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The Hotseat 6/23 Rak1

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Back with some more... liking your answers so far...


Have you ever wanted to be a man?


Who's the sexiest person on the planet? (can be male or female or one of each if you prefer)


Are you religious?


What's your most embarassing moment?


What's your most treasured posession?


If you go out to eat, what's your favourite type of restaurant?


What's your favourite drink?


Coffee or tea?


What's your favourite season? Why?


Can you paint?


Did you enjoy school?


What's the one thing that bugs you the most?


If you could wave a magic wand and cure one of the world's ills, which one would it be?


If you could actually be an animal, which one would you be and why?


Do you snore?


O.K. That should do for now!

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Back with some more... liking your answers so far...


Have you ever wanted to be a man?


Who's the sexiest person on the planet? (can be male or female or one of each if you prefer)


Are you religious?


What's your most embarassing moment?


What's your most treasured posession?


If you go out to eat, what's your favourite type of restaurant?


What's your favourite drink?


Coffee or tea?


What's your favourite season? Why?


Can you paint?


Did you enjoy school?


What's the one thing that bugs you the most?


If you could wave a magic wand and cure one of the world's ills, which one would it be?


If you could actually be an animal, which one would you be and why?


Do you snore?


O.K. That should do for now!


1. Eh, No!

2. Is that a trick question?:naughty: Mika,obviously, for the simple reason that he doesn't see it, but it's there:wink2:

3. Yes, Catholic, but been a bit naughty of late, not going to church as often as I should.

4. Most embarassing moment has to be being stopped by a policeman, while walking to the Somerset House show, in the penguin outfit! He thought we were heading to Downing Street to do some protesting, I got stopped 'cause I was carrying the flag. Sara(Bo Peep) and Bexxy had to rescue me, but were in stitches. I just wanted the floor to open up and swallow me I was that embarassed!:blush-anim-cl:

5. Most treasured possession would be the drumstick that was personally signed by Cherisse.:original:

6. That would be Chinese, love Chinese food.

7. Favourite drink,soft, Diet Coke, but alcoholic, BACARDI!

8. Tea.

9. Favourite season? I love them all, they all have their special things that I like.

10. I can paint, if I draw the outline first, not good at freehand.

11. Primary school I loved, had the greatest friends there, but Secondary school, in the last 3 years were a bit tense, with some of the girls picking on me, this was girls the same age as me in my class. Luckily I had my friends there to help me through it, but it knocked my self confidence out the window.

12. The thing that bugs me the most is other drivers, that expect me to be considerate, but don't return the sentiment, really pushy people who want me to drive the way THEY want, not the sensible way.That gets me SO riled!:furious:

13. If I had a magic wand, I would get rid of the world food shortage, especially in the Third world, and the disease as well. I hate to think of little children dying when it's so easy to fix the problem, it's just greedy politicians standing in the way.

14. You think I'm gonna say a penguin don't you?:das: Actually I would be a White Tiger, they are incredibly beautiful and graceful creatures.

15. Well, according to my various roomies, I don't, so I'll take their word for it. LOL!

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