if you need to see.

  12.  Mika has so little direct contact with most fans these days I don't even understand where this possessiveness and defensiveness on his behalf comes from.


    We are fans.

    Even we dont have contact with him, we love him, and if you see someone hurt the one you love and hold dear to, you defend for him. Same as why you're defending for Jemma even when you know it's her to upset him first, and even you have said you understand why he lashed out in a gig later.

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  13. He has no idea who is going to be at the gig. He sets a date in New York to perform for Americans, not people from Austria. Do you think he designed his Asian tour for the random Europeans that turned up or he did it for the Koreans, Japanese and Chinese he went there to see and perform for?


    This is such a bizarre line of thinking and it is never an issue with any other artist. Mika fans are the only people I've ever encountered who think that gigs all over the world are their business and not the business of the locals.


    He knows fans flies all over the world to see his show, he is very proud of that. His focus IS in the local, he just also put the foreign audience into consideration too.

    Also, even some fans in UK areas like BBB live too, I say this again and again, do not ignore that.

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    I am also appalled that some MFCers feel that it's OK to bully someone they don't like or agree with, whatever the reason may be, in Mika's defense. Name-calling, hateful language? Really? That's OK just because you think it's justified to defend Mika's honor in some way? I'm here to tell you it is NOT OK. I've seen it on Twitter, which I obviously can't control. But if I see it happening here on MFC, you'll be banned. Read our guidelines again. :sneaky2:



    I just want ot know, is it also unacceptable to use nasty words to talk about mika here? Cuz that seems to happen very very often here. Do you need me to display all the horrble phrases they used so you can see that?

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  15. It has nothing to do with Chinese fans. I would have said the same if it was Canada or the UK or anywhere else in the world. If the gig is in Shanghai then he should be focusing on his audience in Shanghai, not sucking up to people in NYC.

    You are using that phrase again. If you don't know, let me tell you, when you are saying "A sucks up B", you are insulting both A and B.


    Anyone who thinks this is a reasonable and justified reaction from Mika needs think long and hard about why they would side with some man they don't know to the point where they feel no sympathy at all for someone he has hurt and who is a long time member of this club. I would never do that and neither would Jemma.


    And this come from someone who just said he want to "s**k up" Chinese fans yesterday, and you think that's not rude to the Chinese fans. WOW

  17. Alright, let's go back to my Andrea Bocelli example. Because I am a foreigner at an Italian opera concert, should I hope he sings an English song even though the majority of people in the audience will be Italian and expect him to sing in Italian? Would that be fair?


    But would that be unfair to the italian fans that Andrea Bocelli put your hope into consideration and sing just ONE English song? No!

  18. It is NOT weak to ask for English songs at an English concert. So what if there are foreigners at a UK gig? He must sing a song in a different language to accommodate them? I'd NEVER go to an Andrea Bocelli concert in Italy and hope he sings a song in English because I'm a f*cking foreigner, THAT is self-centered and absurd. His French songs are pretty irrelevant here - they've never been released here, I've never heard them on radio (in fact I've not heard him on radio for a very long time because he hasn't been here, despite being a British artist) and why would he promote them here anyway, because it's in French?! Not sure if you're aware, but foreign songs don't do too well in English speaking countries unless it's gone viral, like the Macarena or Gangnam Style. They're not on his albums here, so unless you're a super hardcore fan the majority of people in the Adelphi theatre probably didn't even know about it. 


    I am not holding a grudge against anyone or any foreigners. 


    So because they are foreigners, even they are in the audience, they do not have the right to see what they want as you do? And HE should not put our preference into consideration? Geez.

    It's not that he did not put UK fans' preference into consideration, he did way less French songs. And you can not even accept ONE French songs.


    It's just impossible to talk sense into you, isn't it? 

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