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Everything posted by daItrick

  1. Ruby - Twenty One Pilots! Such an underrated song by them...
  2. ¡Gracias! Es uno de mis favoritos... Ahh it's a thing that we have between us, don't worry! Thanks! Nice to meet you!
  3. Moltes gràcies! Ciao and thanks! (low-key kind of understand Italian hah) Ahh we'll see! I really hope he comes back soon but we have to be patient!
  4. Gràcies! Aún així trec 7 i 8 a classe, és menys que el que trec a altres assignatures x__x I was born in Andalusia but I lived in other parts like Madrid, The Canary Islands and currently at the north of Lleida
  5. (Hope you don't mind me talking Spanish and Catalan!) Ahh moltes gràcies!! Ja et puc confirmar que no parlo el català molt bé pel fet de que només ho he estudiat per 3 anys i... no és molt comparat amb el anglès. Lo sé, me he estado informando sobre él durante este año así que sé bastantes cosas sobre Mika. ¡Muchas gracias!
  6. Nice to meet you too, Sara! Thank you so much! I'll probably ask a lot, just a warning! Ahh ok thanks!!
  7. An Amira and Melachi forum? Where can I sign up to it lmao
  8. I don't know why but this is my Biggest Mood
  9. Oh wow, so many artists in here! I'd like to show some of my drawings too!! They're not the best but I'm still learning... I mostly doodle him so the anatomy is really off, please forgive me!
  10. Hello! I'm really new to fanclubs and forums, please forgive me x__x Anyways, my name's Vireo or Dallon! I go by a third name but only close friends can call me that. I'm a trans kid from Spain (not specifiying where because I lived in almost all the country). Before I talk about how I discovered Mika and stuff, I'll say some basic stuff about me: - I'm a minor, perhaps the youngest member in here? I haven't seen anyone my age in here, hahah... I'm not telling anyone my age, sorry lads! - I draw and I play bass. I really want to be a graphic designer or make a pop punk/alternative rock band somewhere... My biggest inspirations (apart from Mika!) are Fall Out Boy, Owl City, Panic! At The Disco (saw them once, almost fainted when Dallon Weekes winked at me ) and Twenty One Pilots. - I really love languages! I can speak 3 (Spanish, English and Catalan) and I (kind of) understand 6 (Those 3, Italian, Portuguese and Galician). - I have other social media! Here's my Tumblr, DeviantART and YouTube! (YouTube is... a cringey page for me... It brings back memories) - I'm really sensitive to some topics like bullying or death. I suffered bullying for 3 years straight and I've lost a lot of close people so please, be careful. Now about Mika! I know him since 2010 (more or less), I heard Lollipop on the radio once and fell in love! Of course, I heard Relax, Take It Easy and Grace Kelly too. Years later (by that I mean January 2017), I randomly remembered that song and looked him up. Guess what? I immediatly fell in love with him! He's pretty much really important for me. He's helping me in a lot of things, specially with self-discovering (is that a thing?) and recovering from trauma. I'm a lonely boy so please, you can talk to me whenever you want! Anyways, Vireo out!
  11. Oh wow, this is my first time here. Hello y'all! Need some help here... where can I introduce myself? 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. daItrick


      True! He's helping me with self-steem and trauma in a way that nobody did before, I'm so happy that I found him... 

    3. Mikasister


      I'm glad for you!  :hug:

    4. daItrick
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