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Everything posted by We-Are-Golden

  1. Welcome and have fun here! I was shy at first to, but there are so many lovely people here, it's a really nice place!
  2. I don't mind to put my name in it If others do it as well offcourse!
  3. You can do it! *cheers* I'm not picky, I'd be happy with everything. I never win things Ooh that sounds fun! I hope so to, I miss the chats from last week haha!
  4. Really? Wow! Some of them aren't to hard to hear after you know what it is. I have to work tomorrow! And I'm planning on doing some games from mfc haha Nothing extremely exciting. And you, do you have plans?
  5. All the song titles? I guessed the last 2 to be honest, I just couldn't hear it good enough haha, so I hope they're right. You won badges? Awesome! I'd be happy with stickers or buttons as well haha!
  6. I'm almost finished!! But there are 2 (well 3 really, but I guessed one xD) that I JUST CAN'T FIND ARGH! Frustrating! Mika fans help each other in need.
  7. Aaaaw only that thought alone is so sweet haha! I never win something, so I don't have high hopes really. Woohoo congrats! Now the roads aren't safe anymore! I hope not, I did send extra emails with only my GOOD username, so I hope I'm good. It is! I did found 8 songs I'm certain of, but the rest... oh my goodness... If I would win something I already have, I'd send it to one of you, but so far, I don't have anything of the prices, so yeah
  8. I noticed I wrote my username wrong in most of my entries.. like... how even? (I hardly ever write it, so that might be the reason ) I really would like to win the vinyl to. I'm now trying to figure out the remix.. it's soooo hard!
  9. Thank you so much for everything you have done, you did a lot and we couldn't do it without you.
  10. Oh my goodness, I love it! Even if you're still sick, it sounds really good!
  11. Woohoo, another Dutchie! Welcome! I went to the same show in Amsterdam! I sadly didn't get the chance to meet Mika, but you're so lucky you did!
  12. I love your singing! And the bloopers are funny haha!
  13. Same! Good luck to you! It seems already difficult just reading the things you have to find! Besides, I already own that cd, so it wouldn't be fair to enter haha.
  14. I did in 2! The Flags game and the Maze And I'm trying the Words game, but I can't find more then 17 out of 20 and it's so frustrating haha! I really hope I do win something though, although I never win haha. Did you? Edit: got 18 now!
  15. Thank you so much! That is not up to me I guess haha! Thank you! I did my best! I hope Mika will like it! I will send it to you!
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