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Everything posted by We-Are-Golden

  1. That can also happen offcourse! That would be really amazing! I was just joking haha!
  2. Now that would be awesome if you decided to join the Voice! Just imagine that he would be the only one not to turn! Eek!
  3. Something random: I was just listening to the radio, when the dj said something like: 'I was walking my dog Mika this morning...' I didn't listen further, I just started laughing. I hear his name everywhere lately!
  4. *sings along* Hahaha really? I would love to have a kid named Mika. (even though I don't like kids! ) I deliver the mail and there's a family who have a child named Mika.. I really should fangirl when I see him. Old? Nah, I'm turning 24 next month, I'm not thát far behind from you!
  5. I hope so to, I hope it will be released in multiple countries. I don't see J'ai pas envie beeing played here either.
  6. OMG STRIIIIPES!! It is so adorable!! I needed this in life.
  7. I normally would stay out, but I need to say: I agree with the girls here, no need to repeat. I think there must've been a misunderstanding. I'm not sure what we've done wrong or where it went wrong. I've never judged you and I really, really appreciate all the work you've done for this project. Thank you for that. All we wanted, was to make something nice for Mika, but some things just got messed up a bit. I don't mean that in a mean way. I do wish you all the best and I hope you'll do what you want and be happy! Girls! I'm so eager to see the result! I love everything I've seen so far, so I'm sure it will be amazing!
  8. It is right? They could've been twins. Why thank you! I've never seen that photo before, but I loved it haha! And , green is my favorite color, so that's a bonus! Hmm, I like the name! *writes down* I just write down everything I like haha!
  9. Aaah okay, I understand! I think the same would happen to me to be honest haha! Thank you! I thought this photo might suit my name better.
  10. Okay, something random again: I'm going to get myself a new (male) betta fish and I'm in need of a name. Any suggestions? I'm out of inspiration. And yes, I have changed my avatar as you may have noticed! Still the same person.
  11. I know right! That sounds like a good bonding time indeed haha! Handmade cards are a lot of work, but they always end up so pretty and original. Forgot how to breathe? What even haha! I hope he's doing well now!
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