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The Official "Panic at the Disco"-thread


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:lol3: I really hope that the guys will release their third album ASAP.. I'm not sure if I can wait another 3 years :boxed::roftl:


BTW, have you already watched the new video?! :biggrin2:


there's no way i could wait 3 years for a new album!!!


ya, i woke up early last friday and everything :naughty: but i was a bit upset that the screen was so small, i could barely tell what was happening!


but, i love it!!! the little kids are adorable!!! and i love the guys on the bikes!!!

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Nine In The Afternoon + interview at Dance On Sunset



Panic at the Disco: Still 'Odd,' Sans Guyliner (w/ Video Performance)


The rock band Panic at the Disco is learning what it means to grow up in the public eye. Most of the material on the group's first CD, the double-platinum A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, was written while the band's members were still in high school. Now Panic at the Disco is back with Pretty. Odd and a more mature sound. But will the band's of teenage fans grow with them?


At 18 and 19 years old, there must have been a great amount of pressure to duplicate the success of Panic at the Disco's debut CD, but the band seems good-humored about it.


"I think I had more pressure to get good grades in high school," guitarist Ryan Ross says. "Songwriting is just fun for us. I don't know, maybe we're just a little bit cocky or something, but I think we were ready to do more songs. I think most of the pressure we had came from ourselves, just trying to outdo the first one."


Pretty. Odd features lush orchestrations and production, but in an interview with host Andrea Seabrook, the band performs stripped-down versions of its songs in NPR's Studio 4A, including "Nine in the Afternoon," "That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed)" and "Northern Downpour."


A Band Reworked


In many ways, Panic at the Disco feels like it's starting from square one. Much has changed since A Fever You Can't Sweat Out: Bassist Jon Walker joined the band, and they've all ditched the "guyliner" (that's eyeliner worn by guys), as well as the onstage carnival act with dancers and elaborate costumes. Now, Panic at the Disco seems more prepared as a band.


Along with those changes is the band's new sound, which is clearly reminiscent of The Beatles' oddball pop masterpiece Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.


"We definitely are all fans of [The Beatles]. If you are going to be influenced by any band, what better band to be influenced by than The Beatles?" says vocalist, guitarist and pianist Brendon Urie.


Ross quickly adds, "It's like Christians who want to be like Jesus. We're just trying to follow in someone's footsteps. Might as well be The Beatles."


But in addition to all these changes, the band also says it's growing up.


"Everything that happened in the past couple years for us has been a dream come true," drummer Spencer Smith says. "We just felt it wouldn't be true to ourselves if we were still acting pissed off at the world, because we were having a great time and excited about writing. We wanted to make that come through."


Watch "That Green Gentlemen" performance


source: npr.org

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is the rumors true that pete last nite got married to ashley?



i feel a bit cheated by him. he dream stalked me (even though i never liked or even knew who he was) for months, and he goes and gets married. :no:


i wonder if panic went.


i'm holding out for brendon!!!! :wub2:

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From Panic's UK newsletter...


Panic At The Disco's brand new single 'That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed)' is

out in the UK on 16th June (9th June to download).


The single will be available on a 3" CD with the single and a limited and numbered CD

digipack that includes an alternate version of 'She Had The World'.


There's a space in the digipack that you can insert the 3" CD into to complete the artwork,

making up a limited and collectable single!


You can pre-order the single right now at HMV.com


Click to watch Panic At The Disco's performance and interview on X96 on June 4th.

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Panic at the Disco's sophomore album, "Pretty. Odd.," has only been out since March 25, but the Las Vegas-based quartet has already begun writing new material for its third offering.


"I wouldn't say we have an album's worth [of material] but we definitely started writing on the road, which is something we had never done before," singer/guitarist Brendon Urie said during an interview with LiveDaily. "We had a little anxiety toward writing anywhere other than [places] we felt comfortable--like home. We realized we could be anywhere as long as we're with each other."


While Panic at the Disco's debut, "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out," was a flamboyant affair, "Pretty. Odd." carries a more classic, retro, mellow vibe. Urie explained that the third album is shaping up as a logical progression.


"It's still more classic because we're still listening to a lot of older stuff," Urie explained. "It's in the same vein as this record. I'm not saying the next record is going to sound like this one. It's too early to say. It's a little different sounding, I guess."


As was the case with "Pretty. Odd.," the members of Panic at the Disco--who also include guitarist Ryan Ross, bassist Jon Walker and drummer Spencer Smith--are sharing writing duties on the next album.


"The first time around, we were still kind of getting used to each other and getting to know each other a little bit," Urie said. "[On 'A Fever You Can't Sweat Out,'], Ryan wrote all the lyrics, and then we would work on the music together. This time around [on "Pretty. Odd."], we realized it made sense for us to branch out and use everybody's talents."


On the road headlining the Honda Civic Tour, Panic at the Disco will appear on the debut of "FN MTV Premieres," hosted by Pete Wentz of good friends Fall Out Boy, June 13 at 8 pm ET/PT. The band's tour ends June 14 in Anaheim, CA, however, Urie said he expects his band to perform again in the US this fall.


Source: livedaily.com

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heheh, where did you find that site? :roftl:


I'm so mad I missed Panic in SLC. :(

I left to California the day they came. >.<


i'm friends with a panic fan myspace, and they always post new videos and other great things.



luckily, i got to see them when they were in miami!!!! :punk:

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i was kind of far from them, behind the pit, but i could hear them perfectly! they sounded great!


that's awesome!


haha, that reminds me of when I saw Gwen Stefani in 8th grade; I was up in the nose bleeds, but she put on such an awesome show regaurdless.:naughty:

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