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About frenchfan84

  • Birthday 09/10/1999


  • Bio
    Weird child who apparently has to adult, may seem shy at first but riddled with ADHD. I try my best to live a happy life while being true to myself. Oh and if you are reading this, you are perfect the way you are and I love you <3

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    Mika Wonka

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  • Location -
    South West England, United Kingdom
  • Occupation
    Dog Walker / Dog Trainer
  • Interests
    My interests ? <br /><br />
    Mika<br /><br />
    Music<br /><br />
    Animals<br /><br />

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  1. @Mubbin Sarina I am also wondering what to do about this no queuing policy, how does one not queue in the UK ??? I was planning to get there the night before and have myself a van night before queuing from the morning but I might just drive up and back on the day ??? Curfew at 10.30 seems quite early too I wonder if they'll be as strict as Bristol was
  2. That is amazing 👏 🤩 I can't wait for the show and I'm glad the train will be running 😀
  3. @NaoMika I received an email saying the first part will be Emily Nash is that the same person 🤔
  4. I'd love to but the car park that are close to the venue all have height restrictions that are too small for my vehicle unfortunately 😕 I have a lovely project but I doubt security will let me wear it inside, any tips on where else can I wear it for him to see ? I was thinking if he comes outside I'd love to take a picture with it on, I'll try to send a picture to the Instagram messenger
  5. Can I be added to the list please 🙏 I should be able to be there for 7pm too 😉
  6. Am I the only one who fancies bringing a banana costume just for sweetie banana ??? May even get a funny moment for it 🤣
  7. Someone is going to cover Over my shoulder 🥰 I really hope its going to be good 😍 Love this show so much My -sing every song- project may be given a push with all of this 🤪
  8. Here is my take on this awesome dancing beauty. So far my favourite 😍 Mes biens aimés can be translated to a lot of things, literally my loved ones but in most of the time it's an endearing term, a bit like my loves Also that fancy phrase means exactly the same as the others but in an almost never used past tense (called plus que parfait literally translating to more than perfect) which brings a lot of formality and fancy to the phrase (like sometimes when you see fancy english words like thy and when you put -eth at the end of some verbs). Mes biens aimés, nous sommes ici, My dear loved ones We are here Pour partager, ce qui nous lie To share what brings us together A la télé, à la radio on TV , on the radio Vous entendez les mêmes mots You hear the same words (Pour votre santé, Allez y faut bougez ) For your health, come on you have to move mes biens aimés x3 my dear loved ones Pour votre santé, bougez For your own health, Move Bougez Move Sautez bougez x4 vos corps Jump, Move x4 your bodies Sautez bougez x4 vos coeurs Jump, Move x4 your hearts Sautez bougez x4 vos corps Sautez bougez x4 vos coeurs Ils veulent encore que nous bougions They still want us to move Meme presque mort, que nous bougions Even almost dead, that we move Ils eurent souhaité que nous bougiâssions They would have wished us to move Alors mes biens aimés nous bougerons So my dear loved ones, we will move Pre Chorus with Ils veulent encore nous faire bouger They still want to make us move Meme si nos corps sont epuisés Even if our bodies are exhausted Ils ne savent meme pas ce que ca va faire They do not know what's going to happen On bougera jusqu'en enfer We will move until we're in hell Pour votre santé, bougez For your own health, Move Chorus Un jour je me suis retrouvé aux portes du paradis One day I ended in front of Heaven's gates J'ai vu Dieu me faire entré et voilà ce qu'il m'as dit I saw God letting me in and telling me T'es pas là pour te reposé tu l'as fait toute ta vie ! You're not here to rest, You've done that all your life maintenant que t'es tout léger tu resteras pas assis ! Now that you are much lighter You're not just going to sit! Pre Chorus Chorus Please note there might be so grammar or spelling mistakes as I have never been good at writing in my own language part of why I learnt another 🤣
  9. Ticket has been purchased 😍 I can't beleive the amount of concerts i will be able to attend this year 🥰 some you can afford going to all of them or most of them but I normally can't afford any of these 🤣 I do have to say that most tickets are so expensive for this year is there a reason for that ?
  10. I am happy with any song, I just don't have the skills to edit it and musically fill it with wonderful instruments 😁 Is there any way to do a poll with a few song choices and choose our songs like that ?
  11. Helloooooo everyone ! I love the idea of using this thread to get these ideas started ! So ! Here is the idea I have. I have a crazy project to cover all of Mika songs and make duos or covers with other MFC artists, almost like a tiktok stich or a recorded zoom where people would come together from all over the world to cover different songs 😁 From our lovely community we would need musicians, singers, some kind of editing, and a plan to organise all of this magnificent madness 😁 I thought we could have a similar system as we do for the yearbook where we would take it in sections (as in album 1 part 1, album 1 part 2 etc.. ) where I would keep track of what we have covered already and whay we are currently working on, probably have a sub thread per song I guess I know it is a massive idea of a project but I am certain that with all of our great minds we can make it work ! Now I am open to all ideas and suggestions on how we can get started 😁 Lots of love and talk to you soon 🥰 can't wait to read all of your ideas 😁
  12. Got my ticket too, can't wait to see you there and obviously have a fantastic time!
  13. I am so happy to say that after missing both pre sales for London I have finally secured my ticket this morning during the general sale 😁 I will be absolutely delighted to see all of you there ! Can't wait to hear all of your plans and maybe organise a nice meet up before the gig for whoever will be around the day before 😁 Soooooo excited 😍
  14. Love the new picture 😍

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