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Mika Cancels London Dates


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As some of you may already know, Mika is unwell and has been advised to cancel tonight and tomorrow's gigs in London.


This is just as disappointing for Palladium as it is for all of you who had tickets to see the gigs.


However, if you are in town we'd like to offer you another party to come to where your fancy dress, glow sticks, special make-up and fantastic energy are all welcome, Palladium are playing at the famous Camden Barfly tomorrow night (Tuesday 4th Dec).


As we might not get to see all you Mika fans until his gigs are rescheduled in Feb, why not come along and raise your spirits back up at Palladium stadium tomorrow night!


Details of this gig can be found in our gig listings on our myspace profile!


We wish Mika the best of luck in getting well again soon!

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Hi guys, we've just found out from John, and Mika spoke to us on the speakerphone, he apologised for the cancellation, but he has a virus and has to have 48 hours rest or his voice will be shot.

He sounded quite rough, and I think this has just got too much for him. We spoke to the band and they took photos with us, and I got a drumstick off Cherisses! I'M SO HAPPY!

So we are just milling around aimlessly at the moment outside the Apollo, not sure what's happening now.

Oh yes, apparently he is rescheduling these dates for just before the US tour in February, but not sure of dates yet.

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