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Status Replies posted by Beatrixxx_always

  1. Happy Birthday my dear Bea :yay::yay::yay:


    Mika brought you some flowers and cup cakes :wink2:



  2. Tanti auguri


    Mocha Cupcakes - Baking A Moment

    1. Beatrixxx_always


      Thank you so much Silver!!! :cloud:

  3. Tantissimi auguri di Buon Compleanno, Beatrice!





  4. Tantissimi auguri di Buon Compleanno, Beatrice!





    1. Beatrixxx_always


      Grazie di cuore Manuela! 
      Un bacio ❤️

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Ciaoo Bea:thumb_yello:

    1. Beatrixxx_always


      Si, sono di Torino... Anche se da un mese mi sono trasferita ad Asti!🌟

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Tanti Auguri



    1. Beatrixxx_always


      Thank you so much!🥰❤️

  7. My new frame for MIKA! This is what you can call: shine bright like a star :lmfao:


    1. Beatrixxx_always


      Wow, it looks really beautiful and shining.. love it! :cloud:

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. Today I got the idea to create this kind of fan art... Well, it's not perfect, I wasn't even sure if I should share it here to be honest. Maybe I'll try again later to make a better version. But it's inspired by the song Hurts. It reminds me of the time when I was younger and most of my schoolmates hated me for no reason. They made fun of me and I was too shy to defend myself. They called me weird, stupid etc. and even though I didn't believe them, it felt exactly like this...like having these words pinned into the heart with knives.

    I'm not even sure if anybody else can relate this to the song because it's quite personal. However, there's no other place to post it than here...



    1. Beatrixxx_always


      What a beautiful drawing!  Even if these kind of things are very personal I think that many of us can understand them. For example, I completely get which feeling you are talking about. Some years ago in school I had an awful teacher (really awful) and in that period... well, I can say that I met “my Gregory”, like Mika would say. 

      Congrats @giraffeandy for this drawing! 

      And @Maria :) that’s a very good quote, I agree!:cloud:

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

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