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Okies... while the pics are loading I best tell you guys about the concert... and it might be a bit out of sequence, but I'm tired and aching...


Well, we got in line about 3pm, and found the shortest line to sit in... there was probably only about 20 people at that stage... I went to the shop to get some water and a newspaper... after a while, Bianca and I started playing cards... I won spit, and a game of snap, and Bianca won a game of snap... and while this was happening I started being roasted (ie, sunburnt)... so I ended up red and aching...


Anyways, the security people decided to open the doors around 7, and as they were setting up, some stupid 14 year olds snuck from one line into ours (just behind us) and tried to get in front... we stopped them for a while, and when the security let us through, they started pushing... my bag got checked and I was let through, then another security guard told me i couldn't take it in (stupid cow)...


When we got inside, we managed to get second row. We waited for a while (with other girls talking about pushing past me when I could hear them), and all of a sudden people on the right hand side of the stage started pushing across... so people of the left side of the stage started pushing back :sneaky2:... That was basically what happened in the main part of hte crowd, people pushing from the back, the left side and the right side :sneaky2:.. They were pushing that hard that they started pulling people out of the crowd before the support act came on, and it got worse as the night went on (there were even girls who had already fainted that were being pulled out)...


The support band were pretty good, they played about 7 or so songs... the two girls that were singing also played guitar and they were pretty good! Once they got off stage, the crowd stared pushing more, and I almost lost my shoes a few times... and people were treading all over my feet... Anyways, I tried to move back so a girl could be pulled out of the crowd, and I started being pushed back... I managed to stay holding onto Bianca's hand for a while, but I kept getting pushed back and eventually lost her... I ended up about 8 rows back and couldn't see anything... I ended up talking to a few girls who were sick of the pushing too... eventually the Kooks started, and they were amazing! I tried to get puictures and video of them while I was in the crows, which was almost impossible with people's arms in the air and jumping around... I moved out after the 5th song, and stayed at the side of the stage... From there I could see Luke, Hugh and Pete (Paul was blocked by the speakers)... And like Bianca, I couldn't understand a word Luke said most of the time, but he did try to get the people in hte seats "off their bums" a few times!


Luke also came over my side of the stage in a song (I can't remember it) and stood on one of the speakers and played for a bit which was very cool... And I could see Hugh going over to the keyboard for Shine On, and got a pic too!


Eventually, it was all over, once it was,. I tried to find Bianca, and I found her trying to get something off stage from the roadies... neither of us got anything (would've liked a set list for sure), so we left and Bianca got a t shirt... I went to line up to get my bag and it was massive! They eventually got rid of a few people and I got my bag back...


We walked around the Hordern Pavilion and saw a few people waiting for the band, so I said we could wait if Bianca wanted to, but I didn't really feel like it... We waited and they eventually came out! they stood in the door for a while, and the fangirls screamed, and them they came over quickly... We managed to get Paul... And Bianca managed to give him the booklets for him to sign and he used my sharpie (I even took pics of it)! And I got a gorgeous pic of him signing my booklet!


Luke was working his way down towards us when they had to go, so they walked straight to a van and left... When they walked to the van, a fangirl behind me asked why they were leaving and got a bit cranky about it... then her and her friends decided to run off after the van as it left...



We ended up leaving and we walked back to King's Cross after the concert, and by then I'd had enough... my feet were sore, my back was sore, I was tired and ready for bed...



The Kooks were frigging awesome, but it's a shame that rude people made it so ****ty for everyone else...

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And some pics... most didn't turn out... the flash isn't great, so an of the pics with flash are dark at a distance, and the ones without flash are blurry... but the camera is damn good at vdeos! I still need to upload the vids though...





The crowd at about 3pm...







Hugh and Luke:





Paul with MY sharpie and MY booklet!







Bianca in a maze watery kinda thing at Darling Harbour... and the IMAX theatre at Darling Harbour is still showing U23D (but I think for schools only)...





Bianca and I at King's Cross Station before I left...





And I will resist posting the picture I got in an Aussie shop... of a kangaroo scrotum bottle opener...


Can I just say Aussies do disgusting things to their native animals???

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OMG!!!!! The story is awesome and so is the pictures!!!! Awwww that picture of Paul!!!!!!:wub2::wub2: I, Haley am left handed:naughty: Don't know if he is or not.


WOW, that's all we can say, except we want The Kooks to come back to St. Louie!!!!!!!!!!:naughty:


Awww thanks!


And that pic of Paul is just gorgeousness...



Haley: I dodn't know that! Oh, and you just reminded me... one of my middle names is Haley (yes, I'm special and have two middle names...)


I only went by him holding the sharpie in his left hand so he might not be...


Update on Bianca and Tanya @ The Kooks:

They are 9th and 10th in the line up. Recent report was that there were only 20 people lined up anyway. They're fangurling. :naughty:


Oooooooh! I hope neither of them got sunburnt... or got held up by horrible security guards...

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*is bianca and not tanya*


did they throw balloons and confetti and everything?!

pics pics!!


No :crybaby:


do you have bruises?


A square CD-case shaped one :naughty:


Yes, really – nobody ever bothered reviewing anything. I´m going to log in into your account now to delete the bunch of review-PMs I sent you.


Don't do that ... :fisch: Then you might see that I still haven't had time to open them :naughty:

Yes, so true! People can be ****ing scary! But we didn’t have these out-passers (?) in London. We had a few girls that were dragged out simply because they were squashed (that’s the reason why we lost our god spots in Brighton) but nobody fainted I guess.


Eurgh, there were HEAPS, at least 20-30 people actually passed out, and almost everyone got carried out becasie of the squishing :naughty:


Exactly! At some points it was ****ing awesome! I mean – those squashy girls behind us that screamed the lyrics into our ears bothered me like ****ing hell but at the first Roundhouse gig we were (at a time) standing in between a bunch of 20+yo guys that were shouting the lyrics! I especially remember Shine On – guys shouting the chorus. I was in ****ing awe. People here make fun of you because you like the Kooks and then you end up in this group and you see that there are these guys that LOVE the band. GUYS! Fantastic!


I know right! There are so many guys in there! And it is so different back there!


Paul is fantastic. I can´t understand how he can always be in such a fantastic mood. *makes plan to instruct anyone on MFC to make a Paul-smiley to convey utter cheerful- & happiness*


*obeys plan*

This will probably be girls that think they can get backstage to sha.. ehm, meet the band privately.


Oh, Ana gave me a fantastic book for Christmas *goes to quote*

“When trying to court a female trying to get backstage, offer her a ”Tulsa” pass. Tell her that these passes were left over from the Tulsa show but will still work to get her backstage at the show. Please note what “Tulsa” spells backwards.”


On another page it says:

”If you are offered a backstage pass left over from the “Tulsa” show, be aware that if you take it, you´ll be in a sexually humiliating scenario by the end of the night.”



Okies... while the pics are loading I best tell you guys about the concert... and it might be a bit out of sequence, but I'm tired and aching...


You totally forgot the bit where you made us walk the wrong direction from the bus stop and get lost :roftl:

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Bianca and I Arrived at The Palace Theatre at 3:00pm and were 9th and 10th in line!

Bianca taught me how to play spit while we were waiting but I didn't win any games coz she's a big meanie and wouldn't let me win!!!!

ZOMG we could hear the sound check perfectly. We heard a new song and a bluesy song we can't remember the name of and Do You Wanna and a couple of others and it was so loud that we could hear it perfectly outside!!!!

One of the security guards arrived and walked past us saying that he thought the band that was playing was The Cooks!!!

5 hours sitting on the cold ground (so worth it though!). Doors opened 8:00pm and security was great, they only let one person in at a time so front row for us:punk: We were directly in front of Hugh but had a perfect view of everyone including Paul and Luke :wub2:...and unfortunately Pete!

Dash and Will came on at 9:00pm and were really good....much better live than on their myspace!

The Kooks came on five minutes early at 10:25pm:thumb_yello: There are no freaking words to describe how brilliantly awesome they are live....just no words, I'm speechless which is a first:naughty:. Higlights for me were Do You Wanna and She Moves In Her Own Way....spent half the night watching Paul and the other half watching Luke....and a few moments watching Hugh to take photos for Petra!!!!

Luke almost fell flat on his arse which made us laugh! Hugh did not wear a vest and Luke was wearing a gorgeous jacket when he first came out and then he stripped :das: down to the t-shirt from the photoshoot with the brownish background...Paul was wearing t-shirt but it may as well have been a singlet....HOT STUFF!!!!

Paul is just so gorgeous and both he and Luke look heaps better in person....and they were pretty hot in their videos and photos to start with!:mf_lustslow:

Set List was exactly as Petra :wub2: posted it!

We have a taster of photos for you but we have heaps more to come when we're not so tired!!!!

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Bianca and I Arrived at The Palace Theatre at 3:00pm and were 9th and 10th in line!

Bianca taught me how to play spit while we were waiting but I didn't win any games coz she's a big meanie and wouldn't let me win!!!!

ZOMG we could hear the sound check perfectly. We heard a new song and a bluesy song we can't remember the name of and Do You Wanna and a couple of others and it was so loud that we could hear it perfectly outside!!!!

One of the security guards arrived and walked past us saying that he thought the band that was playing was The Cooks!!!

5 hours sitting on the cold ground (so worth it though!). Doors opened 8:00pm and security was great, they only let one person in at a time so front row for us:punk: We were directly in front of Hugh but had a perfect view of everyone including Paul and Luke :wub2:...and unfortunately Pete!

Dash and Will came on at 9:00pm and were really good....much better live than on their myspace!

The Kooks came on five minutes early at 10:25pm:thumb_yello: There are no freaking words to describe how brilliantly awesome they are live....just no words, I'm speechless which is a first:naughty:. Higlights for me were Do You Wanna and She Moves In Her Own Way....spent half the night watching Paul and the other half watching Luke....and a few moments watching Hugh to take photos for Petra!!!!

Luke almost fell flat on his arse which made us laugh! Hugh did not wear a vest and Luke was wearing a gorgeous jacket when he first came out and then he stripped :das: down to the t-shirt from the photoshoot with the brownish background...Paul was wearing t-shirt but it may as well have been a singlet....HOT STUFF!!!!

Paul is just so gorgeous and both he and Luke look heaps better in person....and they were pretty hot in their videos and photos to start with!

Set List was exactly as Petra :wub2: posted it!

We have a taster of photos for you but we have heaps more to come when we're not so tired!!!!




Awesome story and pics Tanya!!! The pics!:mf_lustslow:

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Awww thanks!


And that pic of Paul is just gorgeousness...



Haley: I dodn't know that! Oh, and you just reminded me... one of my middle names is Haley (yes, I'm special and have two middle names...)


I only went by him holding the sharpie in his left hand so he might not be...




Oooooooh! I hope neither of them got sunburnt... or got held up by horrible security guards...


It's a great name......:naughty:

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You totally forgot the bit where you made us walk the wrong direction from the bus stop and get lost :roftl:



Oh yeah... oops! :fisch:


Bianca and I Arrived at The Palace Theatre at 3:00pm and were 9th and 10th in line!

Bianca taught me how to play spit while we were waiting but I didn't win any games coz she's a big meanie and wouldn't let me win!!!!

ZOMG we could hear the sound check perfectly. We heard a new song and a bluesy song we can't remember the name of and Do You Wanna and a couple of others and it was so loud that we could hear it perfectly outside!!!!

One of the security guards arrived and walked past us saying that he thought the band that was playing was The Cooks!!!

5 hours sitting on the cold ground (so worth it though!). Doors opened 8:00pm and security was great, they only let one person in at a time so front row for us:punk: We were directly in front of Hugh but had a perfect view of everyone including Paul and Luke :wub2:...and unfortunately Pete!

Dash and Will came on at 9:00pm and were really good....much better live than on their myspace!

The Kooks came on five minutes early at 10:25pm:thumb_yello: There are no freaking words to describe how brilliantly awesome they are live....just no words, I'm speechless which is a first:naughty:. Higlights for me were Do You Wanna and She Moves In Her Own Way....spent half the night watching Paul and the other half watching Luke....and a few moments watching Hugh to take photos for Petra!!!!

Luke almost fell flat on his arse which made us laugh! Hugh did not wear a vest and Luke was wearing a gorgeous jacket when he first came out and then he stripped :das: down to the t-shirt from the photoshoot with the brownish background...Paul was wearing t-shirt but it may as well have been a singlet....HOT STUFF!!!!

Paul is just so gorgeous and both he and Luke look heaps better in person....and they were pretty hot in their videos and photos to start with!:mf_lustslow:

Set List was exactly as Petra :wub2: posted it!

We have a taster of photos for you but we have heaps more to come when we're not so tired!!!!


Hehe... I kicked her butt in spit!



That's an awesome system!



Paul and Luke! *das*


I think I'm a bit of a Paul fangirl now.. did you guys get to see them afterwards?
















Great pics! Esp the Paul ones! *das*


It's a great name......:naughty:


It sure is!





Oh, and I remembered last night that there were girls poking me in the back... right where my sunburn was... not cool!

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Oh yeah... oops! :fisch:




Hehe... I kicked her butt in spit!



That's an awesome system!



Paul and Luke! *das*


I think I'm a bit of a Paul fangirl now.. did you guys get to see them afterwards?




Great pics! Esp the Paul ones! *das*




It sure is!





Oh, and I remembered last night that there were girls poking me in the back... right where my sunburn was... not cool![/QUOTE]






-Wow, not cool at all!

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-Wow, not cool at all!


Definately not cool... maybe they thought I didn't realise..


I ignored it for a while, then I turned around, nad they said ""Do you know you're sunburnt?"... I said I did... I did get a lot of sympathy when people saw i was sunburnt cause it meant I was a lot hotter than everyone else... it still bloody hurts and I got sunburnt 4 days ago!


Oh well, my fault for not bringing it... and I thought of bringing it too which is the annoying thing...

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Definately not cool... maybe they thought I didn't realise..


I ignored it for a while, then I turned around, nad they said ""Do you know you're sunburnt?"... I said I did... I did get a lot of sympathy when people saw i was sunburnt cause it meant I was a lot hotter than everyone else... it still bloody hurts and I got sunburnt 4 days ago!


Oh well, my fault for not bringing it... and I thought of bringing it too which is the annoying thing...



That has to be one of the worst feelings is to get sunburnt.:thumbdown: Have gotten it many of times.



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*is bianca and not tanya*





A square CD-case shaped one :naughty:


Is it a permanent one ? :wub2::naughty:



Don't do that ... :fisch: Then you might see that I still haven't had time to open them :naughty:




Ok, I'm still working on the last part as well :smth:

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Eurgh, there were HEAPS, at least 20-30 people actually passed out, and almost everyone got carried out becasie of the squishing :naughty:


Aussies… :naughty:



*obeys plan*




Bianca taught me how to play spit while we were waiting but I didn't win any games coz she's a big meanie and wouldn't let me win!!!!


*slaps Bianca for not letting Tanya win*


ZOMG we could hear the sound check perfectly. We heard a new song and a bluesy song we can't remember the name of and Do You Wanna and a couple of others and it was so loud that we could hear it perfectly outside!!!!

Aren't they usually doing Do You Wanna & Mr Maker? Awww, the Kooks! :wub2:



One of the security guards arrived and walked past us saying that he thought the band that was playing was The Cooks!!!

Same thing in London. And that stupid joke doesn't even get better the more people make it. :sneaky2:


5 hours sitting on the cold ground (so worth it though!). Doors opened 8:00pm and security was great, they only let one person in at a time so front row for us

Fantastic!!! That's the best way!!!



We were directly in front of Hugh but had a perfect view of everyone including Paul and Luke :wub2:...and unfortunately Pete!


:das: We are all lucky that Pete is such a bland guy.

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The Kooks came on five minutes early at 10:25pm:thumb_yello: There are no freaking words to describe how brilliantly awesome they are live....just no words, I'm speechless which is a first:naughty:.



Higlights for me were Do You Wanna and She Moves In Her Own Way....spent half the night watching Paul and the other half watching Luke....

Every song is a highlight!! It's amazing how PERFECTLY ****ING BRILLIANT songs like Time Awaits & Matchbox are :shocked:.


and a few moments watching Hugh to take photos for Petra!!!!

:das: Highly appreciated!!! :stretcher:


Luke almost fell flat on his arse which made us laugh!


Edited by Petra
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Hugh did not wear a vest

It's a start! I'd much rather have him without a hat though :crybaby:.



and Luke was wearing a gorgeous jacket when he first came out and then he stripped :das: down to the t-shirt from the photoshoot with the brownish background...Paul was wearing t-shirt but it may as well have been a singlet....HOT STUFF!!!![/color]



Paul is just so gorgeous and both he and Luke look heaps better in person....and they were pretty hot in their videos and photos to start with!

And they are little guys. Say it. I need someone to back me up on that :naughty:.


Set List was exactly as Petra :wub2: posted it!


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That has to be one of the worst feelings is to get sunburnt.:thumbdown: Have gotten it many of times.




It sucks majorly... this is the worst I've been burnt for ages...


It's close to being burnt on the top of the feet... that happened to me about 10 years ago, and then one of my feet swelled... But I will have a pretty dark tan so I can live with the pain! :naughty:


:das: We are all lucky that Pete is such a bland guy.


And I bet Pete is glad of that as well... I'm sure he'd hate the fangirls chasing after him... :naughty:


It's a start! I'd much rather have him without a hat though


Why does he wear the hat? He would look sooo much better without it IMO...

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And I bet Pete is glad of that as well... I'm sure he'd hate the fangirls chasing after him... :naughty:


:lmfao:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roftl: True, true!!! I can't remember anyone approaching him in Briyton after the show!


Why does he wear the hat? He would look sooo much better without it IMO...


No idea & yes, he does! Maybe he lost a bet! He was freaking sexy hatless in the Roundhouse on the second date!! :stretcher:

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It says "Petra, lovely to meet you" and then a name - it *should* say "Luke Pritchard" but I cannot read it :smth:



Paul and Hugh:



No, we didn't approach Pete. We saw Nick though :wub2:.

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Holy ****ing ****!!! These are awesomely unblurry!!!


I wish mine turned out better :crybaby:



I just realised that first picture of Luke looks kinda... erm... gay...


:lmfao:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roftl: True, true!!! I can't remember anyone approaching him in Briyton after the show!




No idea & yes, he does! Maybe he lost a bet! He was freaking sexy hatless in the Roundhouse on the second date!! :stretcher:


That's gotta be a good thing for him, right?



He needs to be told to lose the hat then... or someone needs to steal it :fisch:

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