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Vero Bott

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Everything posted by Vero Bott

  1. We've heard just a snippet but I really love it already! Simply love at first note ❤️
  2. Oh, but what a lovely view! I'd pay for that. Me too, I would even consider such place a VIP experience But he might choose such places intentionally, you know, to be unnoticed and invisible.
  3. I believe this belongs here And moreover, this place seems to be undeservedly neglected for a long time! 😄❤️
  4. I'm just wondering about the existing tickets - those were all standing tickets, so will people with those tickets be able to choose seated/standing, or...? Like, I don't really care, I want to stand anyway, I'm just curious
  5. I mean, it's of course great news for Mika and I'm happy for him ❤️ But at the same time I was sort of happy about the concert in a smaller, more intimate venue
  6. After the very first listen, I wasn't sure what to think. But after the third listen, I was already humming "libre, libre, libre comme l'air, vivre, vivre, vivre a ma maniere" and that "la-la-la" part and moving to the rhythm so yeah, I really like the song and it's definitely an ear worm!
  7. Oh yeah, the regrets... And you're right, it's true that they required horizontal videos, so we'll see if there's anything else coming
  8. Not until now. But now, it's the only possible explanation of him actually sitting down! The room looks almost castle-ish - not my cup of tea either but fitting for our King, right?
  9. Stunning! Mika is the OOL again, this time the origin of LIGHT ✨ To me, it just looks like a cute little fascinator
  10. Just rewatched Mika's speech he gave in the morning, now with headphones, and cried for the second time today. Then watched the latter interview and cried for the third time. The scenes Mika described were so touching, he was so sincere. It seemed he felt more vulnerable in that school environment (for obvious reasons) 🥺 At the same time, the speech was so inpiring, and full of courage and hope. Mika has an incredible sense of empathy, he did absolutely fantastic with the kids. Loved the story with Mika's mum entering the classroom to speak to the prof and his vivid memory of embarassement as if it was yesterday 🥺 💕 "Je vous souhaite des shorts roses" 💕
  11. I really like how everyone's perception of the video differs, it feels somewhat enriching Speaking for myself, it gives me positive vibes. As Mika lies under the glitter globe, I feel like no matter how hard you're knocked down, you can still "move the (your) world", in the right direction and desired speed. Similarly with the scene with the fire behind the curtain - Mika comes out of there, strong, like a phoenix if you will. The scene where he's being covered with the white paint - it looks a little bit like concrete to me - and again, even if it's hard, you can move your body and keep going. In this golden scene, he seems fragile in the beginning, as if lacking love, but then again, he bursts into dance. Overall, to me, the video is packed with sensual, positive and hopeful atmosphere 🧡 I might be totally off, but that's just how the video and the song speak to me
  12. I saw it but I'm not really sure what I saw - it was too quick and I didn't know what to watch first - the video, the live - apparently my two-screening skills suck!
  13. Same! But then I thought it's just (stupid) me and that it's apparently clear to everyone else
  14. Honestly, it crossed my mind that they might actually mean midnight on the preceding day... It's a pity, they should have been clearer, so sorry for everyone not being able to submit their video 😢
  15. Congrats and fingers crossed for you! I've been waiting if the list of countries gets updated but it seems I eventually have to become German for the purpose of the submission It seems unlikely they're gonna fix this last minute I guess...
  16. I've got the video ready too, and thinking whether to send it - my head keeps playing me this scene of Mika as a judge, pressing the red buzzer as in X Factor and saying "God no!!"
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