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Posts posted by Prisca

  1. 4 hours ago, Paoletta said:

    @Kumazzz why...  Rai... not yet officially announced Mika's appearance...when there will be Mika ?  

    Even if Rai hasn't announced it yet, Serena Rossi has, so it's pretty sure that Mika well be there on Friday. :yes:


    Intanto dalla settima prossima sarà impegnata nell'importante appuntamento su Raiuno.


    «Spero di ritrovare il sostegno e l'amore del pubblico che mi ha seguito fin qui, soprattutto nell'ultima serie Mina Settembre. E che la gente abbia voglia di emozionarsi con me. Credo molto in questo progetto, è uno spettacolo basato sulla musica e sui sentimenti che può far bene alle persone, soprattutto in questo momento difficile. Tra gli ospiti di venerdì ci saranno Mika, Argentero, Virginia Raffaele, Carlo Conti: li scopriremo - e loro si scopriranno - sotto un'altra veste».


    Meanwhile, from the next seventh she will be engaged in the important appointment on Raiuno.


    «I hope to find the support and love of the public who have followed me here, especially in the latest Mina Settembre series. And that people want to get excited with me. I really believe in this project, it is a show based on music and feelings that can be good for people, especially in this difficult moment. Among the guests on Friday there will be Mika, Argentero, Virginia Raffaele, Carlo Conti: we will discover them - and they will discover themselves - under another guise ».



  2. 5 hours ago, Gabry74 said:

    Ciao, con loro ha anche collaborato Yasmine al progetto ed è un'iniziativa che merita di essere condivisa in tutte le città, non solo a Parigi! :fangurl:


    Sì, sono d'accordo. Ogni città potrebbe sopportare un po' di colore. :yes: Forse Mika lo farà in un'altra città con altri artisti e dipinti un po' più tardi. :dunno_grin: E se no, forse ispirerà altre persone a organizzare la stessa cosa in altre città. :original:

    • Like 2
  3. 10 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:
    14 hours ago, Starlight said:

    Maybe it's just an effect? :dunno:

    I don't think he would do that as his hair was already dark. :naughty:

    But he moves his head like wanting to show us the result of tainting 😁

    Well, he is 37 and he already said that he has some grey hairs, maybe he dyed for this reason his hair? :dunno_grin:

    It is difficult to find the exact same hair colour that you have naturally. :teehee:


    • Like 3
  4. 10 hours ago, mellody said:


    I saw in someone else's Insta story from Athens on the day Mika posted that most of the snow was already gone. If the temperatures went up during the day, it probably was just a few hours that they had that much.

    Crazy that all that snow melted in some hours. Well, normally there isn't snow in Athens so that seems kind of logical. :dunno_grin:

    I hope Mika enjoyed the snow as long it was there. :original:

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, mellody said:


    Maybe...  or maybe he wanted to do it, to show his presence, but also communicate that he can't do more than this right now. I do wonder meanwhile whether it was originally planned that he'd be there in person for all the shows, and not just for 3. Somehow I think that if things had been different, he would have been in this episode in person or at least live via video connection. I hadn't expected that he would sing, I was completely surprised when he suddenly appeared on the screen. It's beautiful, and I think that might be why he wanted to do it. At least I hope it was that way, and not them telling him he has to fulfil his contract by appearing in the show in some way.

    Yes, it's possible that he wanted to do it. :original:

    Yes, we don't know what was planned. :dunno_grin:

    I don't think that he did this to fulfil his contract but I think that it was a good publicity for the show to tell that he will be "live" in the show. :teehee:

    Yes, he sang beautifully. :fangurl:

  6. On 2/6/2021 at 10:29 PM, Kumazzz said:


    Thanks a lot for posting. I can't find "F" website...

    Here is an article quoted from "F".




    Mika confessa: ‘Non so come si scrive con la penna’
    Mika è tornato a parlare della sua dislessia.

    Il cantante durante un'intervista rilasciata al settimanale "F" ha ripercorso alcuni dei momenti più difficili vissuti a causa di questa problematica.


    "Quando andavo a scuola leggere e scrivere mi era impossibile, ma non ero scemo, ero come un pesce su un albero", ha dichiarato al magazine.


    L'artista di origini libanesi ha anche ricordato di essere stato "buttato" fuori dalla scuola in cui andava proprio a causa di questa difficoltà. "A nove anni mi hanno buttato fuori da scuola e addio libri, lettere e persino fumetti", ha raccontato.


    "Dopo tempo finalmente ho avuto una diagnosi grazie a un test psicologico. Avevo una prova legale per il mio problema. Quando un compagno di scuola tentò di fare il bullo, gli sventolai sotto il naso il test e gli dissi che io ero stupido legalmente, mentre lui non aveva scuse per la sua stupidità", ha aggiunto con un pizzico d'ironia.


    "Sono riuscito a sviluppare una versione diversa di intelligenza e a trovare la chiave per avere una vita normale", ha continuato.

    Il 37enne ha però ammesso di avere ancora grosse difficoltà nella quotidianità. "Non riesco a leggere l'ora sull'orologio. Per scrivere uso la tastiera del computer perché per me usare la penna è impossibile", ha concluso.




    Mika confesses: 'I don't know how to write with a pen'


    Mika went back to talking about his dyslexia.

    The singer during an interview with the weekly "F" retraced some of the most difficult moments experienced due to this problem.

    "When I was in school, reading and writing was impossible, but I wasn't stupid, I was like a fish in a tree," he told the magazine.

    The Lebanese-born artist also recalled being "thrown" out of the school he went to precisely because of this difficulty. "When I was nine they threw me out of school and goodbye books, letters and even comics," he said.

    "After a while I finally got a diagnosis thanks to a psychological test. I had legal proof for my problem. When a school friend tried to bully, I waved the test under his nose and told him that I was legally stupid, while he had no excuse for his stupidity, "he added with a hint of irony.

    "I was able to develop a different version of intelligence and find the key to having a normal life," he continued.

    The 37-year-old, however, admitted that he still has great difficulties in everyday life. "I can't read the time on the clock. I use the computer keyboard to write because it's impossible for me to use a pen," he concluded.



    Here are the exactly words that I typed from the picture:




    Da quando nasce nel 1983 a Beirut, in Libano, Mika gira parecchio con la famiglia, a Parigi, poi a Londra.

    E a scuola ha mille difficoltà, con gli insegnanti e i compagni di classe.

    Non capisce, si sente stupido.

    "Leggere e scrivere mi era impossibile, ma non ero scemo, ero come un pesce su un albero. A nove anni mi hanno butatto fuori da scuola e addio libri, lettere, e perfino fumetti". Poi la diagnosi di dislessia arriva con un testo psicologico.

    "Finalmente avevo una prova legale per il mio problema. Quando un compagno di scuola tentò di fare il bullo, gli sventolai sotto il naso il test e gli dissi che io ero stupido legalmente, mentre lui non aveve scuse per la sua stupidità": imperfetto, forse, ma perfetto nel sapere difendere.

    È la mamma, insieme alla passione per la musica, a salvarlo dalle discriminazioni, a fare emergere la sua potenzialità. "Sono riuscito a sviluppare una versione diversa dell'intelligenza e a trovare la chiave per avere una vita normale".

    Anche se tuttora non riesce a leggere l'ora sull'orologico "e per scrivere uso la tastiera del computer, con la penna è impossibile per me". Uguale con gli spartiti musicali, una fatica assurda, ma parla perfettamente sette lingue. E la vita lo premia.

    Il successo dal 2006 è inarrestabile: scrive canzoni, fa tour mondiali, riempie teatri, stadi e lavora molto in tv, da X Factor a the Voice. La sofferenza diventa coraggio, condivide la sua esperienza perché nessuno si senta diverso. "Sono gay", ha agiunto due anni fa la popstar. "Lo so dall'età di 13 anni".


    :uk: (machine translated and some obvious mistakes corrected)


    Since he was born in 1983 in Beirut, Lebanon, Mika has travelled a lot with his family, to Paris and then to London.

    And at school he has a lot of difficulties with teachers and classmates.

    He doesn't understand, he feels stupid.

    "Reading and writing was impossible for me, but I wasn't dumb, I was like a fish in a tree. When I was nine years old, I was thrown out of school and goodbye to books, letters, and even comics". Then the diagnosis of dyslexia came with a psychological text.

    "Finally I had legal proof for my problem. When a schoolmate tried to bully me, I waved the test under his nose and told him that I was legally stupid, while he had no excuse for his stupidity": imperfect, perhaps, but perfect in knowing how to defend.

    It is his mother, together with his passion for music, who saves him from discrimination, who brings out his potential. "I was able to develop a different version of intelligence and find the key to a normal life.

    Although he still can't tell the time on his watch, "and to write I use the computer keyboard, with the pen it's impossible for me". It's the same with sheet music, an absurd effort, but he speaks seven languages perfectly. And life rewards him.

    Since 2006, his success has been unstoppable: he has been writing songs, touring the world, filling theatres and stadiums and working a lot on TV, from the X Factor to the Voice. Suffering becomes courage, he shares his experience so that no one feels different. "I'm gay," the pop star added two years ago. "I've known since I was 13 years old".


    It's obviously wrong that Mika speaks seven languages fluently and that he had his coming out 2 years ago but that's what the article says. :dunno_grin:



    • Thanks 2
  7. 11 hours ago, Pollynessa said:

    Hello everyone! I'm Paulina and I come from Poland.

    I've been a fan for more or less a year and I can say that I rediscovered Mika (yes, because I knew him before, but didn't pay attention to him, shame on me) when I’d started learning Italian... I knew his songs before, I listened to some of them quite often but I didn't realise that he is such a lovely person. But it’s changed when I was watching The Sanremo Music Festival last year and saw Mika performing "Amore che vieni, amore che vai" by Fabrizio de André... and I was speechless...:cloud: This is how it began - I started watching his interviews in Italian, then, of course, I discovered Stasera Casa Mika etc. And what can I say? I love his music, his personality... I remember that Mika was kind of an anchor for me when the pandemic started - I was a bundle of nerves in these difficult moments but his music and his Instagram live videos (like cooking with Mika) helped me a lot. He is such an inspiration to me, I even started learning French for him (such a sacrifice haha). 

    And to be honest I've been following MFC on Instagram for a long time but I don't post here very often due to lack of time... but my New Year's resolution is to change it and I'll do my best :)


    Greetings for all Mikafreaks! Stay high! :lustslow:

    Nice to meet you Paulina :bye: and :welcomeani:.

    I'm Prisca from Switzerland.


    I also discovered Mika while learning Italian. :biggrin2:

    I knew some of his songs but I had no idea who he was. :original:


    Really nice New Year's resolution. :thumb_yello:

    • Like 2
  8. 9 hours ago, lormare73 said:

    All the Italian newspapers report December too, quoting only the Parisien article. I think nobody read the Le monde article. @dcdeb confirmed that it happened mid january and obviously we trust her, not the tabloids. 😉

    I guess many journalists misinterpret the fact that Mika said that his mother passed away shortly after the Versailles concert and think that it happened in December. However, "shortly after" can easily be mid January this year, if you consider the whole life, some weeks after the concert is a really short time. And I agree with you, when Deb says it was mid January, then it was mid January.



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  9. 11 hours ago, Kumazzz said:


    Mika interview on 29 January 2021 in Paris



    I'm really sad to hear that Joannie Penniman passed away. :sad:


    I also think that Mika did many things right.

    He wanted her to sing for his last album and he made her doing this after an important surgery although his family couldn't understand why. I kind of have the feeling that he was aware of the fact that his mom is maybe not that long anymore among us and unfortunately he was right. :sad: Her voice at the album is a nice memory. :original:


    I also think that the fact that he played her cover version of Tiny Love at the New Year's Eve concert was a really nice gift to her.


    I'm also really happy that she could assist his concert at Versailles that is shown now, so that there was at least somehing positive for her in 2020.


    I send Mika and his family all the love I have and all the power in the world.


    :rip: Joannie Penniman

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