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The Australian Thread: Seventh Heaven

Rainbow Sky

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never fear, for *I* am here! hehe


I'm new and more importantly I'm Australian! Hurrah!

(I've also been told that the forums are lacking guys?) I happen to be one of them too... well... it HAS been rumoured! :biggrin2:


Yay A new boy to play with. *claps*



And... omg... you are a pirate too?


*edges closer* :das:




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MOrning all. Welcome to our new boy, you're a rarity round these parts.


I am up birght and early for work. Got a wake up call from them (well sort of) to remind me I had a shift in (at the time) an hour. Seems they've had roster problems.


I hate the 8am shifts. I don't do mornings well

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Exciting for you maybe. I lounge around the house all week, and do things, and on weekends I work. Bit of a reversal there :naughty:


Oh yeah...


Well this is one time that I actually get two days off in a row... so hooray for that!


Back later...


Arriverderci, Roma!

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Oh yeah...


Well this is one time that I actually get two days off in a row... so hooray for that!


Back later...


Arriverderci, Roma!


:punk: Yay, thats awesome for you.



Wowza, bit early for you gals to be on. It's usually just Aaurora and I online right now.:blink:


I blame work. Which I have to be at in less than 5 minutes :shocked:


So I'll chat to everyone later

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Did you hear the Good News? (:naughty:)




*signs GNW theme*


Its good news week

Someone's dropped a bomb somewhere

Contaminating atmosphere

And blackening the sky

Its good news week

Someone's found a way to give

The rotting dead a will to live

Go on and never die



Featuring... GNWRead.jpg


Yay!!! The only good thing to come of the writers strike!



Yippee for Paul and hopefully Julie and Mikey!

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Thank-you for the warm welcome to the Aussie thread.

In answer to a question about working in London... will be working at the Olympics, so will be there about 4 years. Should be good, but part of me is more excited about the prospect of Mika concerts.


Re the seaworld trip... Dreamworld is even better (for rides, and my opinion is based on not carting kids around all day with me). But Dreamworld is definitley a winner. Wish I was up in *sunny*/flooded QLD!

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Mmmmm......David Bowie in Labyrinth.....tiny pants and huge hair.:wub2:

And what a sexy voice:blush-anim-cl:

That is the deal of the CENTURY! What flavour were they, something disgustingly gross, I presume!

As in a reference to love today? Was that deliberate? How cool

They are fishy ones which they like.. I gave them two tins last night and they barely ate them .. Oh well.. they'll keep getting them whether they like it or not!

And yes a reference to love today .. here's a snippet of the photo of me in the change room.. in the middle you'll see doom da di doom doom.




:shocked: Hello soangel!


:punk: Weekend tomorrow woooooooooooo!!!


*marches up and down thread playing bagpipes*

You've gone mad...

Yay, thats awesome for you.

I blame work. Which I have to be at in less than 5 minutes :shocked:


So I'll chat to everyone later

:lmfao: You are as bad as me with time management!!

Re the seaworld trip... Dreamworld is even better (for rides, and my opinion is based on not carting kids around all day with me). But Dreamworld is definitley a winner. Wish I was up in *sunny*/flooded QLD!

My cousins and friends say the same thing..

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never fear, for *I* am here! hehe


I'm new and more importantly I'm Australian! Hurrah!

(I've also been told that the forums are lacking guys?) I happen to be one of them too... well... it HAS been rumoured! :biggrin2:


Hello riverbasil! Welcome to the Aussie Thread!


Another Queen fan I see. :thumb_yello:


And yes a reference to love today .. here's a snippet of the photo of me in the change room.. in the middle you'll see doom da di doom doom.





I love 'Invader Zim'!

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I went to bed, like I said I would but couldn't sleep so I put on the labyrinth.. hmm David Bowie's pants are tighter than Mika's purple jeans.. :bleh:


I love that movie! :naughty:


Pssch, you're insane, admit it. Where's that Alice In Wonderland quote that someone has in their siggy? "You wouldn't be here if you weren't mad?":naughty:


Haha, that's true. Okay, defeat admitted :wink2:


Thank-you for the warm welcome to the Aussie thread.

In answer to a question about working in London... will be working at the Olympics, so will be there about 4 years. Should be good, but part of me is more excited about the prospect of Mika concerts.


That sounds fantastic!

Lol, my backup plan for not getting into vet was to move to England, with the highlight of this dream being the increased Mika-meeting-liklihood :naughty:


They are fishy ones which they like.. I gave them two tins last night and they barely ate them .. Oh well.. they'll keep getting them whether they like it or not!


Lol! My cats refuse to eat the black and gold catfood. The dog doesn't though :thumb_yello:



I had the funniest MFC dream last night. It was one of the ones where you wake up and remember the whole thing (because it was rudely interrupted by my dog barking at the man on the neighbour's roof).


So it was the first day back at uni, and I met my uni-friend outside a tutorial class, and she was excessively tanned, despite the fact she has spent the summer in
, and she gave me back the dream-catcher that's hanging in my room (no idea how she got it?). So we walk in the class, which is some form of society/history subject, despite the fact I have done no subject of the sort since it was compulsory in year 10, and we went and sat in the backrow at the spare desk between a whole group of MFCers and
Pauline Hanson
. As dreams are randomly hazey, I can't remember everyone who was there, I just
they were from MFC, but next to me was Artsy, then Soy, then Scut, and Artsy was continually passing mocking notes to Pauline Hanson, and her replies were driving continual back-MFC-row-giggle-fits. The funniest one was the entire lyrics of that "I don't like it" song, to which she replied "No, I don't like this, alright?" (The strangest part I'd have to say is that Artsy is not even Australian, so doesn't know who Pauline Hanson is?). And then we decided to look up at what the tutor was saying, and we simultaneously noticed on the board that he had named the topic "West Australian Culture: A Life in Cartoon Motion.", inducing further giggles ... and then a dog started barking and I woke up.

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I had the funniest MFC dream last night. It was one of the ones where you wake up and remember the whole thing (because it was rudely interrupted by my dog barking at the man on the neighbour's roof).


So it was the first day back at uni, and I met my uni-friend outside a tutorial class, and she was excessively tanned, despite the fact she has spent the summer in
, and she gave me back the dream-catcher that's hanging in my room (no idea how she got it?). So we walk in the class, which is some form of society/history subject, despite the fact I have done no subject of the sort since it was compulsory in year 10, and we went and sat in the backrow at the spare desk between a whole group of MFCers and
Pauline Hanson
. As dreams are randomly hazey, I can't remember everyone who was there, I just
they were from MFC, but next to me was Artsy, then Soy, then Scut, and Artsy was continually passing mocking notes to Pauline Hanson, and her replies were driving continual back-MFC-row-giggle-fits. The funniest one was the entire lyrics of that "I don't like it" song, to which she replied "No, I don't like this, alright?" (The strangest part I'd have to say is that Artsy is not even Australian, so doesn't know who Pauline Hanson is?). And then we decided to look up at what the tutor was saying, and we simultaneously noticed on the board that he had named the topic "West Australian Culture: A Life in Cartoon Motion.", inducing further giggles ... and then a dog started barking and I woke up.


Haha, that's great. I had a very clear dream last night as well.


I was down the street with my older brother but left him for a while. As I was walking along a saw none other than Jon Bon Jovi getting into his car. So I ran up to him and said "Excuse me Mr. Bon Jovi. I have a friend (I assume I was talking about Kelzy) who is a huge fan of yours. Could I please get an autograph for her?" He than smiled, said "Yes" and signed a piece of paper he was holding. I said "Thankyou sir. Have a great day" (:naughty:) and walked away. My brother found me and said "I just saw you get Bon Jovi's signature. Why the hell did you do that? I hate Bon Jovi!" He then took the piece of paper off me, scruched it up and threw it on the ground. I picked it up and as I was trying to smooth it out I woke up.

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Haha, that's great. I had a very clear dream last night as well.


I was down the street with my older brother but left him for a while. As I was walking along a saw none other than Jon Bon Jovi getting into his car. So I ran up to him and said "Excuse me Mr. Bon Jovi. I have a friend (I assume I was talking about Kelzy) who is a huge fan of yours. Could I please get an autograph for her?" He than smiled, said "Yes" and signed a piece of paper he was holding. I said "Thankyou sir. Have a great day" (:naughty:) and walked away. My brother found me and said "I just saw you get Bon Jovi's signature. Why the hell did you do that? I hate Bon Jovi!" He then took the piece of paper off me, scruched it up and threw it on the ground. I picked it up and as I was trying to smooth it out I woke up.


Hahahahahahaha! Great!:roftl:

I love those dreams where you are holding something when you wake up and then you start frantically looking through your bed through it before you realise you didn't actually have it in the first place. :naughty:

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Hahahahahahaha! Great!:roftl:

I love those dreams where you are holding something when you wake up and then you start frantically looking through your bed through it before you realise you didn't actually have it in the first place. :naughty:


That always happens to me! It's usually a coin of some sort. :naughty:

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That always happens to me! It's usually a coin of some sort. :naughty:


One time (yeah, sorry about the double reply, but I just remembered it) it was my bird! I was spazzing out because I couldn't find him and was thinking he had flown away or else been squished under my blankets. I didn't believe he was alright until I went to look in his cage and was like "oh .. right-o ... carry on then".

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Haha. Is it sad that I'm going to class in my dreams? Oh no, dreams are fueled by our subconsious aren't they? :no:


Some of my dreams are so random. I have no idea how my subconscious can even come up with some of those things.


David Bowie buying heaps of dog food from Big W, for example. :naughty:

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Some of my dreams are so random. I have no idea how my subconscious can even come up with some of those things.


David Bowie buying heaps of dog food from Big W, for example. :naughty:


Haha, I had one vivid one where my friend hid my school bag as a joke, so I had to go and get it, but my year 8 phys-ed teacher was telling someone off in there, and she thought I was trying to watch, so she chased me, and we had to ride a flying carpet to escape, but we didn't know how to use it properly so we went through a red light, got pulled over by the police and taken back to school where it turned out our parents had been horribly worried about us being missing, so everyone was out looking for us. :naughty:

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