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The Pink Pony Riders Club - Part 2!!!


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Hi gals! Just checking in; can't post because I'm lucky just to be able to get online with this weak hotel connection, but thought I'd say hi! Depending on what happens tomorrow, I will either get on around this time tomorrow, or have to wait until Monday afternoon...*sigh* But I'll have lots of cool concert pics to show for it, if you're interested.

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We were to met M4L's and Mika at the airport.

In the cab, Becky looked anxious. She had been calling Cosmo all week to make sure he was ok. She pulled out her phone and dialed again. We had all noticed what she wasn't telling us, but we left it unsaid. Becky talked to Glow about it though. The two of them spent alot of time just talking about the kids and how things will get better. It was obviously helping Becky accept Sparlock for the evil creep that he is. Maybe it was her broken heart that was making her pursue the real Cosmo. But hopefully this time she will be third time lucky. Kairi really deserved a good father figure in her life. And Becky could do with the love and support of a man like Cosmo. Kairi was definitely a handful!

Artsy was her usual self again, having regained her memory. Kev had gotten used to bringing up fun times from the past to try to jog her memory and was now reminiscing frequently out of habit. Quite often we heard the two of them laughing about times gone by..


M4L looked like she was on the verge of tears again. She really didn't want to leave Canada so soon, but was happy she had gotten to spend time with her family and that they all got to meet Mika, her fiance and love of her life. They'd all accepted him, although her Dad did take him out into the backyard and have one of those "fatherly talks" with him.. which clearly made Mika very uncomfortable, but being the man that he is, he handled it quite well and soon enough the two men were enjoying a beer while listening to some old 45 records.


Baby and Calvin had ironed out some of the creases during the last week. They had gone off on a romantic date together and come home beaming from ear to ear, though none of us really knew why.. Must have had fun.


Kelzy, ER and Phunky had spent way too much money on shopping and had to buy an extra suitcase each.. But they all insisted it was worth it..


Jacques was trying to teach Lolly how to talk a little French.. They were practising "I'm lost' and "Help me I've been kidnapped" should she ever need them.


We all arrived at the airport simultaneously, But made the driver do a lap of the area just to be sure they was no danger. We all hesitated before climbing out of our cabs. looking around and checking that the coast was clear.


Inside the Airport we soon found Mika and M4L browsing at the the magazine stand looking for photo's of themselves. They were both annoyed to only find 3 photo's of them leaving the hospital in France last week.

We had 7 hours to kill before our flight so once again we got comfortable in the airport lounge and hopefully this time nothing would go wrong...


lol, having to buy another suitcase...definitely me. :naughty:


'You two are so vain,' I teased Mika and M4L, although I did do a quick check for photos of me when I was sure they weren't looking. It was so weird, being in the tabloids. I wondered what my family thought of this, then felt a pang of homesickness at the thought of them. You chose to do this, I reminded myself firmly. You could have walked away, but you didn't. I bought a Mojo magazine, and when I was finished flipping through it I wrote an email home on Kev's laptop. After that, though, I was out of things to do, so I drew out my ever-present pack of cards.

We ended up getting quite into the game. We must have played about a million rounds of poker, due mainly to the fact that Justin refused to admit that he was losing spectacularly.

'Oh, just face it Justin, you lost,' I said, nudging him playfully.

'No! One more round...I'm going to win this time! I can feel it!...Please?'

He had been saying that at the end of every round for the past hour. However, we had nothing better to do except to sleep, so we obliged. Eventually though, I had to take a nap just to fill in the time.

Then, with an hour to go until boarding, Baby got a call on her mobile. She frowned at the number, then walked out of earshot to answer it.

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Hi gals! Just checking in; can't post because I'm lucky just to be able to get online with this weak hotel connection, but thought I'd say hi! Depending on what happens tomorrow, I will either get on around this time tomorrow, or have to wait until Monday afternoon...*sigh* But I'll have lots of cool concert pics to show for it, if you're interested.


hey artsy! oooh i'd love to see your pics...how was the concert?

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Hi gals! Just checking in; can't post because I'm lucky just to be able to get online with this weak hotel connection, but thought I'd say hi! Depending on what happens tomorrow, I will either get on around this time tomorrow, or have to wait until Monday afternoon...*sigh* But I'll have lots of cool concert pics to show for it, if you're interested.


HI ARTSY!!!:biggrin2: :biggrin2: :biggrin2:

Sounds good! Glad you're having a great time! Can't wait to chat and see your pics!!!

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Ok ladies...time for me to go...

I stayed up later than I planned to...but oh well, I always have such a great time:biggrin2: ...its hard to believe ive been on for three hours straight!!....:shocked:


So, goodnight kelzy, ER, and Artsy....

until we meet again...


All of the love in my heart....:wub2:

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Goodnight Lolly!!


ER, the concerts today were great, although I'm now sunburned and half-deaf, lol. Tomorrow will hopefully be just as loud and hectic. My only regret is that I only get to see a fraction of the shows in this festival, as they are not scheduled one after the other, but multiple shows at the same time, with six different stages in the area.

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I'll try to record New Shoes on my camera for you.

I hate to leave you here by yourself, but I got up at 5 this morning, and I have to get up at 5 again in three hours, and I've been partying all day, and.....let's just say it's getting difficult to type. The motor skills are always the first to go. Goodnight. Hopefully talk to you tomorrow.

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Yeah, well it turned out Cosmo wasn't Cosmo and was actually Sparlock, and was planning on killing everyone who found out including Kairi and myself...

When he got arrested he switched with the real Cosmo (his twin brother) and then we found and went after him. Sparlock kidnapped us, we trickedhim into a confession and recorded it. Now we are leaving Canada to meet the real Cosmo who is under house arrest. It is really confusing.

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Yeah, well it turned out Cosmo wasn't Cosmo and was actually Sparlock, and was planning on killing everyone who found out including Kairi and myself...

When he got arrested he switched with the real Cosmo (his twin brother) and then we found and went after him. Sparlock kidnapped us, we trickedhim into a confession and recorded it. Now we are leaving Canada to meet the real Cosmo who is under house arrest. It is really confusing.


Oh... Was gonna ask who Sparlock is but it seems you just explained it! I started reading after you had Kairi so I missed a lot of the story...


Confusing is fine... I understand confusing... but I think i better follow closely cause I don't like the idea of having to read through a whole heap of pages when I'm downloading stuff and it's a slow connection... which mine is at the moment (which is why I was lazy and asked what was happening... thanks for filling me in!)

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