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hey i saw this picture of myriah and she had the rose tinted glasses... :mf_rosetinted: i bet she wanted to join your little rose tinted club


She's not welcome (notice lack of pink sunglasses smiley here)

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hello canadians!!! :D




Hi Maje good luck !!!!


thanks pauuu!!! xD

see you in the argentinean :)


No problemo my friend!!! I have a test tomorrow and I should probably start studying...


jaja I hope you have done it ok!! :thumb_yello:

I´m having one tomorrow and I still don´t study! It´s so late so Ï´m going to study instead of sleep :( jaja


read you tomorrow :naughty:

kisseeess bye


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I've uploaded all my pics from the Kool Haus on myspace and did a neat blog with pics in it... have a lookie and comment !


i had a lookie... really nice! i get to read and appreciate... oh how i miss live gig reports right now!

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hello canadians! how's everyone doing? it's been a long time since I lasted posted in your thread!

you're about the only ones who are still up, it's so quiet everywhere....

what did you all do today? I spent almost the whole day reading inspite of my stomach aches haha

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hello canadians! how's everyone doing? it's been a long time since I lasted posted in your thread!

you're about the only ones who are still up, it's so quiet everywhere....

what did you all do today? I spent almost the whole day reading inspite of my stomach aches haha


a few words for you my dear.... have a poutine & rhum & coke... join us canadians lol

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Ouch. That really sucks. Do you have another way of getting around?


Just cabs. $$$$


I can walk to work (about 1.5 hour walk each way - uphill on the way home), but it's supposed to rain all week next week. :(

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hello canadians!!! :D




thanks pauuu!!! xD

see you in the argentinean :)




jaja I hope you have done it ok!! :thumb_yello:

I´m having one tomorrow and I still don´t study! It´s so late so Ï´m going to study instead of sleep :( jaja


read you tomorrow :naughty:

kisseeess bye


Thanks. The thing is, I didn't study that much for the test and I don't think I did to well on it. Sometimes my procrastination and laziness get to me.




The TTC (Toronto Transit) promised to give 24 hours notice of a strike... we got less than 2 hours notice! They are going on strike as of midnight tonight. Grr!

I know!!! I was going to go to the mall today but...TTC strike...now I can't!!!

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i had a lookie... really nice! i get to read and appreciate... oh how i miss live gig reports right now!


thanks for your comments on my myspace !


I do miss the live gig reports too !!


hello canadians! how's everyone doing? it's been a long time since I lasted posted in your thread!

you're about the only ones who are still up, it's so quiet everywhere....

what did you all do today? I spent almost the whole day reading inspite of my stomach aches haha


Hey !!! yes it's been a while since you last visited us !! You should come buy more often !


a few words for you my dear.... have a poutine & rhum & coke... join us canadians lol


I had a poutine yesterday at La Banquise (best poutine in the world) with Marilyne... it was YUMMY




The TTC (Toronto Transit) promised to give 24 hours notice of a strike... we got less than 2 hours notice! They are going on strike as of midnight tonight. Grr!


That sucks big time :thumbdown:

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I had a poutine yesterday at La Banquise (best poutine in the world) with Marilyne... it was YUMMY


oh noooooooo.. the best poutine in the world (since poutines are world renowned :boxed: ) has to be at Gregoire's restaurant in Ste-Martine... they are so good! they actually slice the curd cheese ... yummy yummy quite expensive though, for a poutine! but ohhhhh so worth it... great.. now i feel like one. but it's 20 min. away!!

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the Big Girl video was on "video on trial" on much music tonight! i think it was a new episode? but if you missed it and you watch much music, chances are you'll catch it again sometime. they seem to do lots of repeats of those shows. it was pretty stressful watching it and listening to them talk about Mika in that way, even though i know it's all in good humor.

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