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THE HOTSEAT 5/24 Jolene

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WOOOOO HOOOOO JOLS !!!! :dance_man:


FOR - TWENTY - BUCKAROONIES ........................................... :roftl:

























*pats Rove* .... :naughty:

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WOOOOO HOOOOO JOLS !!!! :dance_man:


FOR - TWENTY - BUCKAROONIES ........................................... :roftl:

























*pats Rove* .... :naughty:


You would think I would be prepared for this question (but I'm not!)


Ummm, will come back to this one!

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hello Jolene!


do you have a favorite pair of shoes?


do you have a favorite country?


do you like yellow or green better?


do you like suspenders?




Shoes: I have so many it's hard to pick a fav! Okay dressy shoes-wise I have a pair of hot pink strappy heels (which I hardly ever wear) and a pair of black stilettos with dimontes & black stones up the front them (also hardly ever wear!) Fav cas shoes are a pair of silver ballet flats


Country: Have really only been through Asia and to Hawaii but would love to get to Europe one day, and mainland USA)


Prefer green


Supsenders (as in braces as opposed to stockings) on Mika! are awesome, I don't personally wear them myself




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Have you ever hung out on a fan forum before MFC?

If so which one(s)?


Have you ever hung out on a fan forum since MFC?:naughty:

If so which one(s)? And how the hell do you have the time???


Favourite MIKA T shirt?



Favourite sushi?


Favourite coffee:wink2:?

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What is your worst habit?


What habit annoys you most in other people?


Do you like your middle name?





Worst habit: obsessively checking my emails! Like this weekend my work email account is down and I keep going and checking to see if it is back up! (bit like when MFC is down!)


Peoples habit: people who doing anything slowly (drive, walk, can't get to the point of a story, checkout girls who can't scan more than 1 thing per 30 secs...)


Middle name: Well, my middle name is Mandy and I have never had an issue with it. When I was little I hated my first name cause I could never get any stickers, notepads, bagtags, etc with my name on it!

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If you could meet one person in the world (excluding Mika), who would it be and why?


What's your dream profession?


Favorite animal?


Fanous Person: Luke Juby :fisch: haha (and I already have anyway, just haven't spoken back to him!) Besides that maybe Adam Levine from Maroon 5?


Dream Profession: I always said I would love to be a full time socialite but Paris Hilton has sort of destroyed that dream now! Anything that would allow me to travel the world (preferably with my family) that kept me interested.


Fav animal: I love my doggies, otherwise horses

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Have you ever hung out on a fan forum before MFC?

If so which one(s)?


Have you ever hung out on a fan forum since MFC?:naughty:

If so which one(s)? And how the hell do you have the time???


Favourite MIKA T shirt?



Favourite sushi?


Favourite coffee:wink2:?


No other forum before this one (I was totally fascinated by the access I had to everything related to Mika when I stumbled across it) and am really glad this was my introduction to them


I have been on the Maroon 5 (and am a member) forum a couple of times but have never posted (yes, I am one of THOSE people!) and I don't go there often cause I am always lurking here!


Fav Mika shirt: Actually I love what he wore when he was first on Jools (he looked so prim and proper!) otherwise any shirt that is a bit sweaty....


Fav sushi: okay, I am super weird- I love tuna sushi but I hate the seaweed wrap so I peel it off and pick out the lettuce, cucumber (and other random vegies that happen to be hiding in there!) I used to have rice with the tuna on top when I was in Tokyo (BSky- what is this called so I can oder it here?) and that is about as adventurous as I get!


Fav coffee: although I work for a coffee shop/ cafe franchise I don't drink coffee. Hot Chocolate with marshmallows anyday!!

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Do you still live close to your hometown?

Do you have any pets? If so, what are they?

What's your favourite clothing brand?

Are you religious?

What movies do you want to watch?

What's your favourite fruit?


Hometown: I grew up on the east coast of Australia (in Brisbane) and have lived for the past 10 years on the west coast (3600kms away) much to the disappointment of my parents! Luckily my works head office is based in Brisbane and I get back there usually twice a year. I have managed to maintain friendships with my friends from school but haven't phsically seen some of them in years


Pets: 2 dogs, a black standard poodle named Splat and a tri-colour rough colour (same as Lassie) named Sebastian. I also have a cat named Biscuit 9 and some fishies


Fav clothing brand: it's actually a chain of shops (both owned by the same company) called Valley Girl and Temt. They do heaps of new fashion clothes all for around $20-$30. i spend so much money in there!


Religious: I personally don't go to church regularly although my kids attend a catholic school.


Movies: hardly ever get time to sit down for that length of time but at the moment i want to see Sex and the City, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and am happy to watch any light Rom-Com's that come out.


Fav fruit: pineapple!

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If you could live anywhere, what country would you choose?


Which MFC smiley most resembles you, and why? :wink2:


Country: As much as there are so many countries I would love to visit I would still cohse to live in Oz. The biggest downside to living in Aus is that it costs so much money to travel overseas, I would love the accessibility that living in Europe offers.


MFC smiley: :gathering: or :cheers: cause I love catching up with friends (esp when alcohol is involved!) Fav smiley to use though include :das: and :drool:

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WOOOOO HOOOOO JOLS !!!! :dance_man:


FOR - TWENTY - BUCKAROONIES ........................................... :roftl:

























*pats Rove* .... :naughty:


Okay, took me a little while to come up with answer for this, but........


Rihanna, especially seeing as she is with one of my fav singers (not talking about Mika!) in this video clip. This song was a fav of mine already, and I am so glad it is being released as a single:



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