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The Hotseat 6/23 Rak1

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What's outside your window?


If you could have any super power, what would you have?


What would you say if Mika asked you to wear the new costume in a future music video?


What's your favourite thing about Mika?


What would you say if Andy invited you to join him in Spain for a romantic weekend, eating tapas and drinking sangria? :naughty:

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Aren't you going to be hot in the new costume?


Or is it more revealing than I thought?


How many MFC flags have you ever made?


How many signatures did you get on it/them?


Did the band and Mika and Andy and Jerry and John sign too?

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Does she have to answer?


If so, my question is...


What's your new costume? :bleh:


Sorry I'm so late, connection screwed up earlier, then got a job to London, thought I'd get finished in time to meet Sara, Jems and Babs to see the Tegan & Sarah gig, but no chance, so I'm sat outside waiting for them before I go home.

So I'm all your's!

My new costume is.....








...a secret for 2 more weeks, heh heh!

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What's outside your window?


If you could have any super power, what would you have?


What would you say if Mika asked you to wear the new costume in a future music video?


What's your favourite thing about Mika?


What would you say if Andy invited you to join him in Spain for a romantic weekend, eating tapas and drinking sangria? :naughty:


1.Would this be any window, or a particular window, as I don't have one at the moment, but at my friends where I'm staying, there is a lavender garden.

2.What super power would I have, easy. The power to get rid of ALL BMWs! They are a pain!

3.Depends on how nicely he asks,LOL!

4.My favourite thing is how sweet and charming he is.

5.My bag would be packed in 10 seconds flat!

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Aren't you going to be hot in the new costume?


Or is it more revealing than I thought?


How many MFC flags have you ever made?


How many signatures did you get on it/them?


Did the band and Mika and Andy and Jerry and John sign too?


1.Well, there are 2 versions, the travel version, which will be lighter for travelling, so should be cooler, not really revealing, ha ha, and the home version, which wil be a bit more elaborate, so probably a bit warmer, but in the winter, that's a bonus.


2.Theres only 1 flag, but I have changed the backing for this year, so it's kind of nice and fresh, altough there were signings in Brixton, where Mika (who decided to write an essay on it, ha ha!), Andy, Mikey and John signed it. On the old one, everyone but Mikey and John signed it.

Fanwise, I think everyone in Europe must have signed it. One day, I'll get it over to Japan and Austrailia etc. for you guys to sign it;-)

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:naughty:Hehehehe ... *cough* ... sorry Rose , .... the inevitable Aussie question a la ROVE ..... forrrrrr $20AUS ....................................

....... who, if relevant, would you turn gay for .... ??? :cheerful_h4h:


Sorry to be predictable, but it's got to be Angelina Jolie hasn't it?

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So many questions... so little time...




Rose, I have to ask... why did you decide to go to the Paris show naked?







It's not me!!!!

I'm a good girl, I'm wearing clothes, although we were discussing it earlier, and Jemma asked me which song would I streak on stage to. I replied Love Today, because that would definitely shock shock Mika, HAHAHAHA!LOL!

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If you had a choice between:


(a) spending 2 hours having tea and a chat with Andy




(b) spending half an hour having tea and a chat with Mika



- which would you choose? :wink2:

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When did your neck fetish start?


Why a penguin in the first place?


Wallet or purse?


1. A couple of months back, I just noticed how snuggly it looked in photos. Funny though cause when I was sat next to him at the Yelle gig, it never crossed my mind once!


2. Oh god, the penguin story again!

Well I wanted to dress up, as everyone else was doing it, but wanted something different. So I saw the London Zoo interview, when he was talking about naming the penguins, and thought, eureka! And the legend was born.


3. Wallet, for sure.

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Fanwise, I think everyone in Europe must have signed it. One day, I'll get it over to Japan and Austrailia etc. for you guys to sign it;-)


Ahem. Annnnnd... the US?! Don't make me come over there again! :naughty:



It's not me!!!!

I'm a good girl, I'm wearing clothes, although we were discussing it earlier, and Jemma asked me which song would I streak on stage to. I replied Love Today, because that would definitely shock shock Mika, HAHAHAHA!LOL!




OK... . Elsewhere, I read that *real* name is Rosemary

(same as my auntie's in Great Yarmouth, btw). So... are you

named after someone? And since you don't seem to care for your given

name, what other would you choose for yourself?



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I thought i would have heaps of questions for you but i'm having trouble thinking of them so i'll go back to the sorts of questions I ask everyone...


What was the last book you read?


What is your favourite place in the world?


Where in the world would you most like to visit if money and time were no object?


If you could live in any period of history and be anyone who's ever lived, when would it be and who would you be? And why?


Sweet or savoury?


Do you play any instruments? If so, what? If not, is there anything you wish you could play?


What one talent or skill do you not have that you admire in other people and would like to have?




O.K. That's enough for now. I'll keep thinking....

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hello rose!!!


- who do you find cuter? andy or mika?

- would you have the guts to get on stage at one of the gigs and sing by yourself?

- what would be your dream job?

- do you believe that the needs of the many outweights the needs of the few or the one? (star trek :naughty:)


so rose??? love today would do it for you huh? :roftl:

i hope jemma or babs films it!

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What did Mika write on the flag?


Is there a little square left for me to sign, hopefully at a 2009 Mika gig somewhere in Europe?


What would you do if you woke up one morning and realized you'd somehow switched bodies with Cherisse?


Do you have any pets?


If Mika, Andy and Prince William were drowning, and you could only save one of 'em, who would you save?


What's your favourite meal?


Where's your favourite place to take a holiday?

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If you had a choice between:


(a) spending 2 hours having tea and a chat with Andy




(b) spending half an hour having tea and a chat with Mika



- which would you choose? :wink2:



Back home again, phone connection sucks tonight!

Oooohhh, this is a real tricky one.

Can't I have both?:wink2::naughty:

What if, I had the tea and chat with Andy, and Mika just happened to wander in for say... half an hour, 'cause he's really busy?

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Ahem. Annnnnd... the US?! Don't make me come over there again! :naughty:






OK... . Elsewhere, I read that *real* name is Rosemary

(same as my auntie's in Great Yarmouth, btw). So... are you

named after someone? And since you don't seem to care for your given

name, what other would you choose for yourself?




Sorry yes and the US, but I'm hoping to bring that myself, so don't worry:wink2:.

No, name was thrust upon me by my big sister, she liked it so my parents christened me, yet I still love her to bits, ha ha!

What would I choose? Well I do really like Rose, so I guess I'll stick with that.


I thought i would have heaps of questions for you but i'm having trouble thinking of them so i'll go back to the sorts of questions I ask everyone...


What was the last book you read?


What is your favourite place in the world?


Where in the world would you most like to visit if money and time were no object?


If you could live in any period of history and be anyone who's ever lived, when would it be and who would you be? And why?


Sweet or savoury?


Do you play any instruments? If so, what? If not, is there anything you wish you could play?


What one talent or skill do you not have that you admire in other people and would like to have?




O.K. That's enough for now. I'll keep thinking....


1. Last book was the Adam Ant autobiography, not quite finished it, but as soon as I find it I will. It's fascinating, he had his first real girlfriend about the age of 8!

2. Favourite place in the world as in country, would be the Bahamas, can't believe how clear the sea is you can see all the way down!

As in place I like being, either my bed, 'cause I get really lazy sometimes, or my van, 'cause I love the driving.

3. Place I'd like to visit the most, you'll like this, Austrailia.

We were suppose to emigrate there when I was a kid, but it all fell through, but I would still love to go there very much.

4. Who would I be in any period of history, I guess I would have to be Charles Rennie Mackintoshes wife. Simply because, he is the greatest art deco designer in history and he was inspired by her, he did a lot of his designs for her, I would love to be that inspirational to someone that talented.

5. Sweet, gotta have my chocolate:wink2:.

6. Yes,I play the drums, but I would like to learn other instuments, just recently got a craving to learn how to play the Glockenspiel!

7. I wish I was more au fait with computers. Like building websites from scratch, doing fancy computer graphics, but most of all, getting picutres on here!:blink:

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hello rose!!!


- who do you find cuter? andy or mika?

- would you have the guts to get on stage at one of the gigs and sing by yourself?

- what would be your dream job?

- do you believe that the needs of the many outweights the needs of the few or the one? (star trek :naughty:)


so rose??? love today would do it for you huh? :roftl:

i hope jemma or babs films it!


These questions are getting harder:naughty:.

1. I would have to say that is a tie, can't pick between them, it's impossible:roftl:

2.This is easy though, no way! I could nevr get up there and sing on my own, my hat is off to anyone who does it.

3. Kind of doing my dream job, although it feels like a never ending nightmare at the moment. But if I was offered a driving job by someone not a million miles from here....:naughty:.


4. I guess I would have to say yes.

And I'm not planning on streaking on stage, I'd be too chicken, ha ha!

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What did Mika write on the flag?


Is there a little square left for me to sign, hopefully at a 2009 Mika gig somewhere in Europe?


What would you do if you woke up one morning and realized you'd somehow switched bodies with Cherisse?


Do you have any pets?


If Mika, Andy and Prince William were drowning, and you could only save one of 'em, who would you save?


What's your favourite meal?


Where's your favourite place to take a holiday?



1.Well the first time, he just wrote his name, I think Robi scared him into it:naughty:. The second time, I thought I'd have to wrestle it off him, he wrote, "Mika. Dear Rose, A better name than Penguin!"

2. Well they'll be a new backing on for 2009 so hopefully they'll be a nice big space for you, just have to keep his lordship away from it first:roftl::roftl:.

3. If I woke and found I'd switched bodies with Cherisse, I'd be the happiest person alive!!!

4. Not at present.

5. Another hard one! It's tricky because I can't swim that well, so they'd have to save me, LOL!

6. Roast chicken, with roast potatoes, crispy round the edges, broccolli, peas and carrots. Followed by hot Chocolate Fudge cake, with ice cream. Heaven:blush-anim-cl:.

7. It would be Cornwall, it's where my oldest best friend lives, and the beaches are fantastic.

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Do I get to keep asking questions until midnight my time? :naughty:


How did you discover Mika?


If three years ago, a fortune teller had shown you a crystal ball that depicted you in full Penguin mode, rocking out at a Mika gig, what would you have said/thought?


Did you go to college?


What would be the first three things you'd do if you'd magically switched bodies with Cherisse?


Do you like sushi?


Can you play any instruments?


Have you ever gotten a spa pedicure?


Apart from Mika, who's your favourite band/musician?


(I'm a trained journalist, I could go on and on...) :naughty:

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Do I get to keep asking questions until midnight my time? :naughty:


How did you discover Mika?


If three years ago, a fortune teller had shown you a crystal ball that depicted you in full Penguin mode, rocking out at a Mika gig, what would you have said/thought?


Did you go to college?


What would be the first three things you'd do if you'd magically switched bodies with Cherisse?


Do you like sushi?


Can you play any instruments?


Have you ever gotten a spa pedicure?


Apart from Mika, who's your favourite band/musician?


(I'm a trained journalist, I could go on and on...) :naughty:


1. Discovered listening to Scott Mills.

2. I'd have said "Give me my money back, you crazy woman!":roftl:

3. Yes, I studied English Literature and Language, Maths and Geography.

4. Play the drums all day, tell Mika "IT'S A WALLET!" and go on a massive shopping spree:wink2:.

5. No.

6. I play the drums.

7. Spa pedicure? No, but it sounds good.

6. I thought I'd bored everyone rigid with this one already. My other favourite artist is JC Chasez. Really, don't get me started, I'll go on for hours:roftl:.

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