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Everything posted by Prisca

  1. Um..., I don't know if I remember how to do that! 🙈 Yeah, me too in a way, but if he hasn't given any sign of life for 5 days, he's probably really in the desert now.. Well, if he doesn't have internet, I can whisper as long as I want, he won't post. Or do you think that's a cinch after I whispered him onto my plane? Shall I tell you something: Magic often works when I believe in it the least. Mika It's been over a month now since I was on the same plane with you and you wrote me the postcard and I still haven't thanked you. I'll make up for it now: Thank you for the kind words, you really made my day with them. I hope you are well. Are you in the desert, as we suspect? We would love to hear from you (Instagram or Twitter would be perfect).
  2. Ah, I forgot to mention. Watch out for roaming fees. Since Switzerland is not in the EU, you still have to pay them...
  3. As I am straight I prefer to leave space for the LGBTQIA+ community here. However, since you seem to have connections and be able to offer a general "massage" to Mika, it is tempting to get involved.
  4. I know, old joke, but at least it wasn't an "r". Ask Forrest Gump which socks he is wearing.
  5. Yes, that is quite possible. I can also charge my mobile phone with the EU power sock, but not my laptop, because there the plug has three prongs (or how are they called?).
  6. Oh man, at least it looks like you can still go to the festival. 🙈
  7. Yeah, I'm not surprised. They must have forgotten to include the concert tickets in my ranking. 😜
  8. The ten most expensive cities in the world Okay, I've noticed that New York is expensive. I wasn't in Los Angeles long enough. Where is London?
  9. Honestly, Nina and I didn't feel like it was cheap in the US and Canada, and neither of us are exactly from countries where things are cheap.
  10. Tips for Caribana Especially for people who are in Switzerland for the first time. I hope it helps you a little. Swiss socket: They are slightly different than in the EU, so make sure they work with your devices and buy an adapter if necessary. Which power plugs and sockets in Switzerland? In Switzerland the power plugs and sockets are of type J. Type J: mainly used in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. This socket also works with plug C. But plug N will NOT work. https://www.power-plugs-sockets.com/switzerland/ The website of the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB CFF FFS) with all public transport services (in EN, FR, IT, DE). https://www.sbb.ch/en/home.html Currency = CHF Euro bills are sometimes accepted (also the machines of the Swiss Federal Railways), but the change is often in francs. You can often pay by card, but I would at least take some cash in CHF. Or pay with Euro bills in the supermarkets Migros or Coop (don't know if the other chains also offer this) or buy a train ticket at a machine and you get the change back in francs, then you also have francs. Or, of course, there are ATMs to withdraw francs. Switzerland is an expensive country, I can't do anything about that, but you can save money on certain things. The tap water is drinkable (is better in the country than in the city) and there are fountains almost everywhere where you can fill up your bottle. Anyway, if you prefer non-carbonated water, don't spend all your money on water. Unfortunately, I don't know if you are allowed to bring a water bottle to the festival. And food? I guess if you were allowed to camp, you would be allowed to take food too with you, but so, I don't know. But if you buy water, buy it at the supermarket if you can and not at the festival (a 5-dl bottle of water will certainly cost 5 CHF there, tending to be more), not at to-go-shops or at kiosks. The same applies to soft drinks, buy them in the supermarket. And don't look for alcohol in Migros (Migrolino = convenience shop has alcohol), there is none. The founder of the chain didn't want to make money with alcohol and that's why it's still like this in 2022 (but it's being voted on now). Example supermarket chain Migros: Mineral water without carbonic acid 5 dl Of course, you can also buy a single bottle = 0.60 CHF per bottle. Example supermarket chain Migros: Sparkling mineral water 5 dl Of course, you can also buy a single bottle = 0.60 CHF per bottle. The bigger the bottle, the cheaper it is for the amount you get. But you will have to carry it. The largest Swiss supermarket chains have low-cost lines: Migros “M-Budget” and Coop “Prix Garantie”. And then there are also the Aldi and Lidl chains, which tend to be cheaper, but I don't shop there, so I don't know exactly what they have. But there are far fewer shops of them than Migros or Coop. Restaurants are expensive in Switzerland, but take-aways are cheaper because you don't have to buy a drink (in some countries water is free in the restaurant, not in Switzerland). And since it's warm and possibly dry during the festival, you can sit comfortably somewhere in the park with your food. Sorry is in German, but Migros also has a to go section where you can get a menu for 8.50 CHF and other things. And there are takeaways from all kinds of cuisines. And supermarkets are real treasure troves (in the evening, there are also often fresh products that are 33% or 50% depreciated): I know this will still be much more expensive for some than in the country of origin, but much cheaper compared to a restaurant. And meat and fish are unfortunately very expensive in Switzerland. And beware: fruits and vegetables sold by weight in the supermarket you have to weigh yourself (in Lidl, Aldi and Denner I don't think, but otherwise yes, the crazy Swiss trust the customers to weigh it right ). Look if there is a number, it will save you having to walk back from the checkout or wait for the cashier to come back: I don't know how much the food will cost at the festival. But I was at a festival in my canton this month (which is not directly known for being expensive). A portion of fries cost 7 CHF and fries with sausage 10 CHF. It won't be any cheaper at Caribana and that will probably be among the cheapest things you can buy there. A lot of food will probably cost around 15 CHF (but I've never been there, so take it with a grain of salt). So you see, it's expensive at the festival but you don't need to rob a bank to afford some food. If you have any other questions about Switzerland, I will try to answer them.
  11. @Tzilazta With only three singers performing, I would expect Mika to do a full set, but I don't know.
  12. Warning: Before you put two mobile phones in your bag, make sure you know the gender or there could be babies.
  13. Yes, I had two mobile phones with me when I flew to the US. The US sim card only worked for a while with one phone because it was too old and since the other phone wasn't younger, that probably wouldn't have worked either and with the phone I bought, that makes three.
  14. No, because I bought a mobile phone in Boston because my Swiss phone provider failed to fix the technical error in time that prevented me from using the internet (even though they had assured me that the error would be fixed by the time I went to the US ).
  15. Yes, I also went to America with two phones, I came back with three (don't ask 🙈). Yes, and even if you have it, you're screwed without an internet connection. 🙈
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