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The Australian Thread: Part Six

Rainbow Sky

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Very snazzy.... the one i wanted was purple cloth with black trim *wipes tear and is tempted to get it herself anyway*


Apparently mum was going to get me a lime green one.... I would have liked that more. The blue just seems so plain, but it'll be useful.... I will use it



Anyways, this is me saying goodbye in the third thread I'm chatting to you in Arts.



Chat tonight, when I'm full as


Awww, well, did she keep the tags so you could exchange it? (My fam always keeps the tags because it keeps everyone happy.)


Blue is a bit plain by itself, but maybe you could dazzle it up? Patches and buttons and markers and glitter and paint; the possibilities are endless.


For the third time, goodbye! *grabs RBSKY's hand and waves it*:naughty:

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Hi Armande!!

I'm great; how are you? Good christmas?

hello! i am good thankyou, i had a good christmas, and i got good presents too, and i think people liked the ones i gave them too


:biggrin2: Good morning lovelies !!! :biggrin2:

:biggrin2: good morning, how are you?


hehe, my brother has been dancing around the house to LiveICM. it is such a great dvd, but i wish over my shoulder was on it :sad:

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hey all , i hope everyonbe had a good xmas, i got awersum pressies, one of which was "live in cartoon motion" from my bro, he conveniently watched it first before sending it to me but he did say that after watching it he has a new respect for mika and likes him now which is an upgrade from "hes not bad" which was what he thought of him before. the same bro also got me season 1 of veronica mars and a limited edition of grease where the cover it a leather T Bird jacket (sooooooo cool)

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Good Afternoooooon Everyone!!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas day with your family and friends!!

and now it's Boxing day :boxing: ... so put 'em up.. :naughty:


We don't celebrate Boxing Day; we've got the x-mas sales tomorrow, then nothing to rejoice about until New Year's. But when it rolls around, I fully expect to get smashed, and fully expect to find you all online to laugh at my typos and twisted jokes.:naughty:

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We don't celebrate Boxing Day; we've got the x-mas sales tomorrow, then nothing to rejoice about until New Year's. But when it rolls around, I fully expect to get smashed, and fully expect to find you all online to laugh at my typos and twisted jokes.:naughty:


Daughtah!!!!!!! I wouldn't miss your typos for the world.. yours and Soa's :naughty:

Hey JJL & PO

Good thanx JJL, how are you?

I should be eating leftovers but 2 minute noodles were more tempting...:bleh:

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We don't celebrate Boxing Day; we've got the x-mas sales tomorrow, then nothing to rejoice about until New Year's. But when it rolls around, I fully expect to get smashed, and fully expect to find you all online to laugh at my typos and twisted jokes.:naughty:


Well I'm definetly gunna be online for that hehe :naughty::bleh::biggrin2:

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I don't celebrate boxing day either - unless you count going to the sales :)


I did not go all out, but I did go to Target and get the long Maxi dress I have been eyeing off for a month or so (it was reduced to $25 from $60) and then I went to Wearhouse for Fashion (glad I did!!) and got 3 more dresses for a total of $30 :)


What a great haul!

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Daughtah!!!!!!! I wouldn't miss your typos for the world.. yours and Soa's :naughty:

Hey JJL & PO

Good thanx JJL, how are you?

I should be eating leftovers but 2 minute noodles were more tempting...:bleh:


Thats good to hear Kelz, I'm quite good myself... still a bit giddy from Christmas yesterday hehe:naughty:

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Hello, Aussies!


Gosh, I am in such a good mood. Or drunk and hormonal. Take your pick. :roll1:


We don't celebrate Boxing Day; we've got the x-mas sales tomorrow, then nothing to rejoice about until New Year's. But when it rolls around, I fully expect to get smashed, and fully expect to find you all online to laugh at my typos and twisted jokes.:naughty:

Remember, Artsy, I'm going to hold you to your word. I expect New Year's drunken typoing and public nudity when you come to Oz. :roftl:

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Daughtah!!!!!!! I wouldn't miss your typos for the world.. yours and Soa's :naughty:

Hey JJL & PO

Good thanx JJL, how are you?

I should be eating leftovers but 2 minute noodles were more tempting...


Well I'm definetly gunna be online for that hehe :naughty::biggrin2:


I don't celebrate boxing day either - unless you count going to the sales :)


I did not go all out, but I did go to Target and get the long Maxi dress I have been eyeing off for a month or so (it was reduced to $25 from $60) and then I went to Wearhouse for Fashion (glad I did!!) and got 3 more dresses for a total of $30 :)


What a great haul!


Hello, Aussies!


Gosh, I am in such a good mood. Or drunk and hormonal. Take your pick.



Remember, Artsy, I'm going to hold you to your word. I expect New Year's drunken typoing and public nudity when you come to Oz. :roftl:


Good, you all better be online for the hilarity. (And plenty of nudity, Scutty, but I will be at my most charming to get you to participate.:naughty: )

Aaurora, sounds like an awesome haul!


Btw, what is Boxing Day?

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Wowza, that's a lot of food. (what's pavlova?)



This is pavlova.............yum!!!





Basically it is like a massive meringue, hard on the crust but soft insde (it's made from egg whites and sugar) and then topped with cream and fruit. Really light but sweet and sooooo yummy! I would shiip you some over, but it would be rotten by the time it

got there!

I don't celebrate boxing day either - unless you count going to the sales :)


I did not go all out, but I did go to Target and get the long Maxi dress I have been eyeing off for a month or so (it was reduced to $25 from $60) and then I went to Wearhouse for Fashion (glad I did!!) and got 3 more dresses for a total of $30 :)


What a great haul!


Oh, our sales don't start til tomorrow, and now I am babysitting for a couple of hours first thing for a friend, but there is nothing I desperately want so I can wait til lunchtime.


I know I seem to be constantly be whinging about the weather, but it got to 43 degrees by 1230 :boxed: Have not left the house, the air con is working overtime and after I get the kids some leftover lasagne for lunch I am going back to my bedroom to read my book in peace!

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Good, you all better be online for the hilarity. (And plenty of nudity, Scutty, but I will be at my most charming to get you to participate.:naughty: )

Aaurora, sounds like an awesome haul!


Btw, what is Boxing Day?


No idea what Boxing Day is... But I know there are loads of sales involed though


*Evil shopping grin* Heh Heh

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This is pavlova.............yum!!!





Basically it is like a massive meringue, hard on the crust but soft insde (it's made from egg whites and sugar) and then topped with cream and fruit. Really light but sweet and sooooo yummy! I would shiip you some over, but it would be rotten by the time it

got there!

Wowza, it looks good! I don't think we have that over here.

No idea what Boxing Day is... But I know there are loads of sales involed though


*Evil shopping grin* Heh Heh

Mmmmm, shopping...I've got my eyes on a pair of hot pink bermuda shorts that my mother will absolutely hate.:naughty:

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And....... :stretcher:

And I love your siggy!!! :mf_lustslow:

lol thanks, it took next to no effort at all


hey all , i hope everyonbe had a good xmas, i got awersum pressies, one of which was "live in cartoon motion" from my bro, he conveniently watched it first before sending it to me but he did say that after watching it he has a new respect for mika and likes him now which is an upgrade from "hes not bad" which was what he thought of him before. the same bro also got me season 1 of veronica mars and a limited edition of grease where the cover it a leather T Bird jacket (sooooooo cool)

i got licm for xmas too, it is really good, isn't it?


We don't celebrate Boxing Day; we've got the x-mas sales tomorrow, then nothing to rejoice about until New Year's. But when it rolls around, I fully expect to get smashed, and fully expect to find you all online to laugh at my typos and twisted jokes.:naughty:

*will be waiting*


I don't celebrate boxing day either - unless you count going to the sales :)


I did not go all out, but I did go to Target and get the long Maxi dress I have been eyeing off for a month or so (it was reduced to $25 from $60) and then I went to Wearhouse for Fashion (glad I did!!) and got 3 more dresses for a total of $30 :)


What a great haul!

wow, what great bargins, i was too lazy to go out shopping :naughty:

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