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The Heath Ledger Tribute thread


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Something kinda cute happened today....


I was talking randomly to my mama, about Heath and peoples names, and i said 'i love the name Heath' and she said to me 'if you called your kid it, wouldnt it be funny if you married someone with the last name cliff?'


She didn't know that his full name was Heathcliff :naughty:


It just kind of amused me, in a nice way

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hi, photo slave

do you think he worth a tribute ? Huh


"hi" back at you--


only if you want:

I know the mfc site did up some kind of letter about it.


Seems as though that would be an appropriate place to post it.

Edited by A. Clay
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They showed Cassanova and Brokeback Mountain today on Paytv.. I haven't seen Cassanova yet.. I couldn't bring myself to watch it.. I really should though.. but I watched some of BBM.. So sad :(

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The thing is, when we lose someone who is very famous and loved, it gives us a chance to feel sad for what has happened in our own lives.


I vaguely remember Princess Diana's death, but i was too young to really understand, but my mum says that everybody was so sad about that.

It's given me a chance to talk to people about things in my own life.



They showed Cassanova and Brokeback Mountain today on Paytv.. I haven't seen Cassanova yet.. I couldn't bring myself to watch it.. I really should though.. but I watched some of BBM.. So sad :(



I watched a knights tale and went like this: :tears: and that's not even as sad as bbm!


i miss him:(


he is so beautiful! he is an inspiration to me in so many ways!


I know. I never really thought of guys as 'beautiful' but he really was. He wsa the definition of it.


If you don't like him fine...


But maybe you could go elsewhere and share your opinion...



People in here might actually like him.


*applauds* :huglove:

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Well it had to be said... fair enough if someone doesn't like him,but to come in here and say smething like that to his fans is a little insensitive...

I was going to write something when I started this thread but I wanted to give MFCers the benefit of doubt that they would stay out of here if they weren't interested.. seems we do need to request respect sometimes.. it's a pity..

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Well it had to be said... fair enough if someone doesn't like him,but to come in here and say smething like that to his fans is a little insensitive...


I was going to write something when I started this thread but I wanted to give MFCers the benefit of doubt that they would stay out of here if they weren't interested.. seems we do need to request respect sometimes.. it's a pity..


It's a real shame that we have to request it here.

Ok, on Perezhilton.com and places like that, i might expect a bit, because there's always one, but on here???? I'm quite shocked to be honest.


But, whatever. We don't need that in the tribute thread. Save it for the bar or something.

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I watched Brokeback mountain for the first time today and my brother (who didn't want to watch it) ended up sitting on the couchm bitching when I accidently hit fastforward because he was missing bits :naughty:




Did you like it? It's a great film. A masterpiece.

I want to watch casanova. I think i might get that one.

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Did you like it? It's a great film. A masterpiece.

I want to watch casanova. I think i might get that one.

I loved it :wub2:


Also, did you hear that there's going to be no public hollywood memorial for Heath due to the religious protesters.


Such a shame, that they should ruin something like that

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woo.. we're back on track now...


I found some Heath quotes!!

“I only do this because I'm having fun. The day I stop having fun, I'll just walk away.”


“I'm not good at future planning. I don't plan at all. I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow. I don't have a day planner and I don't have a diary. I completely live in the now, not in the past, not in the future.”


On Brokeback Mountain:

“It transcends a label. It's a story of two human beings that are in love; get over the fact that it's two men — that's the point.”

And again:

“It's not a disease. It's not contagious. They should understand that it's a story of pure love. They don't have to be a hero. They don't have to be brave like us. I guess a little bit of maturity is being asked for because society has been immature in the past. That's about it.”


"We had a good sense of humor about it, because we knew what we were holding on to and how it was going to exceed expectations and [labels]. We weren't running around naked in chaps swinging pink guns in the air. We knew that, and we found it funny that no one else did.”

More again:

“Aren't we at the stage these days when it just doesn't ... matter? It's a story of love and it's a story between two people. If people can't get over that and just accept it as a story, then that's their problem. I'm big enough and brave enough to do it.”


(On Dating): "I prefer to date older women because they don't try to act older like younger girls... but because they try to act younger" (awww *sigh*)


(Concerning the paparazzi): "Most of the time you don't even know they're there. Now, that's the scary thing. It's really strange and invading, but I'm still working it all out. I try to not let it bother me. I really try and find the humour in all of it. And if I want to swim naked in my pool, I'm still going to do it. I certainly don't want to feel that I have to change everything in my life that I do to cater to them. I just won't let it happen.

(On growing up with his mom and his sisters): I learned respect for women, and patience. You grow up with all those women around you... you learn to wait your turn.

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woo.. we're back on track now...



On Brokeback Mountain:

“It transcends a label. It's a story of two human beings that are in love; get over the fact that it's two men — that's the point.”

And again:

“It's not a disease. It's not contagious. They should understand that it's a story of pure love. They don't have to be a hero. They don't have to be brave like us. I guess a little bit of maturity is being asked for because society has been immature in the past. That's about it.”


"We had a good sense of humor about it, because we knew what we were holding on to and how it was going to exceed expectations and [labels]. We weren't running around naked in chaps swinging pink guns in the air. We knew that, and we found it funny that no one else did.”

More again:

“Aren't we at the stage these days when it just doesn't ... matter? It's a story of love and it's a story between two people. If people can't get over that and just accept it as a story, then that's their problem. I'm big enough and brave enough to do it.”




(On growing up with his mom and his sisters): I learned respect for women, and patience. You grow up with all those women around you... you learn to wait your turn.


:wub2: This made me smile :bleh: Thanks Kelzy

He seemed so switched on... So respectful, so peaceful.


I loved it :wub2:


Also, did you hear that there's going to be no public hollywood memorial for Heath due to the religious protesters.


Such a shame, that they should ruin something like that



There's always a select few, everywhere you go and everything you do, there's always some idiot waiting to screw things up.


Its just a shame that they had to do it to Heath.

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