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Everything posted by MaryMary86

  1. I'm so happy for him! When he obtain sold out in a place where he has already been, i'm happy^2
  2. For you must have been an unforgettable experience I think so too! Probably because of spanish people are very warm! Anyway, thanks for the advice! I watched Arenal Sound festival live in streaming during that night, and it was SPECTACULAR! I found this festival more energetic than others, perhaps because there were more people and it was in full summer weather! I'll see video from Madrid also
  3. Hong Kong il 22 febbraio è SOLD OUT http://www.ticketflap.com/mika2016
  4. Sold out http://www.ticketflap.com/mika2016?_ga=1.171904672.1664905498.1454345798
  5. Thanks as always for all the videos and reports! @mikasister, you were great on that stage!! I loved Mika performance, maybe it's just me but it seems that when he sings in Spain he has a different energy
  6. Ciao a tutti italiani e italiane!! Sono iscritta da poco al forum e fino ad ora non ho interagito con nessuno, ne ho solo approfittato per godermi tutto quello che avete raccolto in questi anni! Questo posto è bellissimo c'è davvero tutto Scorrendo i vari post mi son resa conto di quello che sapevo già: 1. Mika è un artista formidabile 2. i concerti di Mika sono stupendi e lui è uno dei pochi artisti al mondo che riesce ad essere più bravo live che nelle registrazioni 3. ai suoi concerti si crea un clima straordinario perchè lui ha un'energia e una creatività contagiose, e anche quando magari non è impeccabile vocalmente riesce a rendere il momento magico perchè crea un'atmosfera particolare....insomma è nato per stare sul palco! 4. i fans di Mika contribuiscono al suo successo perchè gli danno la carica 5. il Mika fan club e tutti gli altri fans esterni sono incredibili! Lo seguono con una passione che ho visto poche volte in vita mia, e lui si fa seguire perchè a differenza di tanti artisti è una persona vera! Quindi vi ringrazio per tutto quello che avete fatto e mi fa piacere essere qui! Spero di incontrarvi a qualche concerto!
  7. Thank you! grazie mille
  8. thanks a lot to everyone! Thanks for videos, for the reports.... I knew nothing about this "little" gig, I'm so happy to watch all that video, also TVA video and interview! The atmosphere was spectacular, it looks like a party with friends...indeed it was so I love so much NPIH, live version is amazing! In addition, i can affirm that at Sucrè Salè Mika did one of the best performance of Grace Kelly!
  9. Thank you for all reports, photos and video I loved so much this festival, there was an incredible energy! Photos are extraordinary, probably because of the light... I loved so much two performance: elle me dit and origin of love, both of them are one of the best performance ever done for this songs.
  10. Thanks to all for reports and videos! I love the atmosphere there is at all American Mika gig
  11. thank you so much to all of you
  12. Goodmorning everyone My name is Marina, I am 29 years old and i come from south Italy I knew for a long time the existence of MFC and i "known" already many of you because I read your comments here, but also on facebook, on twitter etc and i saw a lot of your photos with Mika on social network But just now I found time to sign up, because i work a lot, but also because of with the forum i'm not very skilled. And even with English I listen Mika from the time of Relax, who accompanied me throughout that summer and stayed tied among my fondest memories. I always thought that Mika was good, that he was original and that he had brought a "earthquake" in the music world, first of all of in the music, and then in pop music. However, only in recent years I have really understood how extraordinary he is!! I'm so happy to have discovered this!! Because now his music follow me in every place and in every moment every day and it makes me feel so good! I'm really happy to meet every one of you! Nice to meet you
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