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Posts posted by SusanT

  1. 2 hours ago, Mikasister said:





    What a year! And what a year that is coming up. Here’s to 2024 and all the rambling, crazy, surprising adventures that we will all go on together! Happy holidays to everyone. M x


    It's funny how Mika digresses into talking about his aunt 😄  

    • Haha 2
  2. 19 hours ago, lormare73 said:

    I found this podcast in French. It is quite long and from the first minutes I have listened to it looks quite interesting. 





    Thank you. But there's so much I didn't understand. Maybe I'll give it another go during the holidays at . . . a . . . slower . . . speed. :original:

  3. 7 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:



    The interview for Radio Evasion (audio).


    He sais about the tour:

    A tour not only in France but in many other countries.

    It supposed to be France and one date in Belgium. But we have as well Holland, Germany England, Ireland, Asia, North America...


    Do you feel ready?

    No! I never feel ready! But we are doing our best. 

    Can you tell us something about the show?

    I am looking for a concept sort of an opera pop, rock, electro. It's something quite intense with a lot of visuals, and scenography quite ...


    It's intense. That's all I can tell you.

    A lot of musicians?

    Not too many. But there is a lot of musicians pre-recorded.  For the show I make a pre-production which implicates around 65 musicians. I can't put 65 musicians on the stage. So I do it in a different way. You will see them. But they will not be there. 






    The 65 musicians ( at least in part) for Je sais que je t'aime?

  4. Domani, 19 novembre, si terrà Sanremo Giovani per scegliere i 3 cantanti che partecipareranno  al Festival di Sanremo a febbraio. Tra di loro si trova Fellow, il giovane cantante che faceva parte del roster di Mika a X Factor nel 2021.  Credo che ci sarà anche il televoto per il pubblico a casa.   Se volete, sostenete Fellow. :original: Anche lui segue Mika su Instagram.

    • Like 2
  5. 11 hours ago, Presci1108 said:

    There's so much touching interviews those last months, I wasn't ready for this one. :tears: At the same time it breaks my heart, and at the same time, I find this tribute beautiful...


    I think the fact he and his brother/sisters painted the coffin is the most beautiful hommage they could make for their mother, that's so beautiful in the middle of all the sadness and loss they should have all feel...  

    I imagine painting the coffin was also therapeutic for them, it helped lessen their pain. 

    • Like 5
  6. On 12/16/2023 at 5:28 PM, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

    I am not sure if this video with 15 minutes interview for Europe 1 has been posted.



    I had been looking for this video because I came across it a few days ago and wanted to watch it again.

    I liked Mika's description of what "maison"

    (home) means to him. He said it's inside his head and includes, among other things, the stage, his dogs, preparing a big concert, a supermarket, a discussion with his sister, choosing fabric (I guess for his outfits), preparing meatballs and . . . tomato sauce (my favorite). 😊

    Mika also said that it truly warmed his heart that venues for a show promoted with a French title sold out so fast in the UK (and Ireland, I would add).

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 3
  7. 3 hours ago, CharlotteL said:

    Scusate per disturbare il vostro Thread italiano :D

    Ma anch'io sono confusa che l'album non riceva molta promozione in Italia. La radio in Italia non suona musica in oltre lingue di Italiano o Inglese in generale?

    Perché in Germania per esempio sono piú canzoni Francese che in Inghilterra almeno da artisti molto famosi come Stromae,... e ho pensato che è la stessa cosa in Italia. E specialmente Mika è un artista molto conosciuto e amato in Italia.

    Non posso credere che la ragione è una rivalità antica.

    Proprio oggi ho dato uno sguardo alla classifica dei top 30  album ascoltati in Italia su Spotify e iTunes. Spotify aveva solo 5 album stranieri, mi pare Buble', Travis Scott, Mariah Carey, Swift e Peter Gabriel. ITunes ne aveva un po' di più ( per es Pink Floyd) ma erano sempre pochi e in lingua inglese. Credo che in Italia non si ascolti molta musica in francese ( forse giusto Stromae?) però qualcuno che ascolta più musica di me dovrebbe rispondere.

    Appena e' uscito il nuovo album di Mika è apparso in classifica di iTunes  Italia in una buona posizione ( 14°) ma poi è sparito. Immagino che le radio potrebbero fare di più se volessero.


    Spero tanto che a Lucca Mika ci canti molte delle sue nuove canzoni. ❤  




    • Like 3
  8. I listened to the RFM interview understanding a lot of it (knowing what Mika said on other occasions helps) but I have a question about the part where Mika is asked about Italy.


    I understood that he says that for a long time he had wanted to record an album in French since ha has a special relationship with France and he finally decided to go ahead with the project, not caring about the potential risks. Then the interviewer suggests that he could put out an album in Italian as well. Mika doesn't actually reply to this ( in other interviews he has said that singing in Italian is not so simple for him) but I think answers that his new album has aroused interest in various countries, for example Japan, but not so much in Italy; he comments that even the UK has shown greater interest ( in the new album?) than Italy, which shares a border with France. And he can't explain why.

    Have I understood correctly?

    • Like 3
  9. 6 hours ago, Gabry74 said:

    Ciao, Lucca sarà l'unica data italiana, ma è stato un delirio riuscire a prendere i posti. Fino a pochi minuti prima, la cartina dava il parterre in piedi davanti, ma così non era. I posti migliori erano nella platea gold. Il resto: tribune numerate e posti in piedi dietro. Io sono riuscita a prendere miracolosamente un posto in prima fila, fronte palco, ma non per le mie amiche. Per loro ho trovato una terza e una quarta fila. Spero di riuscire a prendere posti migliori anche per loro. C'è ancora molto tempo e chissà... Incrocio le dita! :crossed:

    Io non sono abituata a prenotare posti ai concerti quindi ho dovuto ripetere la procedura lunedì mattina quando ho commesso qualche errore. ( Meno male che dovevo prendere servizio a scuola solo  alle 11!) Però quando quando mi sono collegata alle 10.02 erano già spariti i posti nelle prime file. Alla fine ho preso 3 posti Gold in fila 9 sezione B perché non ho fatto in tempo x fila 8. Pazienza 🙂

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