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PPR part 7 (the new beggining)


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pardon? i don't see why you say MY idea when, here, we're not the only ones who post only about ourselves...


She said you two made a little story part up :mf_rosetinted:


*cough* It was actually Sara's and my idea, but I thought we were going to get rid of the BBLs then go to Prof. Humphreys (that was his name, right? You know the one that created that thing that gave Cal and Artsy powers....) to let him know about Baby and Kevins death, and he was going to have a new invention; a time machin, which we use to go and get Micheal? I said that because it would have made more sense but *shrug* nevermind *cough*


I'll post....

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sara grabbed mac's arm!'' i really don't like paul... he's always too... distingué!'' she said rolling her eyes! mac laughed and we followed michael to an old empty gym!

'' what are we doing here?? '' paul asked

'' well, they asked for help, that's what i'm doing, i'm helping them... here, it's desert... nobody never come here! ''

'' ok girls, we must go now! '' mac said

'' yes... and now i must leave too... i don't have time to lose with those kind of things! '' michael said, turning his back to us and walking to the doors... 5 minutes later, paul kissed mav and left too!

'' ready girls?? '' mac asked

'' no... wait i forgot to give back hios sweater to paul! she ran to the door as mac and sara followed after! sara opened the door and it slammed right into michael! she look at him on the ground as mavvy was trying to find paul!

'' are you ok? im sorry, i thought you left 15 minutes ago... what are you doing there??''

'' well, i came back because...''

'' because??'' sara asked

'' because you believe us! '' mac laughed

'' no... i just wanted to see... if you were going to leave... and... ''

at this very moment, mavvy and paul came from behind! they all quickly entered the gym again ...

..i want to stay here with paul '' mav said as sara looked at her shocked

'' NO MAV.. we need you! ''

'' it s the only way i can be happy , i m tired of the pprs i just can t live my life as i want to... they re controling me ''

''PPRS?? what s that '' michael asked sara looked at him then, at mavvy

'' that s what you want ??''

she nodded !paul was holding her hand

'' so we're leaving without her?? '' sara asked to mac

'' no... we were 3 when we came... we have to be 3 to come back! ''


"Well, I'll come." Micheal smiled. Sara went into a world of her own after seeing him smile at her, and Mac hmmmed.

"But... It'll completely change the future. I mean totally. We could go back to a world without..." Sara interrupted her.

"Who cares? Let's go back. Mavs is happy, Micheal will have a better life..."

"What? Better life? What happened to me?" Micheal asked, confused.

"We'll tell you later. Like, when we get back to 2008." Sara replied.

"2008? Wow... Do they have flying cars?" Micheal asked excitedly.

"Well... Not exactly... Come on, we'd better go before we change anything else... Or get anymore dirty looks." Mac said, as a few girls laughed at her, because of what she was wearing.

"Yes, you do look weird." Micheal commented.

"Hey! You wait til you get to 2008. You'll be the weird one." Mac replied. Sara just stared at Micheal dreamishly as Mac dragged her back to the time machine (did they have one?) in the nearby alleyway.


"Where did Sara and Mavs go?" Kelzy asked, as she looked around the car.

"I don't know, but they better not put us or the others in danger..." Becky replied, as she held a sleeping Kairi and began to worry about Cosmo.

Just then, Sara knocked on the window.

"Who's you're all time dream love?" Kelzy asked, to make sure it wasn't a BBL.

"Him." Sara whispered, and made a gesture to who was behind her. Everyon looked and gasped.

"What the... Is he a look-a-like or something? Because if he is he's got him perfect!" Kelzy commented.

"No! He's real! Let us in!" Sara grinned. Soa opened the door, astonished that this was possible. Sara and Micheal climbed in, and Micheal smiled shyly at everyone, who was staring at him in complete shock. Sara explained how it all happened, with every detail, except leaving out Mac, because if they knew she'd been with a BBL, she would have been in trouble.

"A time machine in the basement?" Becky asked, a little bit lost.

"Of course! That would be how they were always one step ahead!" Soa exclaimed. Everyone else smiled, then frowned.

"But... Does that mean they could find us anywhere, at anytime? Like... now?" Glow asked, trying to ignore the pains in her stomach. There was no way it was coming now... It would be a month early!

"Yeah... But for now lets focuse on waiting for the others." Kelzy said reassuringly.

"Oh my god!" Glow shouted, clutching her stomach.

"What?" Everyone said in usion.

"The baby... I think it's coming!" Glow gasped.

"We have to get to a hospital!" Micheal said, beggining to get out of the car, but Soa dragged him back in.

"We can't! I take it you didn't update him on the PPR story?" Sara blushed.

"Well... He wanted to know about his life."

"Update him now then."

"I'll take her to a hospital." Becky voulenteered.

"I'll come with. You guys, stay here and we'll call you with any updates. You do the same with us." Kelzy instructed. Soa nodded.

"Are you going to take the kids?" Szra asked.

"I think its best, after they're ordeal." Becky answered. She picked up Kari in one arm, and helped Glow out with the other. Kelzy took Edwin's hand, and kept an eye out for BBLs and a cab.

"C'mon. This way." Kelzy whispered, getting down so it wasn't easy to see them.

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*bumps and considers posting*

I grabbed Finn's and and lead us in the winding corridors.

I heard a high pitched scream and saw creative at the end of the hall looking down at a spider.

I caught my breath and all four of us backed up to the wall and stood motionless for 5 minutes until we noticed she had squashed the spider with an axe.

"Wow." I muttered breathlessly.

Er put her fist in her mouth to avoid bursting out with laughter.

I nudged her and we hurried up down the corridor behind creative.

She turned her head slowly and we all jumped into a dark room.

I popped my head out to see if creative had disappeared and she had.

I motioned for the others to follow and we all headed back down the hallway.

I glanced to my right where big oak doors stood. I glanced back to my left where i saw a big fancy dining room table where tentacle and N3l sat kissing profusely.

I shuddered and we all snuck out the doors to the back of the cottage.

There were many tables with axes in them.

I gulped.

"Wrong way."

Finn and ER exchanged scared glances.

"OK let's go back in" i sighed dropping my head and running back to the oak doors.

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I grabbed Finn's and and lead us in the winding corridors.

I heard a high pitched scream and saw creative at the end of the hall looking down at a spider.

I caught my breath and all four of us backed up to the wall and stood motionless for 5 minutes until we noticed she had squashed the spider with an axe.

"Wow." I muttered breathlessly.

Er put her fist in her mouth to avoid bursting out with laughter.

I nudged her and we hurried up down the corridor behind creative.

She turned her head slowly and we all jumped into a dark room.

I popped my head out to see if creative had disappeared and she had.

I motioned for the others to follow and we all headed back down the hallway.

I glanced to my right where big oak doors stood. I glanced back to my left where i saw a big fancy dining room table where tentacle and N3l sat kissing profusely.

I shuddered and we all snuck out the doors to the back of the cottage.

There were many tables with axes in them.

I gulped.

"Wrong way."

Finn and ER exchanged scared glances.

"OK let's go back in" i sighed dropping my head and running back to the oak doors.


We cautiously entered the axe room, and each yanked one out of the table, just to be sure.

'M, do you hear her?' I whispered.

She paused. 'Yes, I think so. It's coming from...this direction,' she said, walking directly towards a wall. 'Oh. That could be a bit problematic...'

'Erm...are you sure? I'm pretty sure there aren't any rooms on the other side,' said Finn uncertainly.

'Yes, I'm sure. She's on the other side of the wall,' M replied. 'How, I have no idea.'

I walked around the table to stand with them, but tripped on something under the rug before I could. 'Ouch!' I yelled, before realising my mistake. Surely the BBLs had heard? I turned to see what I had tripped on, and saw a lump under the rug. I reached out to touch it, and it clicked under my fingers. All at once, a section of the wall of the dining room opened smoothly before our - or, at least, my - astonished eyes, for M and Finn had both turnes to see Creative and N3L flanking Tentacle in the doorway with guns in hand. I waited a second for my brain to unfreeze, then yelled 'GO!' to Finn and M4L. They understood what i meant, and booked it into the passageway that the hidden button had opened. I got up, just as the 3 BBLs started to run after us, and pressed the button again with my foot. I pushed the table over, right in their path, and ran as fast as I could towards the rapidly closing gap in the wall. I made it through, but the back of my shirt and some of my hair didn't.

'You OK?' asked Finn.

'I think so,' I panted.

'Let's go and get Arts...' said M, staring dubiously at the long, dark staircase in front of us.



'Guys, we can't wait here much longer, they'll find us out soon...' muttered Cosmo, hiding in the car that had been hidden in the bushes with the rest of the PPRs.

'We can't just leave without the others though!' JJL said.

'Hey, who's that?' said Soa, pointing to someone walking around outside. Suddenly, she turned and stared right where they were hiding. Her eyes widened and she started to walk towards the HQ.

'Sh*t.' Cosmo muttered and jumped out of the car, running after the girl. She screamed and started running as well.


Mac hated time travel while she was running. She just needed thirty seconds though, that wasn't too hard...she shut her eyes, running blindly. She was just about to travel when - THUMP - the man chasing her jumped on her from behind. It was too late to stop. He'd have to come with her.


Thirty seconds earlier...

'Guys, we can't wait here mu--'

Cosmo vanished.

'Oh my God, what the hell just happened to Cosmo?'

'Where'd he go?'

'I didn't know he could turn invisible!'


Everyone started speaking at once, forgetting to keep quiet. Then Soa said,

'Look! He's out there!' And pointed to where he was lying on the ground with a girl they had never seen before. At least, not most of them. Sara gasped. 'That's...'

She clapped a hand over her mouth.

'Who? Who is it?'

Sara blushed. 'Forget it. I shouldn't have said anything. It's nothing important.'

'You know, we don't need ER here to tell you're lying.' said Soa wryly.

'OK, OK. She's...the BBL's time machine.'


'She can time travel. She's how we went back to the 80's. I didn't want to say because she works for the BBLs. I swear, I told her nothing though!' said Sara, looking ashamed.

There was a stunned silence. Then: 'We'll have to kidnap her, just in case.' said Jack.


Cosmo stared, shocked, at the girl. 'What...the hell...just happened?'

She glared at him. 'Why would I tell you? You're one of them! In fact, I'm going to turn you in!' she said, and promptly started yelling.

At a loss of what else to do, Cosmo clapped a hand over her mouth and dragged her back into the car.

'Nice one, Cosmo. Now we've got the upper hand.' said Calvin smugly.

'You know who this is?' he asked, confused, of the girl struggling in his iron grip.

'Yeah. She can travel through time. She's the reason the BBLs keep catching up to us.' said Soa.

Mac frowned. 'How did you--YOU!' She pointed to Sara. 'You little bitch! You said you were a BBL!'

'Too late now. Tie her up, would you, Cal?' said Cosmo.

'Now,' said Soa, once she was safely tied, 'you're going to give us some info. Your BBLs aren't the only ones with guns.'

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We cautiously entered the axe room, and each yanked one out of the table, just to be sure.

'M, do you hear her?' I whispered.

She paused. 'Yes, I think so. It's coming from...this direction,' she said, walking directly towards a wall. 'Oh. That could be a bit problematic...'

'Erm...are you sure? I'm pretty sure there aren't any rooms on the other side,' said Finn uncertainly.

'Yes, I'm sure. She's on the other side of the wall,' M replied. 'How, I have no idea.'

I walked around the table to stand with them, but tripped on something under the rug before I could. 'Ouch!' I yelled, before realising my mistake. Surely the BBLs had heard? I turned to see what I had tripped on, and saw a lump under the rug. I reached out to touch it, and it clicked under my fingers. All at once, a section of the wall of the dining room opened smoothly before our - or, at least, my - astonished eyes, for M and Finn had both turnes to see Creative and N3L flanking Tentacle in the doorway with guns in hand. I waited a second for my brain to unfreeze, then yelled 'GO!' to Finn and M4L. They understood what i meant, and booked it into the passageway that the hidden button had opened. I got up, just as the 3 BBLs started to run after us, and pressed the button again with my foot. I pushed the table over, right in their path, and ran as fast as I could towards the rapidly closing gap in the wall. I made it through, but the back of my shirt and some of my hair didn't.

'You OK?' asked Finn.

'I think so,' I panted.

'Let's go and get Arts...' said M, staring dubiously at the long, dark staircase in front of us.



'Guys, we can't wait here much longer, they'll find us out soon...' muttered Cosmo, hiding in the car that had been hidden in the bushes with the rest of the PPRs.

'We can't just leave without the others though!' JJL said.

'Hey, who's that?' said Soa, pointing to someone walking around outside. Suddenly, she turned and stared right where they were hiding. Her eyes widened and she started to walk towards the HQ.

'Sh*t.' Cosmo muttered and jumped out of the car, running after the girl. She screamed and started running as well.


Mac hated time travel while she was running. She just needed thirty seconds though, that wasn't too hard...she shut her eyes, running blindly. She was just about to travel when - THUMP - the man chasing her jumped on her from behind. It was too late to stop. He'd have to come with her.


Thirty seconds earlier...

'Guys, we can't wait here mu--'

Cosmo vanished.

'Oh my God, what the hell just happened to Cosmo?'

'Where'd he go?'

'I didn't know he could turn invisible!'


Everyone started speaking at once, forgetting to keep quiet. Then Soa said,

'Look! He's out there!' And pointed to where he was lying on the ground with a girl they had never seen before. At least, not most of them. Sara gasped. 'That's...'

She clapped a hand over her mouth.

'Who? Who is it?'

Sara blushed. 'Forget it. I shouldn't have said anything. It's nothing important.'

'You know, we don't need ER here to tell you're lying.' said Soa wryly.

'OK, OK. She's...the BBL's time machine.'


'She can time travel. She's how we went back to the 80's. I didn't want to say because she works for the BBLs. I swear, I told her nothing though!' said Sara, looking ashamed.

There was a stunned silence. Then: 'We'll have to kidnap her, just in case.' said Jack.


Cosmo stared, shocked, at the girl. 'What...the hell...just happened?'

She glared at him. 'Why would I tell you? You're one of them! In fact, I'm going to turn you in!' she said, and promptly started yelling.

At a loss of what else to do, Cosmo clapped a hand over her mouth and dragged her back into the car.

'Nice one, Cosmo. Now we've got the upper hand.' said Calvin smugly.

'You know who this is?' he asked, confused, of the girl struggling in his iron grip.

'Yeah. She can travel through time. She's the reason the BBLs keep catching up to us.' said Soa.

Mac frowned. 'How did you--YOU!' She pointed to Sara. 'You little bitch! You said you were a BBL!'

'Too late now. Tie her up, would you, Cal?' said Cosmo.

'Now,' said Soa, once she was safely tied, 'you're going to give us some info. Your BBLs aren't the only ones with guns.'


Becky and Kelzy waited worriedly in the waiting area. There had been 'complications' with the baby, so she had to have an emergency ceaserean section. The cab ride had been particulary difficult. The cab drover was extremely grumpy, and disliked Glow's crying out.

"Could you be quiet?" He had asked snappily. Kelzy had glared, but Becky, who had been through childbirth, went into one.

"Have YOU been through childbirth?" She'd asked calmly.

"Well, uh..." He stuttered. But this was enough for Becky.

"No, I didn't think so! So how can you sit there and COMPLAIN that she is in pain, when you haven't experienced ANYTHING like it in your life? Would you complain if it was your wife with your child in the backseat?" She'd replied angrily. The cab driver had mumbled something under his breath, but didn't reply. In fact, they didn't speak until Glow's waters broke while in the cab. He went to complain, but he saw Becky's evil look, and decided against saying anything against her. Instead, he said it wasn't far til they got there.

"Where's Mama?" Edwin asked, interrupting Becky's trail of thought. Becky smiled weakly.

"Mama has gone to have your little brother or sister." Becky replied.

"How long will she be?" Edwin questioned impatiently.

"That depends how big the baby is." Kelzy told him. Edwin thought for a moment.

"That's going to be one big baby!" He exclaimed.

"Eddy!" Kairi called from the playroom. Hearing her call, he left Kelzy and Becky and ran off to the playroom.

The doctor walked down the corridor, with a grave look on his face.

"What's happened?" Kelzy asked, standing up.

"I assume you are Glow's friends?" He asked. Becky and Kelzy nodded, not sure what to expect, and they weren't sure they wanted to know.

"Well, the ceaserean section went well, however, the child has been put in intensive care, as she cannot breathe on her own. She should be fine in a couple of days, but we can't take any chances."

"And Glow?"

"Well, she is being cleaned up, and she shoud wake up in a few hours." The doctor smiled, then walked away.

"I'll call the others, then shall we go down and see Edwin's baby sister?" Kelzy asked. Becky nodded, relieved they had gotten over the first hurdle. Of this race anyway...

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