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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. Oh, I forgot to add a short video of Mika's departure after having meeting us. Listen carefully to what he said just before geting into the car πŸ’“
  2. "It's nice to show another world on Instagram, control lights, the angle of the take, the filters, but that does not change who you are". Thank you Eriko πŸ’“
  3. He said that a new album will be joyful and colorful. So I wouldn't give my opinion after listening to this 3 seconds video πŸ˜‹
  4. Yes. He posted a story about it on Instagram a few days ago🀣🀣🀣🀣
  5. But where is the rest of the song? I don't think he sung only this! Anybody else in the audience surely had registered more!!! 🀀🀀🀀🀀 We need to investigate!!!!!!
  6. What I understood from his reading some excerpts are from the articles he wrote some years ago for Reppublica XL. I recognized a few of them
  7. Late late late, always late But it was worth to wait for Mika And I love his shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Ok. It's time for the second part of my report. The Voice 20th of November 2018 This time I took the place in the sector behind chairs so I could observe Mika during auditions. Tuesday recording started in the same way like on Monday – a celebrity sung a song which will be at the end of the TV program. This time it was Soprano and a young singer who participated in the Voice in the past with his brother. Sorry, I don't remember his name 😞 When Soprano had his sound check Mika arrived with his little nephew and sat with him in his chair. They stayed there together during recording, than they left the studio. All coaches came back for the performance of this young singer. Mika approached him to say hello. This evening there were 24 talents and after 6th or 7th I was lost! It is really a hard work for coatches to remember all these people singing and for more to find the best ones! It happenes that no coach turns his chair. The talent leaves the stage and generally coaches do not see them. But Mika stays Mika! Several times he turned his head and watched at the talent leaving the stage. It even happened once or twice that he got up and ran to the person which was not chosen to say him/her some nice words. Funny moments: Coaches have little booklets with the song titles to be sung by talents in the order of their performances. Jenifer was a little lost and asked Mika to find which song will be performed next. She did not pay attention to what Mika did after. Mika torned out each and every page of the booklet, mixed them up and gave it back to Jenifer. Poor girl couldn't find the right page! But she is not stupid :-) During a break when booklets were laying in the chairs she switched them and she left her torn booklet in Mika's chair. The recording starts , Mika takes his booklet and.... surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Revange tastes sweet You already know the new rule –3 new small buttons to block other coaches. But the blocked one learns about it only when he already pressed the big red button, the chair turned but his name is not highlighted on the floor! Instead of his name you can see a french word β€œbloqué”. It happened that Julien blocked Mika. He was veeeeery unhappy realizing he will not have a chance to get his talent. But Julien (the oldest coach in the team) was very nice. He said : β€œTu es quΓ©-blo” - in a young generation's way of speaking :-) Soprano started to laugh like crazy :-) β€œTu es quΓ©-blo” β€œTu es quΓ©-blo”!!!! It happened as well that Soprano blocked Jenifer. But this time a trick did not work. Jenifer did not presse her main red button so actually Soprano waisted his chance. The choice was very hard. Several times Mika was hesitating and when the song was over he was unhappy and he was regreting it. Maybe that is why he was looking back behind his chair to take a look at the talent? We've heard many very interestiong voices this evening. I will mention only two: A boy singing Tracy Chapman β€œRevolution” song. Great performance! After he said it was his FIRST ever stage performance. Wow!!! And a black girl with a strange voice – of course she catched Mika's attention. Mika said that at the beginning he thought it was a joke. But than he found something very original in her way of singing: something between Amy Winehouse and Miki Mouse. So together it makes Miki Winemouse :-) And that's all Mika fans. It was a very good time spent with Mika, other coaches and other Mika fans. Hugs!!!!!
  9. Ah, it would be great if we meet again in Poland! I've just sent Mika a tweet with photos of our Tauron Arena.I hope he reads it and likes the venue!!!!!!!!
  10. As I promissed you all a few days ago, here is my report from the Voice recording. Enjoy! The Voice 19th of November 2018 This is my first time at the Lendit Studio in Saint-Denis. Hopefully I met other Mika fans I knew from social medias (hello Annik, Celine and Katia!!!!!!) so did not feel alone during long hours of waiting in a cold. After a hole "ceremony" of entering the building (security, check point, cloakroom, sandwich and water distribution ect.) we entered the studio where the recording takes place. There are three sectors there: behind the coaches' chairs, on their left and on their right. I was asked to go to the right side. The studio actually is not so big so from my place I was able to observe the center of the stage and Mika even when the chairs were turned to the audience. Funny thing is that recordings look a little like a movie making. Sequences are recorded in blocks and then in post-production thy put togther in a right order. So on Monday we started with stars performances which we will see on TV as final moments of different episodes when coaches will leave the stage with a celebrity. First the coaches took their places in their chairs and this is when I saw Mika for the first time in real! He was so natural and funny. Tonight as first was Zazie. I was very happy because I like her a lot and I have never seen her live. She sung a title song from her latest album β€œL'essenciel”. She did it three times (as all invited celebrities do😞 first time is a sound check. Then the recording is done twice just in case. So she finished her song and all coaches left the stage with her. Good starting of the evening The coaches came back. Second artist to perform was Slimane. The same order: sound check, then two recordings. Slimane was not alone on stage and now I can tell you that his performance was the best one for me. Slimane was performing with a dancer, a young blond woman looking a little like Sia, dressed in blue dress. Her movements were hypnotising and so sensual! I was sitting very close and it was great that I could watch it 3 times! Of course after the song all coaches got up and left the stage with Slimane. Then the blind auditions started. I am not able to say in which order things happened so I put it in bullets to tell you about what I remember. There were 18 talents this day! Mika's new toy are the buttons: as you know this time there are FOUR buttons: the main big red one and 3 small to block other coaches. Mika loves tapping them – even it is a break, he loves touching them, play like it was a piano or drums,and even to make a hug to the panel πŸ™‚ And you know, when coaches press buttons you don't hear this loud explosive sound as on TV. Nothing. Only the audience starts to shout and clap their hands. Yes, clapping hands – you know, it hurts after 30 minutes. And the recordings take 4-5 hours!!!!!!! It's a hard work πŸ™‚ Mika's first embarassing moment: one of the talents was a man, thin, with short white hair., dressed in black suit. He sung very well a french rap song and when coaches asked him for his age he answered he was 38. Well, actually even I thought he was much older. So when Julien Claire finished his comments Mika asked: β€œSo what is your real age?” In a second after he realized that it was not a good question and he wanted to hide himself under his chair. β€œRatrappe-toi, Mika. Ratrappe-toi” - screamed Nikos. Of course Mika started to explain what he meant by his question, that there are so many contrasts in this man: rap song interpreted in a very classical way ect ect.... Mika's show off moment: a young boy was singing and playing drums. It was an OrelSan's song β€œBasique”. Great performance! After the comments that there is only a few good singing drummers coaches approached the drums and Mika made a demonstration how to play. Julien Clerc showed his jazzy version too. Than he added:"This is why I don't play drums any more". I don't know if it will be shown on TV. One of talents was from franco-italian family. He lives in Italy but he came to France for The Voice. He did a very good performance and when coaches tried to catch his attention, Mika started to talk to him in italian. It worked! The boy chose Mika πŸ™‚ During the breaks Mika several times was talking with the audience behind the chairs. During the β€œtoilet breaks” I was crossing the stage just behind the chairs (of course empty) and it was a moment when I had a view the coaches have during the show. Impressing! There was a girl for which no coach turned the chair. But before leaving the stage she asked if the coaches would like to take a selfie with her. I was sure the production will not allow to do it. But no. All coaches came to this girl and Mika, as the tallest one took the photo. For the last talent of this evening a piano has been installed in the center of the stage. During the preparation a familial silhouetteette sat at it. As the lights were not turned on yet, I wasn't sure. But between us we started to ask the same question: is it really HIM? The chairs were turned towards the public so we were not allowed to give any sign. The lights are on. The performance starts and..... Yes, it's him! Frederic Longbois! We were observing Mika's face - will he recognize his talent from the last edition? Yes, he did! Mika said that at the first sounds of the piano he wondered if it was Frederic. It looks he has a special way of playing. And when he started to sing, Mika was sure! It was a very nice, warm moment of the show. Of course Frederic did not take part of the competition. Seems he will appear several times during the 8th edition. As you already know, Mika did not stop when leaving the studio. His car passed by in a cold rain. This is all from the my first evening. There are some other tiny things but as they are not directly connected with Mika, I will keep them for me. As I finish my report of the second evening (the 20th of November) I will post it.
  11. But there is something on the back as well. I tried to read it but the light was very poor. Do you have a photo from the back, Loo?
  12. Another short video from the 20th of November. A quick view on the other side of the entrance Dancing in the street
  13. Ah, flying Mika is back! And all I was missing during the Voice recording was singing Mika. Now watching all these short videos from Cirque d'Hiver I feel it even more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Ha ha ha! You mean Annik's question about a single???
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