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Pink Pony Riders Club....PART #3!!!!!


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Somehow they managed to get the others to stay awake long enough to walk through the boarding gates themselves, but after that they let them sleep the whole trip to Italy. Becky dropped off, trying to drag me and Calvin into a dream.


"Becks?" I asked, looking around. we were on a beach this time.

"Babe, where's Calvin?" she asked, worried.

"We're taking turns to sleep. We're most vulnerable while asleep, and we need the other one awake to bring us back to our senses," I said, as Becky nodded.

"How does it work?" she asked.

"I don't know. Love, touch, the marks. They bring us back to us," I said, looking aorund nervously. "This is dangerous Becky, I don't want you doing it again," I said.

"Why?" she asked, concerned.

"The voice, it gets to you in your dreams. If it got you, it could get all of us. When you get here, when you find us, then you may need to drag us all in, but for now, out of everyone Becky you need to stay awake," I said, desparately.

"Well, before that I need to tell you something. Artsy and Kevin, ER and Justin, their all asleep. We can only wake them for a few minutes,' she said

I nodded, still glancing around. "I was afraid of that. Be careful if they wake, they may not be themself," I said simply.

"Where are you guys?" Becky asked, as I looked around again.

"Jacques will find us, theres no time to tell you. Go....now!," I said pushing her. "Hurry,"

Becky woke in her seat all of sudden, as Cosmo looked at her concerned.

"If they wake, they might not be themself,' she said, indicating Artsy and Kevin.

"What is this thing?" he asked.

"I don't know, but it has Baby scared. The whole time in the dream she was looking around, like she expected it to just appear. She says we're vulnerable during sleep, and told me especially not to sleep," she told him

"Then we'll have to keep you awake," Cosmo answered


The rest of the flight passed by uneventfully, with artsy, kev, ER and Justin still sleeping. Cosmo pinched, poked, and prodded Becky whenever it seemed like she was going to doze off.

When the captain's voice came up, the worry about getting the others to wake up without causing mass chaos became a problem. Worried about what Baby had said, they couldn't figure out what to do.

The plane landed and almost everyone had gotten off. The flight attendant walked by and smirked, "Plan on waking up your friends here?"

"Yes," snapped Becky.

"We have to wake them up," said Lolly.

"OK," said m4l, poised to tap artsy's shoulder, "Here goes nothing..."

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The rest of the flight passed by uneventfully, with artsy, kev, ER and Justin still sleeping. Cosmo pinched, poked, and prodded Becky whenever it seemed like she was going to doze off.

When the captain's voice came up, the worry about getting the others to wake up without causing mass chaos became a problem. Worried about what Baby had said, they couldn't figure out what to do.

The plane landed and almost everyone had gotten off. The flight attendant walked by and smirked, "Plan on waking up your friends here?"

"Yes," snapped Becky.

"We have to wake them up," said Lolly.

"OK," said m4l, poised to tap artsy's shoulder, "Here goes nothing..."



"Wait" said Kelzy. "Let's try waking Kevin first. Just in case Artsy goes nuts."

M4L tapped Kevin on the shoulder. Nothing happened

"Shake him" said Kelzy

M4L gave Kevin a huge rattling and he opened up his eyes

"What?" he looked around "Where am I?"

"We're in Italy. Baby's in trouble and we need you to stay awake." said Kelzy

"Ok I will. Get me some Coffee and some No-Doz tablets." said Kevin yawning

Cosmo, Lolly and Rose went off to grab some coffee for all of us while we looked at Artsy.

"Should we wake her now?" asked Mika

"I'll do it" said Kevin

He gave her a nudge, but nothing happened. A second nudge - a little harder. Nothing.

"You're going to have to shake her." said Kelzy

"I'm worried her claws will come out." said Kevin

"That's what we're worried about to." said M4L

"Let's just get ER and Justin to wake up first." said Kelzy

They gave them a good hard shake and they opened their eyes.

"What? Where are we?" said ER

"Italy. Stay awake" said Mika

"Ok." said Justin yawning.

Coffee and No-Doz tablets arrived and we shook Kevin awake again and he had his. He wasn't completely alert but at least he could talk.

ER and Justin weren't much more help. We decided it was time to wake the beast.

"Artsy. Wake up. We need you to wake up." said Kevin while Lolly, M4L and Kelzy shook her.

Her claws grew out of her fingers and her fangs were now visible.

"Guys this is probably a really bad idea." said Mika

We kept shaking her til suddenly her arm flew out and across, knocking Kelzy and Lolly out of the way. She stood up and growled at us.

Becky screamed. It wasn't Artsy's normal growl. It was much deeper.

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"Wait" said Kelzy. "Let's try waking Kevin first. Just in case Artsy goes nuts."

M4L tapped Kevin on the shoulder. Nothing happened

"Shake him" said Kelzy

M4L gave Kevin a huge rattling and he opened up his eyes

"What?" he looked around "Where am I?"

"We're in Italy. Baby's in trouble and we need you to stay awake." said Kelzy

"Ok I will. Get me some Coffee and some No-Doz tablets." said Kevin yawning

Cosmo, Lolly and Rose went off to grab some coffee for all of us while we looked at Artsy.

"Should we wake her now?" asked Mika

"I'll do it" said Kevin

He gave her a nudge, but nothing happened. A second nudge - a little harder. Nothing.

"You're going to have to shake her." said Kelzy

"I'm worried her claws will come out." said Kevin

"That's what we're worried about to." said M4L

"Let's just get ER and Justin to wake up first." said Kelzy

They gave them a good hard shake and they opened their eyes.

"What? Where are we?" said ER

"Italy. Stay awake" said Mika

"Ok." said Justin yawning.

Coffee and No-Doz talbets arrived and we shook Kevin awake again and he had his. He wasn't completely alert but at least he could talk.

ER and Justin were'nt much more help. We decided it was time to wake the beast.

"Artsy. Wake up. We need you to wake up." said Kevin while Lolly, M4L and Kelzy shook her.

Her claws grew out of her fingers and her fangs were now visible.

"Guys this is probably a really bad idea." said Mika

We kept shaking her til suddenly her arm flew out and across, knocking Kelzy and Lolly out of the way. She stood up and growled at us.

Becky screamed. It wasn't Artsy's normal growl. It was much deeper.


Kelzy and Lolly scrambled to their feet and began backing away from Artsy, who was advancing toward them. Kevin ran towards Artsy reaching to grab her arm, but she was too fast in reacting and her claws dug into Kevin's outstretched arm. He recoiled with a scream.

Now bystanders began to get frightened, pandemonium broke out as people tripped over each other to move out of the way.

Kelzy and Lolly felt their backs hit something hard. They had run into a wall, into a corner.

"Oh no," whimpered Lolly as Artsy's eyes flashed an eerie shade of red. She was coming even closer and nobody seemed to try and stop her. Kelzy and Lolly vaguely heard the alarms going off around them in warning, as Artsy came closer and closer with every step.

"Arts!" pleaded Kelzy, "We're your friends!"

Artsy was only a few feet away now, and she raised her hands, displaying her menacing claws, still dripping with Kevin's blood...

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I have to post this...


When someone said that Becky was vulnerable during sleep, my first thought was, "Oooooh! Freddy Krueger!"



Sorry... I'll go back to lurking now!



rofl!! I thought the same thing!!! :naughty:

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Kelzy and Lolly scrambled to their feet and began backing away from Artsy, who was advancing toward them. Kevin ran towards Artsy reaching to grab her arm, but she was too fast in reacting and her claws dug into Kevin's outstretched arm. He recoiled with a scream.

Now bystanders began to get frightened, pandemonium broke out as people tripped over each other to move out of the way.

Kelzy and Lolly felt their backs hit something hard. They had run into a wall, into a corner.

"Oh no," whimpered Lolly as Artsy's eyes flashed an eerie shade of red. She was coming even closer and nobody seemed to try and stop her. Kelzy and Lolly vaguely heard the alarms going off around them in warning, as Artsy came closer and closer with every step.

"Arts!" pleaded Kelzy, "We're your friends!"

Artsy was only a few feet away now, and she raised her hands, displaying her menacing claws, still dripping with Kevin's blood...


I was screaming in my head, but he wouldn't stop.

Please stop, I'm begging you, don't do this!

A dark chuckle sounded in my mind. Against my will, I turned and faced Kevin.


The chuckle built into a deep, sinister laugh that echoed in my head.

No, please! Not Kevin! Anything you want, everything I have, just don't hurt him! Please don't hurt him!

Everything you have?

I raised my claw to rest against my own throat.

Even your life?

I didn't even hesitate to answer.

Yes. Do what you want with me, but please, oh please, leave Kevin alone. Don't do anything to Kevin.

My feet took two steps towards Kevin, and I began to sob frantically in my head.

Please no....Kevin...

Over my own sobs and the dark laughter, I heard Kevin talking.

"Arts, it's me. I'm right here. Get the animal under control. I've seen you do it before."

He stepped closer with his arms outstretched. That he trusted me enough to do that right after I had slashed his arm open made my heart ache. That I might kill him in a few seconds and I wouldn't be able to stop it made me sob even harder.

What a trusting man you have. Luckily for him, I have other things to attend to. Goodbye for now.

Suddenly, my body was my own again. I sank to the ground and sobbed. Kevin wrapped his arms around me and tried to comfort me.

"It's ok...you're back, you did it."

I was crying too hard to tell him that I hadn't done anything. It had been taken out of my hands.

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I was screaming in my head, but he wouldn't stop.

Please stop, I'm begging you, don't do this!

A dark chuckle sounded in my mind. Against my will, I turned and faced Kevin.


The chuckle built into a deep, sinister laugh that echoed in my head.

No, please! Not Kevin! Anything you want, everything I have, just don't hurt him! Please don't hurt him!

Everything you have?

I raised my claw to rest against my own throat.

Even your life?

I didn't even hesitate to answer.

Yes. Do what you want with me, but please, oh please, leave Kevin alone. Don't do anything to Kevin.

My feet took two steps towards Kevin, and I began to sob frantically in my head.

Please no....Kevin...

Over my own sobs and the dark laughter, I heard Kevin talking.

"Arts, it's me. I'm right here. Get the animal under control. I've seen you do it before."

He stepped closer with his arms outstretched. That he trusted me enough to do that right after I had slashed his arm open made my heart ache. That I might kill him in a few seconds and I wouldn't be able to stop it made me sob even harder.

What a trusting man you have. Luckily for him, I have other things to attend to. Goodbye for now.

Suddenly, my body was my own again. I sank to the ground and sobbed. Kevin wrapped his arms around me and tried to comfort me.

"It's ok...you're back, you did it."

I was crying too hard to tell him that I hadn't done anything. It had been taken out of my hands.


"Guys, I think I've found the town," said Jacques, looking up from the map he was reading.

"Good, lets get out of here,' said Becky, drinking another cup of coffee.

"Hurry...other things...oh god Baby and Cal," said Artsy, suddenly worried. Kevin tightened his arms around her.

"You mean this thing is playing with my sister?" Kevin asked, confused.

"We tried to tell you earlier, but you didn't care, Becky explained, as Kevin nodded, as everyone rushed to the exit and a taxi.

"So what was that thing?" asked Becky, once they were in a taxi.

"It was a voice, there was nothing else, just a voice. How do you fight a voice?" Artsy asked, worried

"The voice will have something we can deal with, it has to," Kevin said reasssuredly.

"It gets to you in sleep, so in the sleep is where we have to face it," said Becky.

"And if it got you, it could drag us all in," said Cosmo. "Baby was right, don't fall asleep Beck,"

"When did you talk to her?" asked Artsy, worried.

"On the plane, I told the others. SHe seems really worried," she added.



meanwhile, back with Calvin and I.

I was watching Calvin sleep, worried. I had felt the voice coming when I had told Becky to leave, but I woke fine afterwards, I was myself. Maybe it went for one of the others, if it got Artsy it could do some damage.

I was beginning to realise that the only form it had in the real owrld was through control of us, but maybe in the dream world.

Suddenly Calvin stirred. "Baby?" he asked, reaching for my hand. I gave it to him, and squeezed. However after a few minutes the pressure of his squeezing began to hurt.

"Cal, can you let go please?" I asked, trying to tug my hand away. HE wouldn't let go.

"Come on Cal, this isn't funny," I said, tears in my eyes. He truend to me, his eyes criscrossed with red instead of yellow.

"Such a pretty little thing," he said in a voice that wasn't Calvins pulling my head down for a kiss. I tried to fight, as my fingers felt as if they were breaking in his hand.

Somehow I managed to pull my head back, as with his other hand he reached for my backpack and, grinning, pulled out a knife.

"Calvin, don't do this, fight it," I pleaded, staring into those familiar yet foreign eyes.

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"Guys, I think I've found the town," said Jacques, looking up from the map he was reading.

"Good, lets get out of here,' said Becky, drinking another cup of coffee.

"Hurry...other things...oh god Baby and Cal," said Artsy, suddenly worried. Kevin tightened his arms around her.

"You mean this thing is playing with my sister?" Kevin asked, confused.

"We tried to tell you earlier, but you didn't care, Becky explained, as Kevin nodded, as everyone rushed to the exit and a taxi.

"So what was that thing?" asked Becky, once they were in a taxi.

"It was a voice, there was nothing else, just a voice. How do you fight a voice?" Artsy asked, worried

"The voice will have something we can deal with, it has to," Kevin said reasssuredly.

"It gets to you in sleep, so in the sleep is where we have to face it," said Becky.

"And if it got you, it could drag us all in," said Cosmo. "Baby was right, don't fall asleep Beck,"

"When did you talk to her?" asked Artsy, worried.

"On the plane, I told the others. SHe seems really worried," she added.



meanwhile, back with Calvin and I.

I was watching Calvin sleep, worried. I had felt the voice coming when I had told Becky to leave, but I woke fine afterwards, I was myself. Maybe it went for one of the others, if it got Artsy it could do some damage.

I was beginning to realise that the only form it had in the real owrld was through control of us, but maybe in the dream world.

Suddenly Calvin stirred. "Baby?" he asked, reaching for my hand. I gave it to him, and squeezed. However after a few minutes the pressure of his squeezing began to hurt.

"Cal, can you let go please?" I asked, trying to tug my hand away. HE wouldn't let go.

"Come on Cal, this isn't funny," I said, tears in my eyes. He truend to me, his eyes criscrossed with red instead of yellow.

"Such a pretty little thing," he said in a voice that wasn't Calvins pulling my head down for a kiss. I tried to fight, as my fingers felt as if they were breaking in his hand.

Somehow I managed to pull my head back, as with his other hand he reached for my backpack and, grinning, pulled out a knife.

"Calvin, don't do this, fight it," I pleaded, staring into those familiar yet foreign eyes.



Calvin threw baby across the room and she fell in a heap on the floor. He shook at the door of the room and it broke open. He flung the door backwards and looked out into the hall before turning back at Baby. He reached over and grabbed her by the arm and dragged her kicking and screaming down the hallway. They reached the car they had hired and he pushed Baby into the back seat, slamming the door closed. He got in the drivers seat and took off down the road nearly colliding with other drivers. He turned up a main street, through a red light and almost hitting pedestrians. He swerved the car across the road and was facing oncoming traffic.


The taxi we were in swerved to avoid colliding with a car that was heading up the street the wrong way.

"STUPID IDIOT." yelled the taxi driver

We turned to look at the car..

"That's Baby in the back seat" yelled Artsy zooming in with her cat's eyes

"Turn the taxi around. follow that car" yelled Kevin

"I NO DO CAR CHASES." yelled the taxi driver.

"Fine.. I will then." said Kevin pushing the taxi driver out of the car and getting into the drivers seat.

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Calvin threw baby across the room and she fell in a heap on the floor. He shook at the door of the room and it broke open. He flung the door backwards and looked out into the hall before turning back at Baby. He reached over and grabbed her by the arm and dragged her kicking and screaming down the hallway. They reached the car they had hired and he pushed Baby into the back seat, slamming the door closed. He got in the drivers seat and took off down the road nearly colliding with other drivers. He turned up a main street, through a red light and almost hitting pedestrians. He swerved the car across the road and was facing oncoming traffic.


The taxi we were in swerved to avoid colliding with a car that was heading up the street the wrong way.

"STUPID IDIOT." yelled the taxi driver

We turned to look at the car..

"That's Baby in the back seat" yelled Artsy zooming in with her cat's eyes

"Turn the taxi around. follow that car" yelled Kevin

"I NO DO CAR CHASES." yelled the taxi driver.

"Fine.. I will then." said Kevin pushing the taxi driver out of the car and getting into the drivers seat.


Kevin served back around to tail the rental car.

"It looks like Calvin is driving." he said. "Do you think they're running from something?"

I shook my head.

"I don't see any other cars following." I didn't add that there was a completely logical reason why Cal would be acting so irrationally. If the voice had gotten to him, he wouldn't have any choice. And if the voice was in control, then I would have to take Calvin down as well. I didn't relish that idea, but I was the only one who'd be able to take him out.


We closed in on the car and tapped their bumper. Calvin ignored us for a while, then pulled off onto a dirt road and drove out to a field.

Parking the car, Cal jumped out and dragged Baby with him. She didn't look good. I extended my claws and walked brisky to them.

When I was close enough, I looked at Calvin's eyes. They were veined with red instead of the usual yellow. The voice had him. I swallowed, then said,

"Let them go."

Cal opened his mouth, but an unusually deep voice came out.

"No, I don't think I will."

I stepped closer.

"If I have to take you out, I will. Leave my friends alone."

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Kevin served back around to tail the rental car.

"It looks like Calvin is driving." he said. "Do you think they're running from something?"

I shook my head.

"I don't see any other cars following." I didn't add that there was a completely logical reason why Cal would be acting so irrationally. If the voice had gotten to him, he wouldn't have any choice. And if the voice was in control, then I would have to take Calvin down as well. I didn't relish that idea, but I was the only one who'd be able to take him out.


We closed in on the car and tapped their bumper. Calvin ignored us for a while, then pulled off onto a dirt road and drove out to a field.

Parking the car, Cal jumped out and dragged Baby with him. She didn't look good. I extended my claws and walked brisky to them.

When I was close enough, I looked at Calvin's eyes. They were veined with red instead of the usual yellow. The voice had him. I swallowed, then said,

"Let them go."

Cal opened his mouth, but an unusually deep voice came out.

"No, I don't think I will."

I stepped closer.

"If I have to take you out, I will. Leave my friends alone."


Kevin took a step forward. "Baby!" he cried, noticing my slumped form.

"What, oh this one? step any closer and Ill slit her throat," he said, holding the knife on my throat. I was unconscious from the ride over.

"Leave them," Artsy said again advancing.

"Why should I? This body is young and virile. A bit whinny, it doesn't want me to kill the girl," he said, laughing.

I stirred in his arms, as Kevin went to take another step forward, until Artsy put a hand out for him to stop.

"Calvin?" I said, looking up at him. He grinned down at me,

"Nope, something better," he said laughing. I tried to search for something familar in his eyes.

"You're not better than him, I said softly.

"Theres only one way to fight this thing Arts, and thats in a dream," Kelzy's voice echoed in Arty's head, relaying a message from Becky.

"Tell her I know, but we need it to leave Calvin first," she thought back, before thinking. "Maybe the mark?"

"I'll let Baby know," thought Kelzy.

A few minutes later, I looked across at them, before back up at Calvin.

"Baby wants me to say she already knows that," Kelzy told artsy with her mind.

Meanwhile, I was still pleading with the voice, trying to get Calvin back. My hand was crushed, but i was trying to raise it, towards the hand printed onto his shoulder.

"Calvin listen to me, I love you," I said, finally touching his mark, and raising his lips to his. I hoped this would work. "I'm not going to let you go," I whispered against his lips, before kissing him. At first it was violent, and I could feel the knife pricking my skin, and then, suddenly, it softened and I pulled away, looking into his eyes.

"Calvin?" I asked softly, staring at him. He nodded, as his grip around me loosened, and he buried his head in my hair.

"I'm sorry Babe," he whispered, before setting me on my feet and holding my hand tenderly. "I'm so sorry for this," he added.

"Lolly can fix it," I said shakily, as she came over, and laid a hand on me, as my pain disappeared.

Calvin was still shooting me worried looks,. "Its alright," I said, reaching for his hand. He took my hand for a secnd and kissed it, before pulling me into his arms

"Look guys, this is one problem down but we still have to take him on. If he gets Calvin again, or me and you guys can't get us then he could do anything, he nearly killed Babe," Artsy said as we all looked around.

"It'll need all of us," I whispered. "Every last one. And we'll need to be asleep," I added.

"In the one dream,"

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Kevin took a step forward. "Baby!" he cried, noticing my slumped form.

"What, oh this one? step any closer and Ill slit her throat," he said, holding the knife on my throat. I was unconscious from the ride over.

"Leave them," Artsy said again advancing.

"Why should I? This body is young and virile. A bit whinny, it doesn't want me to kill the girl," he said, laughing.

I stirred in his arms, as Kevin went to take another step forward, until Artsy put a hand out for him to stop.

"Calvin?" I said, looking up at him. He grinned down at me,

"Nope, something better," he said laughing. I tried to search for something familar in his eyes.

"You're not better than him, I said softly.

"Theres only one way to fight this thing Arts, and thats in a dream," Kelzy's voice echoed in Arty's head, relaying a message from Becky.

"Tell her I know, but we need it to leave Calvin first," she thought back, before thinking. "Maybe the mark?"

"I'll let Baby know," thought Kelzy.

A few minutes later, I looked across at them, before back up at Calvin.

"Baby wants me to say she already knows that," Kelzy told artsy with her mind.

Meanwhile, I was still pleading with the voice, trying to get Calvin back. My hand was crushed, but i was trying to raise it, towards the hand printed onto his shoulder.

"Calvin listen to me, I love you," I said, finally touching his mark, and raising his lips to his. I hoped this would work. "I'm not going to let you go," I whispered against his lips, before kissing him. At first it was violent, and I could feel the knife pricking my skin, and then, suddenly, it softened and I pulled away, looking into his eyes.

"Calvin?" I asked softly, staring at him. He nodded, as his grip around me loosened, and he buried his head in my hair.

"I'm sorry Babe," he whispered, before setting me on my feet and holding my hand tenderly. "I'm so sorry for this," he added.

"Lolly can fix it," I said shakily, as she came over, and laid a hand on me, as my pain disappeared.

Calvin was still shooting me worried looks,. "Its alright," I said, reaching for his hand. He took my hand for a secnd and kissed it, before pulling me into his arms

"Look guys, this is one problem down but we still have to take him on. If he gets Calvin again, or me and you guys can't get us then he could do anything, he nearly killed Babe," Artsy said as we all looked around.

"It'll need all of us," I whispered. "Every last one. And we'll need to be asleep," I added.

"In the one dream,"


"We need to find somewhere to sleep then. And quickly." Kevin said.

So they found themselves in a horrible B&B just down the road from the field.

"I'm not sure what I'm more scared of. That stupid dream thing, or seeing the bedrooms." Becky said quietly. The others nodded, knowing what she meant. They headed up to their floor, which they had to pay a bit extra for, and sat in one room to talk before they fell to sleep.

"We can't die can we? I mean, it is only a dream?" Phunky asked, breaking the momentary silence.

"I don't know. I've never fought a dream before." Artsy said wearily.

"Well, I don't think you can. Not physically anyway." Cosmo replied. Everyone went into another uncomfortable silence.

"What if something goes wrong and I can't drag you all in?" Becky was now speaking her fears. She only had only dragged everyone in accidently. Well, except when they were in a drugged sleep.

"I doubt that'll happen. Anymore scary questions, or can we take the sleeping pills?" Baby smiled, getting the bottle out of her bag. Everyone shook their head slowly, not wanting to bring up the questions running through there minds.

They took the sleeping pills and headed to there rooms. The kids slept naturally at anytime, so they didn't have to give them the pills. They all lied down and after a while fell into a deep sleep.

Becky opened her eyes and found herself on a cold, soggy, muddy floor in a misty field.

"This isn't what I imagined..." Becky mumbled, looking around desparately for other people, yet because of the thick fog, she could barely see her hand in front of her face.

"Hey!" She called out, almost scared.

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