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LONDON FANS... what's going on out there?


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I remember it also very clearly. And I did nothing special, reading a book and listening to some music when the radio DJ announced the attacks. Everytime I hear this song somewhere I have to turn it off, I can't listen to it.


Oh, and I know a lot of very peaceful muslims - but sometimes I think peace doesn't have a chance against all this hate.

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that is sooo scary:thumbdown:

everyone needs to realx and listen to MIKA....MIKA WILL make the world better!!!

I hope everyone is good and i hope nothing else like this happens....and isn't there suppose to be a mika gig nearby or something?!?

oh gosh i'm scared for mfcers and mika and everyone else!!! :shocked:

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theres always some chance!! call me optomistic, and all that, but i really believe it. i believe for me to have come through all i have, and still be alive is a perfect example of love triumphing over hate. but sometimes i think it has more to do with who you are than what you do.

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i just remembered these word my sister has been drumming into me all my life ( it's in maori, but ill translate )

"The success or failure of your deeds does not add up to the sum of your life. your spirit cannot be wieghed. judge yourself by the intentions of your actions and by the strength with which you faced the challenges that have stoof in your way"

just rmember that. it helps.

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You are right! Sadly I'm quite pessimistic at the moment because I've gone through some rough times, so I really need some optimistic people around.


It's giving me hope that people who want peace seem to be the majority, as far as I can see...just look at this forum! :thumb_yello:

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but sometimes I think peace doesn't have a chance against all this hate.


It's not just hate on their side--it's also all the violence that some of them live in, that is in large part due to other countries. When you grow up in an atmosphere of violence, when there are always bombs in your country and death and marginalization and that's all you know--well, you may not feel very peaceful then.


Unfortunately the leaders of most countries feed off that hate and fear to get power. So while people may want peace, politicians are quite content to push for war so long as they think it'll help them get their way... after all, they're not the ones who'll be caught in the crossfire.



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its because we are mika-fied


well said my friend!!!! :thumb_yello::thumb_yello::biggrin2:

mika makes everything better. he is a fresh breeze and everyone he attracts is loving...don't u find mika fans r the best?!?! i believe u attract ppl like yourself and mika being the guy he is attracts positive ppl :)

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It's not just hate on their side--it's also all the violence that some of them live in, that is in large part due to other countries. When you grow up in an atmosphere of violence, when there are always bombs in your country and death and marginalization and that's all you know--well, you may not feel very peaceful then.


Unfortunately the leaders of most countries feed off that hate and fear to get power. So while people may want peace, politicians are quite content to push for war so long as they think it'll help them get their way... after all, they're not the ones who'll be caught in the crossfire.




i find politicians ach work against us and not 4 us, the ppl. i mean most of them r in it for themselves and i personally find, well at least where i live, politicians make matters worse and do more harm than good.

on that note...wouldn't it be great to have mika as prime minister/president...how cool will that be!! lollipops all around yummm :biggrin2: jk.

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what where you doing when 9/11 happened that makes you remeber it so clearly?


OMG - it was so surreal. I was on my way to work (Vancouver, British Columbia) on the "seabus" - there is an inlet dividing the North Shore from downtown Vancouver so this "bus" which is actually a boat ferries you across. We were all settled in for the approx. 8 min. trip when all of a sudden peoples' cell phones started going off. You could hear little tidbits flying around and people started to freak out and have mini meltdowns! No one knew for sure what had happened but comments like "OMG - crash in the Pentagon??' "Plane crash in New York?" "Something terrible at the Trade Center" were spreading around. By the time we got to the other side everyone was panicked. By the time I got to the hospital where I worked I was just in time to see the 2nd plane crash. My colleagues and I were in major shock. Then the towers collapsed. I still had to do my job that day, working with patients, but every chance I got I went into the chart room to follow up on any new developments. I was a major zombie - I do not know how I functioned! Everyone else was a basketcase too, and because of my profession I felt obligated to comfort others going through this horrendous tragedy. To this very moment, I still cannot believe what went down that horribly traumatic day......

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Yes it's true Jack, they don't know anything else...they give what they get, and it's really sad I think.


wouldn't it be great to have mika as prime minister/president


I will vote for him!!! :naughty:

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The flight after????? OMG! Talk about charmed!


yeah, i know! we where so scared, cos we got the times wrong, adn thought he was on it. on my first day of school in england, my ma pulled me out to find out if pa was okay! didnt go well from there.....

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yeah, i know! we where so scared, cos we got the times wrong, adn thought he was on it. on my first day of school in england, my ma pulled me out to find out if pa was okay! didnt go well from there.....


Goodness, that sounds so horrible! When you don't know what's going on... :shocked:

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yeah, i know! we where so scared, cos we got the times wrong, adn thought he was on it. on my first day of school in england, my ma pulled me out to find out if pa was okay! didnt go well from there.....


JEEZ, if I were you or your mom I woudl've had a cat!!! That's only if I didn't go into cardiac arrest first!!!!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

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haha...yeah...without dad she would be looking after 6 kids, and housing her mother and her sister and her husband. god - that really is lucky. i actually dont remember being that scared.....


You're very fortunate that you weren't that scard... maybe you were too young to really comprehend the ramifications.... how old are you?


My god - your mom would've been toast with so many dependents! But the main thing would be the devastating loss of her spouse - the loneliness, etc. How horrible! I am sooooo glad it all worked out for you guys, hun.


Just on the aside, one thing I find so unbelievable is that my therapist told me that he has NEVER seen any of the footage, videotapes or transcripts of 9/11. Smart man! Did not want to traumatize himself! Wish I could say the same....

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i was 11 when it happened....so i remember it, just suppose i had been throught too much to take in any more when it happened. if pa had died, it would have detroyed me. and mum.....the whole family. we where so lucky.


Yeah, no kidding, losing a loved one is devastating enough - to lose someone under the 9/11 circumstances would be absolutely horrific......


I guess that's why I took 9/11 so hard - I really, really empathize with people... both personally and professionally...... unfortunately, I tend to get too close, at times......

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i was 11 when it happened....so i remember it, just suppose i had been throught too much to take in any more when it happened. if pa had died, it would have detroyed me. and mum.....the whole family. we where so lucky.


No kidding - your family had luck on your side that day! I was in grade 12, and had skipped class that day - I didn't hear about it until like 4pm, and by then everything was on instant replay on every TV channel.


The 2005 London bombings were scary because my fiance has a lot of family in London, and coincedentally all but his favourite auntie were visiting us in Canada at the time - but we had a hard time getting ahold of her for quite a while. I'm sure there are many, many stories like that.


Things like the London attacks, 9/11, various wars - it's almost surreal. I was reading up on the Lebanese civil war (the one that caused Mika's family to end up in Paris) and I couldn't help but think how tough that must have been on Mika's family. I mean, in the early part of 1983 Mika's sisters would have been quite young, and then with another one on the way amidst all the turmoil. That must have been so challenging for his family (and countless others in that area).


Here's a the Wikipedia entry I was reading about it, in case anyone is interested:



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