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Vero Bott

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Everything posted by Vero Bott

  1. They're all the same, furs always full of tiny little treasures! 🤣 They are absolutely beautiful ❤️ (long-haired german shepherds?)
  2. You're right, she's a ball of fluff ❤️
  3. I just thought we (me and Airy) could say hi to you all ☺️ She quite enjoyed being my model again... well everything for treats I guess 😄 Lets hop into next week just like Airy did! ❤️
  4. Loooved the snippets, can't wait to hear the full song (and see the video from the crowd) ♥️ The audience response was amazing, it proves how great the new song is! 😍
  5. I believe this is from Matera, not Chieti 🙂 Not that it matters, the photos are beautiful anyway, but just so you know 😉
  6. Some photos from yesterday's night 🥰🥰🥰 It was amazing and I couldn't stop myself... dancing and singing my heart out! ❤️ @TinyLove_CJ Tiger Junior was the cutest! ❤️
  7. Noticed the bracelet (😍) and the ring too - more photos of the ring needed for us, the "treasure hunters" 😀 And the mushrooms seem to be metal 🙂 https://instagram.com/stories/bea.dilauro/3137629326135905952?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==
  8. More mushrooms 🍄❤️🍄
  9. Just finished reading it and... I'm not crying you are 🥺🤭 A really great interview this one 😍
  10. You are right, that night really was spectacular And btw, hello Maison Brisson co-guest
  11. Mika was amazing and mind-blowing in Talence, loved every single second ❤️❤️❤️ What a show! ❤️ VID_46720415_093917_279.mp4 VID_46380427_031303_936.mp4 VID_54250925_151933_918.mp4
  12. Hello Angelica, how much is Songs for Sorrow, please? ☺️
  13. Hi Leo, nice to meet you and welcome! I'm Veronika from Czechia and I'm quite a newbie here too. Totally understand the urge to see Mika live! I'm happy for you that you're seeing him in Sion. I couldn't wait any longer and bought a ticket to his gig in Talence Enjoy your time here, browsing sooo many interesting topics and photos
  14. Poor baby 🥹 Sending cuddles ❤️
  15. The girls should wear collars with their initials so that we recognize them
  16. Hang on a second, I missed the last one! Had to revisit! I also can't wait for the next week's finale, the teasers looked so good ❤️ And as every week, there were so many talents, I especially liked Matthew, there was something so sweet about him and his piano play.
  17. Mika's laugh at 0:12, so precious bfarahnick's IG post screen-20230307-215813~2.mp4
  18. Or to sum it up, no matter where and when, thank god he wrote it
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