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Why is he a hero?

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Mika is my hero because of his brave individuality and love for the world. He doesn't compromise a single thing about himself and yet he's lovable all on his own. What used to worry me is this: I thought that one day he might lose his humble quality that I love so much and actually be like the typical rock/pop star... but upon meeting him... I knew he would never change... he's got a rock solid foundation and a family to help slap him down to reality... not that he would ever drift far from reality :)... He's my hero because his career started as all great ideas do... a day dream... He and I are very similar in that way... we live in our dreams... we boycott the harshness of reality and help others see the world through rose colored glasses:mf_rosetinted:



p.s. feel free to get all mushy... my threads have been known to make people cry:cheerful_h4h:



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Well..I love mika..he is my hero

Because he gave me the confidence to be myself.

He has given all his fans to get up there && to be themselves and that we shouldnt care what people think of us!

He has such a good heart and loves being himself.

What i really love is that he can go up there wearing really bright clothes without caring what people would say about him!

I love the way he is sooo strong about his music.

I love the way he gets up there and loses control.

I love the way he respects his fans.

I love the way he is.

That is why he is my hero.

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Well he's my hero because...


He does what he thinks is right. He isnt like some trashy Paris Hilton or some over-uber-****ty-pop-star, he's Mika.

He is talented and people wanted his talent but not the Mika. But he kept working and now he's still here.

That's why I like him. He's not going to change for no one. More people should do that, including me, sometimes. :D

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I wish I would have the great talent of expressing my feelings and ideas in words, but ok, I'll try. One of the hard-to-explain reasons is that he has something, don't know what, that it's impossible to resist, and I'm not totally the person who adores somebody for his looks or fame or smth like that. I've seen so many famous, talented, good-looking people, but nobody has tempted me like Mika, everything about him - his music, his personality, looks, opinion, his slightest movement - is more unique and touching to me than anything else. When I first heard his music I realized that it is the one that I've been always missing, it is solution to why-can't-there-be-music-like-this question for me. It might sound mad but I think if you adore somebody you can't stop watching at his face because there are no two expressions the same, it is always changing and you can't fully understand it. And Mika has this ever-changing expression that never makes me bored. I am really tempted by Mika's attitude towards his fans and other people, he is not at all arrogant, he is so kind and sincere that it makes me wish with all my heart that I could do something good to him and I am sorry that I can not. I admire his courage to be himself and his gentleness in relationships with other people, these two traits in one person are quite rare, I think. I just love everything about him. Sometimes I feel that he takes even more space in my heart than there is.


Now, this probably looks freaky and I will understand if nobody understands this, I usually also do not understand my thoughts when I have written them and try to read them.

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I wish I would have the great talent of expressing my feelings and ideas in words, but ok, I'll try. One of the hard-to-explain reasons is that he has something, don't know what, that it's impossible to resist, and I'm not totally the person who adores somebody for his looks or fame or smth like that. I've seen so many famous, talented, good-looking people, but nobody has tempted me like Mika, everything about him - his music, his personality, looks, opinion, his slightest movement - is more unique and touching to me than anything else. When I first heard his music I realized that it is the one that I've been always missing, it is solution to why-can't-there-be-music-like-this question for me. It might sound mad but I think if you adore somebody you can't stop watching at his face because there are no two expressions the same, it is always changing and you can't fully understand it. And Mika has this ever-changing expression that never makes me bored. I am really tempted by Mika's attitude towards his fans and other people, he is not at all arrogant, he is so kind and sincere that it makes me wish with all my heart that I could do something good to him and I am sorry that I can not. I admire his courage to be himself and his gentleness in relationships with other people, these two traits in one person are quite rare, I think. I just love everything about him.


Now, this probably looks freaky and I will understand if nobody understands this, I usually also do not understand my thoughts when I have written them and try to read them.


i totally feel ya.

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Mika is my hero because....


Well first of all he is a big inspiration to not only me, but to loads of other people. He is just so down to earth. I totally agree with you sesil17aa, I can´t express myself better than you did.


Personally he is a hero to me because I have had some tough times in the past months, but Mikas music and personality has always put a smile on my face. Everytime I hear his voice or see a picture of him I instantly fill with joy. It´s really strange. Without Mikas music today, I can´t picture how my life would be now....

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Mika is my hero, because he makes me smile just by thinking of something he said. He makes me feel proud for being myself which I always have been, but I feel a little less awkward about it because of him. The number one reason he is my hero is because he got me to sing. First of all I love singing, it's something I'd like to pursue, but I'm probably the shyest person in the world and I NEVER sing if someone one is home or especially in my room. I refuse. That hasn't changed, but what has changed is that I actually sing for myself now. I love it. So thank you Mika.

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he's got a rock solid foundation and a family to help slap him down to reality...


Haha, that gave me this mental picture of Mika starting to act all diva-ish, then his family getting angry and gathering to lay the smackdown on him :roftl: hahahaha!




What I admire about Mika is the way he just seems to radiate joy, and also the way he's quite happy to be his interesting, quirky self without giving a damn what anyone else thinks. I've never come across anyone else before who'd make a little speech about how important it is that he feeds his Tamagotchi, or who'd insist on skipping to the zoo :roftl: and it's just nice to see, y'know? Watching interviews with him in and listening to his music always brings a smile to my face. ^_^

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lol I can't remember my life before mika... for some reason, he opened my eyes to life for the first time... I don't know why.. .its a mystery:mf_lustslow:


I have the same feeling, that he has opened my eyes for life... for a whole new world http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6996543033198797027&q=whole+new+world&total=6306&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0

I just had to put that link there :blush-anim-cl:

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I have the same feeling, that he has opened my eyes for life... for a whole new world http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6996543033198797027&q=whole+new+world&total=6306&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0

I just had to put that link there :blush-anim-cl:


awwww lol that's cute... everything... is mika! every time someone says "love" I think "today" or "relax" lol..."take it easy" It's so awesome to have something to look forward to in the mornings... listening to his music... he really makes me love today... and that is no easy task :wink2:

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Mika is absolutely my hero too!


His music always makes me so happy, and it makes me smile!

I don't want to sound gushy or ridiculous, but he really made my life happier! And I mean it seriously.


For example this one happened to me several times:

I am sitting on a crowded bus, I'm tired, I'm hot, everybody else is like me on the bus... and then I start to listen to Mika's music on my ipod, and literally in the next second I have to force myself and fight back laughing hearing the "Hips don't lie" cover, because it's so funny and cute. Sometimes it also happened that I didn't manage to fight back my laughter. Well... I don't consider myself as a lunatic, but I'm sure that all the others on the bus were convinced that I am one.


I don't know... Mika has this unbelieveable power to get you out of reality, to make you forget about the world and your problems, and to force you to be happy and enjoy your life.


Sorry, it's getting too long again, but my last reason is:

His unique and individual personality.

I might sound silly, since basically every personality has to be individual, but I don't think so. They should be, but they aren't, because they don't dare to. I see people wearing uniforms. I see metal lovers with black clothes, punks with thier distasteful hair, skater boys, r n b fans, expensive brand loving girls... And of course I don't mean only their clothes, but they all listen to the same music, all talk the same way, all do the same things... And they are all like: "Hey, I am very cool, because I dare to be myself!" They say it because after a time they start to believe that this is what they want, this is what they like, they manage to convince themselves. And after a time they really don't realize that they are wearing uniforms.

So, yep, my last reason is really gushy, but somehow I feel that Mika can do something against this situation, something to wake up all those people, or at least show the others that it's not so moldy and pathetic to refuse the uniforms, but a brave thing and a fun to do!

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Mika is my hero because when I listen to him I become happy and I jump up and down

he is like a therapy for me because I was very stressed these days ,because I had my baccalaureat and I finished with it !!!!

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To be honest, I never really thought of him as a hero as such. Until last month.

I'd been to see him at at Birmingham and had a fantastic night meeting with some of the guys from here and meeting and talking to him afterwards.

I stayed over night and when I was just leaving the hotel I got a phone call to tell me one of my best friends had died, this from her husband.

This was the most difficult drives of my life and I don't think I would have made it I f it hadn't been for LICM playing on my CD player. Never has Happy Ending felt so true to me. It's the fact that Mika knows how to tap into raw emotion that makes him my hero. And the fact that his music calmed me enough to get me home and through the subsequent month.

I'd like to personally thank him for that.

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i won't say he is a hero for me, he is god:blush-anim-cl:

the first impression from him is his music, i feel so happi and refreshed after listening to the whole album, it is a masterpiece for me!

then i start to read some interviews of his, and tons of articles, it's so damn funnnny!

(everyone should watch popworld exercising video!)

I really like his sense of rumour!There are many singers sing well but have damn boring character!

I not only love his music but also his personaility.

when i found out more, he actually really good at speaking and has a mature mind!

He loves his family but he is naughty boy too

He totally doesn't like as if he is 23......

He believe in what he want to do and just go for it no matter how hard he is!

He do change my mind about myself.:biggrin2:

i mean, he firstly planned to study Eco?(some boring subject i forget actually) then he change to study music,

then quit and give himself a try to music industry because he think he has only one chance no matter it will fail or succeed!He is so gutsy!:thumb_yello: :thumb_yello:

That's what i adore him most:bleh:

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He is my hero because:


- He motivated me to walk and dance again and now I can walk and dance :punk: although my accident with the horse was very very bad


- He makes people happy from all over the world and because of Mika I know all you my lovely MFC fellows. It's awesome to know people from all over the world :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:

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