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Mika Mail

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Hi lunafish, I haven't been here for the last week. Was it the parcel from me? And *shocked* as in good? :blush-anim-cl: There really wasn't too many "treats" in the one I sent, but some other good stuff (I think). Hope you got my parcel and hope you like it! And I hope your trip to Florida was great. I just got back from Arizona where it was 85-90 degrees, and here in Washington it is snowing and 33 degrees. :thumbdown:


VERY good. Amazing! I love it:blush-anim-cl: You are getting yours asap. I'm sick right now..and a little tired after the long trip. But as you know, I am sending it. :thumb_yello:

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so when does someone need to get a partner by? .... like.. is there an ending time to find a partner for MIKA mail?


PM Pinkunicorn123 - she makes up the lists - I think MM 3 has just

started, so if she cant pair you just now, you may have to wait for the

next round. But she will be able to tell you more :thumb_yello:

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It is Fantastic!!


But I will talk about it all in a second when the pictures finish uploading.


sorry! :biggrin2:


As you should be :sneaky2:


OMG Bianca, how much money did you spent?????


Now I definitely feel bad :boxed:


Not as much as Siri! OMG! *waits for pictures* *glares at photobucket for taking too long*


so when does someone need to get a partner by? .... like.. is there an ending time to find a partner for MIKA mail?


I shouldn't think you'd need to wait until the next round. The ending time shouldn't be till a while I think ... Pink?

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It is Fantastic!!


But I will talk about it all in a second when the pictures finish uploading.



Hurry!! I wanna see!! :)

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Quick Oakie - can't wait!!!!! :woot_jump:

(Much tape on it? :fisch:) :naughty:


I didn't put too much tape on mine, cause I decorated it all pretty like :)


but it's got that top down fold and tuck in flapper thingies on the side so it technically didn't need tape. I just didn't want some customs guy looking through the sparkly baubles in the box so i put a little bit of tape on LOL

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Hurry!! I wanna see!!


Quick Oakie - can't wait!!!!!

(Much tape on it?)


Wooo! Finished!


HAHA! I actually cracked up because of the amount of tape. Not sure if Camille put it on there or customs, but when I already found the outer tape amusing, then took the outer packing off and found another layer of just tape I totally lost it.


Okay. So first things first - OMG IT'S HUGE!

Second, OMG It was opened by customs! I don't think they took anything out, but tell me if anything's missing. They left a brochure about what you are and aren't allowed to send. I *think* they scanned it and *saw* the seeds (I SO TOLD YOU NOT TO SEND SEEDS!) but then opened it and were like "uhhh, screw that". And the seeds were still (sneakily) wrapped up.


Okay, first picture (I'm doing this over two posts btw, because I am a picture and post whore, I have 400 more pictures of every item ... but I'll spare you all that ... for now), I open it and find the cutoms brochure, lol!




Then, shaking with excitement, unpack it all. It is so fantastic! I freaked out a bit when I couldn't find the Eiffel tower keychain you talked about in one of the postcards, but then I found it hiding in the lollies *sneaky2*


Heeeerreeeee is everything:




And here is my dog helping me look at everything:




Here's a close up:




Here is the food-stuff:




Sort of left to right-ish in rows:

  • A tin of caramels - the tin is a money box afterwards ^^
  • "Haribo" packages - gummi's and licorish things
  • "Balisto" - chocolate bar with milk-ish stuff inside - it's nice, I tried one :-)
  • "Tournesol" - Sunflower SEEDS - So she says Mika ate them as a child, so I trusted his taste ... and tried one by her instructions ... hmmm ... it's kind of like ... bird seeds *roftl* ... maybe I will like it more by the end of the packet. We'll see :P
  • Chocolate bar! Reeeaaallly nice XD with softer ... stuff.. on the inside :-)
  • Cake mix! Some kind of caramel cake :P
  • (back to the left) An apple cake! Really nice! I had a bit already :-) (I had to have a little bit of everything *roftl*)
  • "Salta" - from Norway (*but really from Sweden*). ... more on that later *roftl*
  • (above the salta) Oh, I haven't tried those yet :P
  • (right from them) Not sure what they are, but they say "something, something, Normandy" on them *roftl* they taste nice though .. kind of apple-ish?
  • Then a row of chewing gum :P
  • And a load of fruit lollies
  • Oh and coming right from the Salta is a row of chewy lollies as well, which apparently have very lame jokes in them :P
  • (back to the bottom left) Crepes! I tried one, with nutella like Camille said, very nice! I really like them! I had to stop myself from having more so I don't finish them all at once :P
  • Then some packets of chewing gum, and a box of ... no idea what they are :P But they're crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside, kind of like the other things that say Normandy on them too.
  • Some kind of apple-ish lolly :P
  • Lolly necklaces! *wub2*
  • And Nesquik!


Now, The non-food stuff:




A letter, a MILLION postcards, instructions for how to use the stuff, translated cake-instructions, a CHICKEN with a clip-thing :P, necklaces, a bracelet, a lovely felt chicken, a pretty little pouch, a unicef bracelet, a beret, a paris/eiffel tower scarf, an eiffel tower keychain, a music magazine, a gossip-y magazine, 2 fashion magazines, AND A WOODEN TOY!


I can't wait to make the cake. The necklaces and bracelets are lovely, woo - can you tell how much I love the beret?, eiffel tower so worth the embarrasment, can't read anything but the titles of the magazines, but I love them so much. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!


I may not be able to read them but I love THIS ARTICLE! *roftl*




*to be continued*

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Wooo! Finished!


HAHA! I actually cracked up because of the amount of tape. Not sure if Camille put it on there or customs, but when I already found the outer tape amusing, then took the outer packing off and found another layer of just tape I totally lost it.


Okay. So first things first - OMG IT'S HUGE!

Second, OMG It was opened by customs! I don't think they took anything out, but tell me if anything's missing. They left a brochure about what you are and aren't allowed to send. I *think* they scanned it and *saw* the seeds (I SO TOLD YOU NOT TO SEND SEEDS!) but then opened it and were like "uhhh, screw that". And the seeds were still (sneakily) wrapped up.


Okay, first picture (I'm doing this over two posts btw, because I am a picture and post whore, I have 400 more pictures of every item ... but I'll spare you all that ... for now), I open it and find the cutoms brochure, lol!




Then, shaking with excitement, unpack it all. It is so fantastic! I freaked out a bit when I couldn't find the Eiffel tower keychain you talked about in one of the postcards, but then I found it hiding in the lollies *sneaky2*





*to be continued*


So much amazing joy being passed through the mail here, I love it!! Reminds me of PostcardX, a site I used to belong to awhile back, sending pretty colorful love through the mail :)


YAY!! Can't wait for the next part!

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Yayy, so I finally got the elusive "wooden thing" *roftl*


And I look in it - Okay, so a wooden thing, and cards with pictures on them ... and French instructions.




(by the way, my dog is not actually interested in the Jungle Speed, but in the lolly bracelet on my arm *roftl*)


Yeah, so after taking this genius picture I noticed you said on the wrapping that I can get the english instructions online. I still have to do it XD I thought I'd post this first!


Then I had a look through the magazines (actually, why is that picture of Sarkozy in that other post, the order of these pictures is messed up :/) AND I FIND - THIS!




Can't read it, but AWESOME all the same. ^^

And there's heaps of other brilliant interviews and articles, which I can't read, but are fun to look at anyway :P


But then ... casually flicking through ... I spot ... the lower half of a torso that looks familiar ... AND WOOOO!!!!




A MASSIVE POSTER!!! *wub2**wub2**wub2*



And some other random things ... LOL at the boomerang joke you found. Now, translate one for me! :P




These are the lollies from Norway (*that are actually from Sweden*) :P They are salty licorice - Yuck!! I gave them to my mum because she likes that stuff and kept the box *roftl*




And here is a random picture to finish:






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I didn't put too much tape on mine, cause I decorated it all pretty like :)


but it's got that top down fold and tuck in flapper thingies on the side so it technically didn't need tape. I just didn't want some customs guy looking through the sparkly baubles in the box so i put a little bit of tape on LOL


:roftl: Yeah me too, mine didn't have much tape. But for the tape-lovers out there, here's Camille's-tapework:


The outer layer:



And then hack through that to the inner layer:



(but customs still went in it :/)


So much amazing joy being passed through the mail here, I love it!! Reminds me of PostcardX, a site I used to belong to awhile back, sending pretty colorful love through the mail :)


YAY!! Can't wait for the next part!


Tell me about it - I LOVE MIKAMAIL! WOOOT! What's this other site? Is it still running?

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This tape seems to be an unofficial MM thing - everyone tries to tape it up so that the other person cant get in - it started off as a precaution so the box didnt open mid transit - now its just teasing :P


Open it bianca!


*laughs at tape thing*

*laughs at new avatar*


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*Considers prewarning norwalk174 - but decides not to*

*he he*

*Did think to do that as normal people post the pictures of their box FIRST!*


:roftl: :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

And since when have I ever been considered normal?

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*points at Humphy-thread*


It was fun. Really. It was!!! Unbelievable but true. I guess I chose the write professor & the right topic. It was simply a "general development of demographic change & the consequences on cities and rural areas". Wow. I was AMAAAZED. Really. :thumb_yello: Well, now let's see what my professor makes of it :boxed:. And then I'll have my next oral exam in three weeks which means I'll have to start learning now :sad:.

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*points at Humphy-thread*


It was fun. Really. It was!!! Unbelievable but true. I guess I chose the write professor & the right topic. It was simply a "general development of demographic change & the consequences on cities and rural areas". Wow. I was AMAAAZED. Really. Well, now let's see what my professor makes of it :boxed:. And then I'll have my next oral exam in three weeks which means I'll have to start learning now .


Hah! I knew it! You are such an exaggerater! You did brilliantly - I'm sure :punk:

*goes to humphrey's thread*


I'm at uni right now (and some selected few will soon know why, hehe) and I just checked my MySpace - honestly.. do I have to care about the officiallness? Will it change anything?


Simply because I love MM: Monday Lollipop (340MB mp4)


Hahaha! Good "work"!



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i love MM too!!!

the process of preparing the stuff, and then waiting for MM sending out and arriving just make me feel so exciting!!! =P

my mm3 still didnt arrive >_<


Okay, first picture (I'm doing this over two posts btw, because I am a picture and post whore, I have 400 more pictures of every item ... but I'll spare you all that ... for now), I open it and find the cutoms brochure, lol!

u are defo crazier than me :shocked::roftl:

yr house is soooooooo big !!

and yr dog is so curious XDDDD


"Tournesol" - Sunflower SEEDS - So she says Mika ate them as a child, so I trusted his taste ... and tried one by her instructions ... hmmm ... it's kind of like ... bird seeds *roftl* ... maybe I will like it more by the end of the packet. We'll see :P

mika ate them?actually what's it?i never heard it...

and ..........u tasted bird seeds before? XDDDD


And here is a random picture to finish



wow!very lovely keychain! and u too :naughty:


But then ... casually flicking through ... I spot ... the lower half of a torso that looks familiar ... AND WOOOO!!!!




A MASSIVE POSTER!!! *wub2**wub2**wub2*




the idea of exchanging mag is good too, most of time i only read the mag once and seldom read the texts....

it's fun to read about fashion/gossip/skincare column in the mag from other countries , it's so different sometimes =p

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