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do you ever feel like you love mika?

Guest Emz-Mika-Luva

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Ok just to make myself clear


I never said he was FAKE


And if people have interpreted that from what I have said then I apologise.


I was merely trying to say that there is more to Mika that we know, and because of that we can never say we truly know the 'real' mika. That is the Mika his family and friends know.


But FAKE was not what I meant.


That is all :mf_rosetinted:

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Like, I really don't know any other artists, as big as Mika, who still has such an unquestionable,amazing relationship with his 'fans'.


I know they're not even remotely cool, but Barenaked Ladies have sold more albums and more concert tickets than Mika and they have a much better relationship with their fans. They communicate with them directly on an almost daily basis. Their fan club is designed specifically to benefit the fans and offers a lot of perks. They even organize annual cruises for their fans!!


This is by no means a criticism of Mika. He's just a baby and his career is in its infancy. It's been a particularly mad year for him and he doesn't have the infrastructure in place or the experience to do what BNL does.


But I think people get carried away when they talk about Mika like he is the most down to earth musician that ever lived. It's not the case at all.

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ok, I have to say that I know some cases where VIPs have fallen in love with someone of their fans...actually one of my friends will get married to one soon (doesn't matter to whom, he's not that well known anyway)...so, yes, of course it is possible...


BUT I don't think that chances are pretty high to be honest! :wink2: So I don't believe in this "illusion"...

haha I believe in the "illusion"... I believe in it completely... because you just said it, your friend is getting married to a performer who " is not that well known"... but because mika is a "star" suddenly chances are not " high" to end uo with him



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okay sorry for being like ummm how would you say it??? IMMATURE?


i geuss im just a kid after all.


but hey now i understand i interpretated it wrong, sorry. i get it all right now. he has a private life (e.g: he could be gay but ohh well!) i understand it intirely (cnt spell) now.


its just i thought you were saying he was like every one else and like those people who sing about like sexual attractions like all that R&B stuff (no offence to those who like R&B..) and you know like those songs about like umm "you cant touch this" crap is just stupid and thats what i was interpretating in a way.


so im sorry to act so silly.



but the part mika shows to us is like a real part of him right?? not like he is so relaxed as if hes cuddled up on the couch watching tv LOL but like when he is in interviews and talk shows etc etc he always has so many opinions and well i respect that he can voice them. so is that ok if i belive that is the mika i love?? but i do know thats not completly him!! there is proberly a dark side to him like everybody else....he proberly has his bad days like everyone say yer hes not perfect but some times i make him out to be but i geuss thats what us teenagers do.......





Oh DON:T apologise! please please and don't blame it on "just being a kid"...we are all kids afterall because we love someone with a puppet theater:roftl: ... again, don't blame it on your age... don't do yourself the dishonor

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We see the true mika, because he practices what he preaches. The nice thing is that there's so much still to learn.


Mika will be making lots and lots of FRIENDS in the years to come,friends, not just fans.


See, thats why I sort of loath the term fan...DO NOT READ THIS WRONG PLEASE... the title "fan" implies a boundry line (I'm not talking protection from stalking lol) just in general implies something less than the person being "idolized"

and I am NOT less than Mika... I prefer to be called a patron to the arts:mf_rosetinted:


I do not doubt that mika is different at home and with his family...but at the same time, he's made it perfectly clear that he IS NOT A CELEBRITY...HE SAYS IT ALL THE TIME... and I for one have never referred to him as a celebrity. He is who he is... I just don't want people to start putting him up on a high pedestal as someone completely inaccesible. To me, he's a cool guy who can sing...and I just happen to be head over heels for him:mf_lustslow: and you know what, I think mika would prefer that sort of reference to anything demeaning his "fans" as people who don't have a chance with him.


*This is not a response to any one post, so please don't take any of it personally*


Okay, I'm not trying to put you down or challenge your feelings. I believe that you believe that you are in love. I just don't believe that this is very realistic.


Mika may not consider himself a celebrity, but he is. He is a public figure. It would be complete nonsense to say that the person who is in interviews is THE Mica Penniman. I don't care who you are, if you're put in front of a camera, you act differently. If someone were to take out a video camera and film me right now, with me knowing that thousands of people would watch it, I would act differently. My personality would be there, my thoughts would be there, but the way that I present myself would be different. I'm not saying that Mika and Mica are completely two different people. They are the same person; however, MIKA is the celebrity (yes, he's a celebrity whether he refers to himself that way or not. I can say that I refuse to call my brother's ADD what it is, and instead I'll just say that he's sometimes spastic, but that doesn't change the fact), and Mica is the person. I'm sure that there are no personality differences between the two, but we don't know the man.


I think that you need to understand that we ARE fans. We're not his best friends. Honestly, if he had the chance to pick someone to go to a bar with, a girl that randomly shows up at his gig and he has met briefly or someone he's gone to school with for years and talks to regularly, he's going to pick the person he knows. He loves us, he is thankful for us, he may think we're spectacularly crazy, but we're not his buddies. Sometimes he doesn't want to see us everywhere. Sometimes he just wants to be alone and be with people that he's known his entire life. No matter what way you look at it, it still stands. We are NOT his equals when it comes to the fame status. We are all humans, we all brush our teeth and use the toilet, but the thing that separates us from Mika is that we are his admirers and that's it. That is not putting him on a pedestal, that's stating what it is. I don't think that he's any better than any of us, I don't think that any of us are less worthy or whatnot, but he doesn't sit around and think about any of us personally, look up our MySpace profiles and stare at our photos, come on here and read all of our posts with bated breath. We have an important part in his life, but as a group of people, not necessarily individually.


None of this is directed personally at you, Melanie, your post just kind of fueled what I was going to say.


okay sorry for being like ummm how would you say it??? IMMATURE?


i geuss im just a kid after all.


but hey now i understand i interpretated it wrong, sorry. i get it all right now. he has a private life (e.g: he could be gay but ohh well!) i understand it intirely (cnt spell) now.


its just i thought you were saying he was like every one else and like those people who sing about like sexual attractions like all that R&B stuff (no offence to those who like R&B..) and you know like those songs about like umm "you cant touch this" crap is just stupid and thats what i was interpretating in a way.


so im sorry to act so silly.



but the part mika shows to us is like a real part of him right?? not like he is so relaxed as if hes cuddled up on the couch watching tv LOL but like when he is in interviews and talk shows etc etc he always has so many opinions and well i respect that he can voice them. so is that ok if i belive that is the mika i love?? but i do know thats not completly him!! there is proberly a dark side to him like everybody else....he proberly has his bad days like everyone say yer hes not perfect but some times i make him out to be but i geuss thats what us teenagers do.......





Don't worry about it, dear. EVERYONE does this to some degree. Mika and Mica are essentially the same person, but we cannot expect, realistically, that Mica Penniman from London is 100% MIKA: Pop Superstar. It's more about not knowing him as a person than it is about saying that they are different.

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Guest Emz-Mika-Luva
Oh DON:T apologise! please please and don't blame it on "just being a kid"...we are all kids afterall because we love someone with a puppet theater:roftl: ... again, don't blame it on your age... don't do yourself the dishonor


well i geuss, :bleh: but what else could it be??? i geuss its just me being over reactive!!! lol...


now i know why my friends call me mikas stalker....:roftl:

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Okay, I'm not trying to put you down or challenge your feelings. I believe that you believe that you are in love. I just don't believe that this is very realistic.


Mika may not consider himself a celebrity, but he is. He is a public figure. It would be complete nonsense to say that the person who is in interviews is THE Mica Penniman. I don't care who you are, if you're put in front of a camera, you act differently. If someone were to take out a video camera and film me right now, with me knowing that thousands of people would watch it, I would act differently. My personality would be there, my thoughts would be there, but the way that I present myself would be different. I'm not saying that Mika and Mica are completely two different people. They are the same person; however, MIKA is the celebrity (yes, he's a celebrity whether he refers to himself that way or not. I can say that I refuse to call my brother's ADD what it is, and instead I'll just say that he's sometimes spastic, but that doesn't change the fact), and Mica is the person. I'm sure that there are no personality differences between the two, but we don't know the man.


I think that you need to understand that we ARE fans. We're not his best friends. Honestly, if he had the chance to pick someone to go to a bar with, a girl that randomly shows up at his gig and he has met briefly or someone he's gone to school with for years and talks to regularly, he's going to pick the person he knows. He loves us, he is thankful for us, he may think we're spectacularly crazy, but we're not his buddies. Sometimes he doesn't want to see us everywhere. Sometimes he just wants to be alone and be with people that he's known his entire life. No matter what way you look at it, it still stands. We are NOT his equals when it comes to the fame status. We are all humans, we all brush our teeth and use the toilet, but the thing that separates us from Mika is that we are his admirers and that's it. That is not putting him on a pedestal, that's stating what it is. I don't think that he's any better than any of us, I don't think that any of us are less worthy or whatnot, but he doesn't sit around and think about any of us personally, look up our MySpace profiles and stare at our photos, come on here and read all of our posts with bated breath. We have an important part in his life, but as a group of people, not necessarily individually.


None of this is directed personally at you, Melanie, your post just kind of fueled what I was going to say.




Don't worry about it, dear. EVERYONE does this to some degree. Mika and Mica are essentially the same person, but we cannot expect, realistically, that Mica Penniman from London is 100% MIKA: Pop Superstar. It's more about not knowing him as a person than it is about saying that they are different.




Damn girl, you've said it all, and very well I might add.


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haha I believe in the "illusion"... I believe in it completely... because you just said it, your friend is getting married to a performer who " is not that well known"... but because mika is a "star" suddenly chances are not " high" to end uo with him





actually it's not a performer, it's a sportsman, but that doesn't make a difference, does it...


well, what I was trying to say is that if you do believe in the fact that Mika might fall in love with you ar some other fan it might be dangerous, because if the affection is too strong one is likely to lose the link to reality and to get too involved. I don't know if you see the point of what I'm saying, but I know what I'm talking about...I thought the same several years ago when I was deeply in love with some celebs and believed that they would also fall in love with me...But now I'm convinced that this is not very likely to happen.


I'm not trying to say that I don't admire and love Mika for what he's doing, because I do, but in a different way. I now know that I need a life besides the admiration of my "star" (I put that deliberately into quotqtion marks).


As I have said before, of course Mika will fall in love with someone sooner or later...right, but that doesn't necessarily have to be a fan...I even think that most celebs prefer their partner not to be a "fan".


Well, that's just my opinion, maybe I'm wrong...

I don't intend to offned someone with what I've written.

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actually it's not a performer, it's a sportsman, but that doesn't make a difference, does it...


well, what I was trying to say is that if you do believe in the fact that Mika might fall in love with you ar some other fan it might be dangerous, because if the affection is too strong one is likely to lose the link to reality and to get too involved. I don't know if you see the point of what I'm saying, but I know what I'm talking about...I thought the same several years ago when I was deeply in love with some celebs and believed that they would also fall in love with me...But now I'm convinced that this is not very likely to happen.


I'm not trying to say that I don't admire and love Mika for what he's doing, because I do, but in a different way. I now know that I need a life besides the admiration of my "star" (I put that deliberately into quotqtion marks).


As I have said before, of course Mika will fall in love with someone sooner or later...right, but that doesn't necessarily have to be a fan...I even think that most celebs prefer their partner not to be a "fan".

Well, that's just my opinion, maybe I'm wrong...

I don't intend to offned someone with what I've written.



And that will be the day every MFCer commits suicide.

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Mika may not consider himself a celebrity, but he is. He is a public figure. It would be complete nonsense to say that the person who is in interviews is THE Mica Penniman. I don't care who you are, if you're put in front of a camera, you act differently. If someone were to take out a video camera and film me right now, with me knowing that thousands of people would watch it, I would act differently. My personality would be there, my thoughts would be there, but the way that I present myself would be different. I'm not saying that Mika and Mica are completely two different people. They are the same person; however, MIKA is the celebrity (yes, he's a celebrity whether he refers to himself that way or not. I can say that I refuse to call my brother's ADD what it is, and instead I'll just say that he's sometimes spastic, but that doesn't change the fact), and Mica is the person. I'm sure that there are no personality differences between the two, but we don't know the man.




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we were talking about that earlier.... but if not a "fan" who? A hater? Someone living on another planet?... I suppose someone who is and always has been in mika's inner circle...


still, I am stubborn and say he'll love someone who loves his music:thumb_yello:


I don't know if that can ever work out though (as much as it pains me to say this).....but I don't think he'd want a hater either. Probably someone who's never heard of him, thats probably the best.

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actually it's not a performer, it's a sportsman, but that doesn't make a difference, does it...


well, what I was trying to say is that if you do believe in the fact that Mika might fall in love with you ar some other fan it might be dangerous, because if the affection is too strong one is likely to lose the link to reality and to get too involved. I don't know if you see the point of what I'm saying, but I know what I'm talking about...I thought the same several years ago when I was deeply in love with some celebs and believed that they would also fall in love with me...But now I'm convinced that this is not very likely to happen.


I'm not trying to say that I don't admire and love Mika for what he's doing, because I do, but in a different way. I now know that I need a life besides the admiration of my "star" (I put that deliberately into quotqtion marks).


As I have said before, of course Mika will fall in love with someone sooner or later...right, but that doesn't necessarily have to be a fan...I even think that most celebs prefer their partner not to be a "fan".


Well, that's just my opinion, maybe I'm wrong...

I don't intend to offned someone with what I've written.


I agree.


It's harsh, but please girls, PLEASE accept the fact that your chance with Mika is miniscule to nonexistant. I frankly worry for people when they return from a Mika gig and claim that Mika is somehow in love with them. Please stop. Maybe you saw fireworks and dancing daisies, but he didn't. You see what you want to see. I don't want to bring in the sexuality thing, but seriously people. :mf_rosetinted:


I don't want to crush anyone's dreams or induce suicide, but you have to accept that Mika does not think about you in his spare time. He may think about his FANS, but FANS is a GROUP, a collective whole. If I bump into someone in a coffee shop, say, "I'm sorry," and that's the end, I'm not going to sit and obsessively think about this person while I'm lying in bed at night. Mika is a person, not God Almighty. He cannot be expected to personally "know" all of his fans. You may meet him 10 times, but you can't say that you "know" him. You can't call him a friend. You may be to the acquaintance level, but that's it. Meeting a man outside a venue for a minute and getting an autograph is barely a proper meeting.

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i feel so lonely with this and i really want to know if anyone feels the same way and well if its actually possiable to love some one you havnt even met in person!!


This is possible, maybe not on this scale but there are definately instances of it happening and you're TOTALLY not alone, I feel the same way from time to time but I have to wait till Im 16 before I seriously act on it :P

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i feel so lonely with this and i really want to know if anyone feels the same way and well if its actually possiable to love some one you havnt even met in person!!


This is possible, maybe not on this scale but there are definately instances of it happening and you're TOTALLY not alone, I feel the same way from time to time but I have to wait till Im 16 before I seriously act on it :P


Well than you wouldn't love that person, you'd love the little that you know about them. All I can say is TRUST ME, ive been in an absolutely horrible situation like this that completley broke my heart, it's not safe, don't fool yourself.

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If I bump into someone in a coffee shop, say, "I'm sorry," and that's the end, I'm not going to sit and obsessively think about this person while I'm lying in bed at night.


Would you be scared if I told you I would obsessively think about it? hahahah

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Okay, I'm not trying to put you down or challenge your feelings. I believe that you believe that you are in love. I just don't believe that this is very realistic.


Mika may not consider himself a celebrity, but he is. He is a public figure. It would be complete nonsense to say that the person who is in interviews is THE Mica Penniman. I don't care who you are, if you're put in front of a camera, you act differently. If someone were to take out a video camera and film me right now, with me knowing that thousands of people would watch it, I would act differently. My personality would be there, my thoughts would be there, but the way that I present myself would be different. I'm not saying that Mika and Mica are completely two different people. They are the same person; however, MIKA is the celebrity (yes, he's a celebrity whether he refers to himself that way or not. I can say that I refuse to call my brother's ADD what it is, and instead I'll just say that he's sometimes spastic, but that doesn't change the fact), and Mica is the person. I'm sure that there are no personality differences between the two, but we don't know the man.


I think that you need to understand that we ARE fans. We're not his best friends. Honestly, if he had the chance to pick someone to go to a bar with, a girl that randomly shows up at his gig and he has met briefly or someone he's gone to school with for years and talks to regularly, he's going to pick the person he knows. He loves us, he is thankful for us, he may think we're spectacularly crazy, but we're not his buddies. Sometimes he doesn't want to see us everywhere. Sometimes he just wants to be alone and be with people that he's known his entire life. No matter what way you look at it, it still stands. We are NOT his equals when it comes to the fame status. We are all humans, we all brush our teeth and use the toilet, but the thing that separates us from Mika is that we are his admirers and that's it. That is not putting him on a pedestal, that's stating what it is. I don't think that he's any better than any of us, I don't think that any of us are less worthy or whatnot, but he doesn't sit around and think about any of us personally, look up our MySpace profiles and stare at our photos, come on here and read all of our posts with bated breath. We have an important part in his life, but as a group of people, not necessarily individually.


None of this is directed personally at you, Melanie, your post just kind of fueled what I was going to say.




Don't worry about it, dear. EVERYONE does this to some degree. Mika and Mica are essentially the same person, but we cannot expect, realistically, that Mica Penniman from London is 100% MIKA: Pop Superstar. It's more about not knowing him as a person than it is about saying that they are different.

I know it's not realistic lol... but this is who I am...I will not defend that by any means because I don't think I should have to...


To be honest, the last thing I want is to be a realist...that's me. I'm a dreamer, and I always have been. People who know me know that.


and like I said, please do not misunderstand my interpretation of the term "fan

... It is obvious that I am one, and it is obvious that I am not his best friend. Please though lol...don't do me the dis honor of thinking that I actually believe myself to be his friend. However, Mika and I are no different. "Fame" or no fame... we both are looking for the same thing"to be loved and to love someone" and I detest the idea of not being his equal because of fame. Because, someday I will be famous. :wink2: I'm not just saying that because it's conceted...it truly is an aspiration of mine. I want to be known for something great, for doing something monumental in this world. So, if that's what makes us not "equal", than I'm convinced that won't be an issue in the NEAR future.


That concept is absolutley universal.


AS I continue to read your post... I find myself getting more and more upset...not at you personally, but at the fact that I am being completely misunderstood. No one wants to hear that Mika can be put off by "fans" and that he infact does not want to see "us" everywhere...but I just don't believe that.


The moments that we shared...not lovey dovey... are exactly that, just for me and him. No one will ever know what it is that we both witnessed. I looked up at him and suddenly knew that he loved me back. Please don't ask me to defend this, because it's rare for me to say it. It's very vulnerable. He appreciated me...Mika appreciated me as he looked at me and I looked at him. There WAS MOST CERTAINLY love. It may not have been "romantic" love, but it was still love. Fan or no fan, I know what it felt like to talk to him and how his voice sounded so gentle and soft...so thankful for me.


So, if there is an imaginary "fame boundary," I'm convinced that I crossed it because what I felt is inexplicable.

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