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Posts posted by Prisca

  1. 1 hour ago, TinyLove_CJ said:

    I don't want too many spoilers, I've only seen snippets of a few songs at the moment, but I'm curious to know how the zoom meeting went. Did anyone record the meeting or perhaps record the whole thing directly from CultureBox? 👉👈 

    The zoom meeting didn't go well. We couldn't hear the sound properly and they live stream was often frozen.


    However, there should be a reply later at CultureBox and Deb promised us that she will put the live stream here in the forum later. :yes:

    • Like 3
  2. On 1/1/2021 at 10:15 PM, Prisca said:



    Dear computer,


    Really? Honestly, I already had four times raclette in a short time, no need to show me an add with a discount for that. I think the raclette is following me. :omg_fans:


    At least, I had yesterday also raclette with sweet pepper and garlic that I hadn't had this Christmas season before. :licks_lips:


    Please don't take my raclette problem too seriously. :lol3:


    Happy New Year everyone and stay high. :yay:

    I had today evening raclette again, it wasn't my idea. :lol3:


    Ok, I didn't have raclette for a month but for me it seemed shorter. :lmfao:

    • Haha 2
  3. 2 hours ago, TinyLove_CJ said:

    Oh my word! I don't know what's more horrifying, the monster's rendition of 'Relax' or the creepy pig costume (the one that was watching in another room). 😬

    At least, it's obviously that this isn't Mika. :floor:

    • Haha 4
  4. 4 hours ago, PYZ_Mustache said:

    Mika uploaded this on his weibo account which is recently managed by his stuff. I don't know why it wasn't on instagram:dunno:


    I'm sorry if I'm breaking the euphoria here. Are you sure that Mika has posted this now? The song was released over four months ago, why would he post a video with "out now" now? If it had been "It Must Have Been Love" it would make more sense.


    I'm sorry, but I think this is a fake. :sad:

  5. 47 minutes ago, Paoletta said:

    @Gabry74  ma non è che veramente diventano genitori ed è per quello che Mika è sparito... vi prego aiutatemi... quella  tipa mi ha fatto venire dubbi:dunno:

    Non so di quale tipa stai parlando, ma non ha alcun senso. Mika è molto occupato con Star Academie in questo momento e se le riprese di The Voice sono già state fatte tutte non lo so.


    Inoltre, è già difficile per una coppia gay adottare un bambino o trovare una madre surrogata senza la pandemia di Corona, non ha senso che lo facciano adesso.

    • Like 3
  6. 2 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

    Wow, what a surprise to watch a completely different approach to this sort of singers "competition". Actually a competition without competition :lol:  No stress, no public performances. Just a school where all work in groups and the teachers wanting the best for them!

    Even those who left after the first "test" were happy and left with their heads up high.

    After The Voice and X Factor a very relaxing first episode of Star Academie. I can't wait to watch the second part - even if Mika is still not there. I am happy he will take part of it. :thumb_yello:

    I guess one of the reaons Mika decided to participate, is because it's something new and because he has a very different role than in The Voice or X Factor. :original:

  7. 8 hours ago, x_adoring_mika_x said:

    Hi I'm Nina. I am 15 years old and I am new here💕 My latest obsession has become MIKA🤩 I waited a while to join the forum because I didn't know how it worked at first. 🙈 At the end of 2020 I became obsessed with MIKA (way too late, I think😂). When I went shopping with my brother and parents, I heard Grace Kelly on the radio in the car. My mouth fell silent for a moment, I was in love with that voice🥰 My family got it through too 😂. Then I started doing research, and so I got to know a lot of good songs very quickly :)🤩 I already knew Popular Song, oops🙈 The people I've already met from this fandom are so nice, so thank you for that🤗💕  I also have Pinterest where my name is "Nina Martens" I am very active on this 💕 My hobbies are creative stuff, Netflix, listening to music through my record play:mikacool:er

    Btw I'm addicted to the Versailles concert :) Stay safe in these hard times everyone🤗❤️

    Hi Nina and welcome. :welcomeani:


    Have fun in this forum. :original::bye:

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, giraffeandy said:


    I've seen quite a few Spanish series and also some movies on Netflix to improve my Spanish so maybe I could give you some tips if you want but it depends on what genre do you prefer... :spain:

    Thank you, giraffeandy. :flowers2:

    I look pretty much every kind of genre besides of horror movies/series. The best would be if I would have subtitles in Spanish (when they are in English, I'm afraid that I read more the subtitles than concentrate on what they are actually saying :lol3:) and that it's for free is important and I don't have Netflix. I'm not picky with the genre. :biggrin2:

  9. On 1/5/2021 at 10:02 AM, TinyLove_CJ said:

    I do like the Home Alone films too they are hilarious! (but let's forget about the 3rd one... 😶). I was going to put Die Hard on my list but it's so controversial because so many people say it's not a Christmas movie and yet I still watch it at Christmas! 😁 

    (still need to watch the sequels). 

    It's interesting how some films survive the generations. My friend told her children (4 and 6 years old) that the Christ Child would bring their gifts next morning which wasn't a good idea as they already get up at 6 a.m. because of that. :lol3:

    So she put them in front of the TV and let them watch Home Alone. :original:


    I understand why many people say that Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie as they don't connect killing people as something peaceful what many people combine Christmas with. However, at least it's the good guy that kills the bad guys, so happy end. :biggrin2:


    It's a long time that I haven't seen Die Hard 1, so I didn't even remember that it plays during Christmas. However, as I knew that it's always shown then, I thought there has to be a reason and thought: is it shown during Christmas because it's Christmas in the film? And I looked it up and find out that I was right and this is probably the reason. :biggrin2:

    I looked the forth Die Hard by chance at my friend's house at 26 December. The film is from 2007. I had watched it when it came out but not since then. And now I thought: gosh the mobile phones look so old in the film. :lol3:


    I don't look that much films anymore, but rather series or shows; shows of course mostly where Mika participates. :original:

    Now I want to look a series in Spanish with Spanish subtitles but I don't know what yet. Soon I will have watched all interviews with Mika in Spanish as there aren't that much. :original:


    @TinyLove_CJ How is your Italian studying going on? If you have a question don't hesitate to write me a PM. I'm not Italian but since I have been studying Italian for over ten years now (yes already :yikes:), I might be able to help. :biggrin2:


    • Thanks 1
  10. On 12/21/2020 at 11:44 PM, TinyLove_CJ said:

    What's everyone's favourite Christmas movie? I'm not the biggest fan of them actually with only a few exceptions, these are:


    - The Grinch (2000)

    - The Grinch  (2018) - better than the original imo. 

    - Love Actually

    - The Nightmare Before Christmas (which is great because you can watch it on Halloween and Christmas!) 

    - The Snowman and, The Snowman and the Snowdog (I know they're only short but they count!)


    And my all time favourite has to be... 

    ELF! 😁 


    Will Ferrell Santa GIF by filmeditor


    Sorry, really late answer, I'm a busy person while others don't know what to do right now. :biggrin2:


    Strangely, when I think about Christmas, first movies that come into mind are movies that are shown in the German region during Christmas but are actually not Christmas movies.



    A kind of Cinderella movie from 1973, a co-production between the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and the Czechoslovakia, so both countries that don't exist like that anymore contrary to the movie that stil exists and how. I grew up with this movie and it's almost possible at any time at 24, 25, 26 December to find a German channel that shows the movie. So, not even time shift television is necessary. :lol3:


    And then of course the Sissi trilogie.





    It's also shown every Christmas at many German channels. I've to admit that I don't remember everything since my mom watches the movies almost every Christmas and when I saw she was watching it as a child the film had often already started. I know that I've seen a couple of times the whole second part. However, I haven't watched now the movies for many years and I would watch them differently now.

    My 96 years old granny loves the movies. I think she even skiped one mass or rosary because she wanted to watch it, I think at Christmas 2018 or 2019. :teehee:

    The movies were shot between 1955 and 1957, so you can imagine how many times she has seen them since then. :lol3:


    And then I grew up with Home Alone and Home Alone 2 but the topic of these movies is at least Christmas. :lol3:




    And the German channels show always all DIE HARD movies during the Christmas season. The first DIE HARD happens during Christmas, but that is certainly not the thing that I connect to when I think about Christmas. However, I actually like the DIE HARD movies. :lol3:




    • Haha 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, silver said:

    Christmas cracker = paper tube twisted at each end which is pulled by two people.  It has a "snap" , a paper hat, some sort of toy/game/trinket, and a motto or joke.  Christmas cracker jokes are famous for being terrible


    image.jpeg.bca1a13ee69f0d1f9dbc1874402831e5.jpegCaspari Cheers Gold Christmas Crackers | PaperStyle

    I've to admit, I misunderstood it when you said "Christmas cracker". :teehee:


    I think I've seen that before but at New Year's Eve. :original:


    So you have this at Christmas and New Year's Day?

  12. On 12/30/2020 at 6:38 PM, Prisca said:

    Edit: At 27 December, I actually thought that I wouldn't eat raclette this year anymore, but nope, I was wrong. :lol3:


    My friend, where I ate 26 December, asked me what I'm doing New Year's Eve and I told her that it looks like I'm spending New Year's Eve alone. She took pity on me and asked if I wanted to eat with her and her family. She said she still had to clarify that, but it shouldn't really be a problem. I wrote to her today and asked if it was ok. She replied and said it was ok and said they were doing raclette again and asked me if that was ok for me. And since I'm not an a*hole, I said yes, it's ok. :floor:


    This beats my record from another year, where I ate fondue chinoise three times in a few days during the Christmas season. This Christmas, I haven't eaten fondue chinoise or any other fondue once. It almost seems to me that raclette is the only dish this Christmas. Not that I'm complaining, since I don't have to cook myself, but a fondue certainly wouldn't go amiss as a change. :lmao:



    Dear computer,


    Really? Honestly, I already had four times raclette in a short time, no need to show me an add with a discount for that. I think the raclette is following me. :omg_fans:


    At least, I had yesterday also raclette with sweet pepper and garlic that I hadn't had this Christmas season before. :licks_lips:


    Please don't take my raclette problem too seriously. :lol3:


    Happy New Year everyone and stay high. :yay:

    • Haha 3
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