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A fan from Norway.


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So I Finally found myself a Mika forum. I think my friends will be happy because all my Mika flailing has been taken out on them before[eventhough not a single one likes him and they get all -___-;;; when I do]. Haha!



I'm Hanne. My name is pronounced Hahn-ah. I come from Norway and I'm currently in my final year of Music school where I sing and play piano. I'm 18, and found Mika in January[which apparently isn't late after all] of this year. But still. Better late then never, aye?


I love his music, and seriously, his name alone brings a smile to my face. Which leads to randomly thinking about him when I'm all alone on the bus, and then I start giggling. :roftl:


I'll be going to my first, of hopefully MANY concerts the 7th of November in Oslo Norway, at a venue that holds only 2000 people and it's 18+, so I'm VERY excited about it. It'll be my first PROPER concert that's not a festival, which makes it even more special, and I've already found a shiny hot pink dress I plan to wear. I think. Unless I find something else when I'm England with my class at the end of september.


Aye, I just realised I'm rambling on about things.


Anyway. Hello to everyone! I hope I'll be comfortable and welcomed here :]]


Edit: I totally need a siggie and an Avvie if you'd like to point me in the right direction :]]

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January isn't late? Oooh *flail* Yay. I always felt it was so late. But that might be because I just paid attention to the music for a while, and then when I finally started to flail over HIM and look up interviews and stuff he seemed all huge and whatnot. :blink: If you understand what I mean. *shakes head*


Thank you Kates! : D Now I need to find pictures. Haha!



Mirano: Så utrolig kult :]]]] Jeg får finne det!

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