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The Tragedy of the Skinny Jeans


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This is a really random and completely fictional story created by a very imaginative MFC fan and I. Again, it is completely not true, it's just pure randomness...ENJOY!!!



From Facebook threads to Mika Visiting His Victim’s Grave: The Completely Fictional Story.


It all started two innocent (ish) Mika fans (hereafter known as Jimbo and Arnold) decided to, completely innocently of course, create a profile on Facebook under the name of Michael H Penniman. It was done for the greater good, of course, there were hate groups that needed reporting! Anyway… the next thing they knew, they had received a heartbreaking email from a friend of said Master Penniman (hereafter referred to as Mika) asking him for assistance.


Well… at this point, Jimbo and Arnold’s consciences took over… they simply couldn’t keep such an emotive email from the sexilicious genius that is Mika. So, casting aside their fears, they searched far and wide (on the internet) for a way to send the email to Mika’s Little Helpers, and, eventually, they succeeded, and, as promised to Mika, closed the Facebook account.


Mika, however, had woken up on the wrong side of the bed that morning, and when, upon opening his emails over a cup of coffee that had absolutely no success in improving his foul mood, he was overcome by rage when he discovered that he had been so impressively impersonated in the wide, weird world of the internet. So, emitting an ear-splitting battle-cry of “KACHINGAA!†and pulling his tamagotchi, Zorro, around his neck (ruffling his fabulous hair in the process) and grabbing a rucksack full of lollipops and chicken for the journey, he headed out into the big, bad world of London, stopping only to pull a spare pair of skinny jeans (the white ones from Big Girl You Are Beautiful) from his pile of freshly ironed clothes on the way out.


Now, Mika walked for miles and miles, pausing every couple of hours for some fantastic chicken, and to take a bite of an apple for the passing photographers, until, eventually, he reached the house of Jimbo. Ringing the doorbell, Mika waited, tapping his Converse-clad size 12s on the path as the sound of approaching footsteps alerted him to Jimbo’s imminent arrival.


As soon as the door was opened, Mika saw red, and, in a fit of uncontrollable rage, proceeded to strangle Jimbo with his white skinny jeans, tragically dropping and irreparably breaking Zorro in the process.


The murder committed, Mika’s rage suddenly subsided, and, overcome by guilt, he handed his skinny jeans and tamagotchi over to the arresting police officer, requesting that his unfortunate victim be buried with these, his most prized possessions, as an apology for his anger-driven act.


And so, after a fifteen year life sentence, during which Mika was highly successful in his favourite activity of entertaining his fellow inmates with regular performances of Grace Kelly, Love Today, Lollipop, and Billy Brown, Mika finally stood blinking in the blinding sun of London. Unexpectedly, though, waiting for him at the prison gates was none other than Arnold, bearing a basket of chicken, lollipops, apples, a melon for the really big photos, a brand new tamagotchi, and a pair of skinny jeans (into which the now 40 year old Mika could no longer fit!). It was then that Mika made a single request of Arnold.


So, together, Arnold and Mika travelled the many miles to the cemetery in which Jimbo lay at rest. Standing before the headstone, both accomplice and assassin lamented on their past deeds, until, after all those years, Mika fulfilled Jimbo’s greatest wish: he gave a one on one performance of every song from Life in Cartoon Motion, finishing, with a tear trickling down our tragic hero’s cheek, with Any Other World.

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Oh, yeah!! Mika came to save me from a coma, I held my breath so he'd give me mouth to mouth, he gave me chest compressions instead, which ended up killing me, then he got done for manslaughter/murder (depends on how harsh the judge is!), let me be buried with Zorro as a bit of penance, then you brought him to visit my grave when he'd finished his life sentence!

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LOL!! Still can't believe people actually LIKED this!! I'm too used to the Michael Jackson forums. They'd murder us for coming up with something like this!! Good to know people can see the funny side!


I think we like it since we know that Mika would never do anything like this, so therefore it's cute and funny...



See, there was nothing to be afraid of! Mika hasn't tracked us down yet for making a really strange story up...*knock, knock* OMG THERE'S SOMEONE AT THE DOOR!...Mika?...I'M SOOOORRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYY!!! NO NO NO NOT THE SKINNY JEA-


HAHAHA...that's too funny!!! I love it! I'm sorry you had to go like that...I'll say something nice at your funeral for you...:wink2:

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ROFL! :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: AMAZING STORY! You could write a book based on that plot, you know. I'd buy it, I can assure you that. But it would be more realistic if Mika drank a cup of badly prepared tea at breakfast. That would really infuriate him, hahahahah. Mika has to read this. What I can't picture yet is how he would use the pants to strangle the victim... hehehe. Loved the story, anyway.

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ROFL! :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: AMAZING STORY! You could write a book based on that plot, you know. I'd buy it, I can assure you that. But it would be more realistic if Mika drank a cup of badly prepared tea at breakfast. That would really infuriate him, hahahahah. Mika has to read this. What I can't picture yet is how he would use the pants to strangle the victim... hehehe. Loved the story, anyway.


We'll have to add the tea part to the story! Well, you know, he just happened to have a spare pair of trousers and he just..well, strangled her...:roftl:


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ROFL! :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: AMAZING STORY! You could write a book based on that plot, you know. I'd buy it, I can assure you that. But it would be more realistic if Mika drank a cup of badly prepared tea at breakfast. That would really infuriate him, hahahahah. Mika has to read this. What I can't picture yet is how he would use the pants to strangle the victim... hehehe. Loved the story, anyway.


ooh yes...the tea part works very well...and then he turns on his TV and the first thing he sees on is Jaws...and since he hates fish this makes him even madder!...:bleh:


so since he's now so mad, he goes to the cupboard since eating makes everyone happier...but Mika was so busy the day before that he couldn't get his groceries, so all that is left in the cupboard is a big jar of Marmite...eew...his day couldn't seem to get worse?

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