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THE HOTSEAT 6/27 AKateisaKate

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not one question yet? :blink:




let's begin :naughty:


if you had a dog what would be his/her name?


If the mfc didn't excist what would you do the whole day?


would you marry me? :mf_rosetinted:


would you tell mika he's smelling bad...(if he was...)


would you wear two different shoes at the same time?


who's your fav person on the whole planet


235234 or 345234?


bassie or adriaan? (it's a hard one!)


did you like my questions?


what are you going to do today?

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not one question yet? :blink:




let's begin :naughty:


if you had a dog what would be his/her name?

I'm not sure. Olive.

If the mfc didn't excist what would you do the whole day?

Unfortunately, I haven't been on the MFC a whole lot lately which is BAD, so I'd work on my Katy site, go on Facebook, babysit, pretend to be a fashion designer and use my debit card online entirely too much.

would you marry me? :mf_rosetinted:

Yay for internet marriage! :biggrin2:

would you tell mika he's smelling bad...(if he was...)


would you wear two different shoes at the same time?

If it wasn't too hard to walk in.

who's your fav person on the whole planet

Maaaybe my really complicated friend, but I don't really have one fave.

235234 or 345234?


bassie or adriaan? (it's a hard one!)

I didn't know who they were but I googled them and I choose Adriaan because he's sexy. :roftl:

did you like my questions?

Yes, yes I did! Jogging my brain os early in the morning. No mindless Saved By The Bell for me.

what are you going to do today?

Babysit during the day, go to another graduation party, and then my friend is sleeping over to do yoga (it's her first time!), watch Brokeback Mountain, Romy and Michele's High School Reunion, Superbad, and Phantom of The Opera. I'm excited.



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Do you like the Phantom of the Opera:naughty:


Do you think I'm sexy?


Can you do the Chicken dance?


Who is your least fav person on earth?


If you were a song, which one would you be?

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What's your fav colour?


What's your favorite sport?


Do you like theme parks?


What's your favorite country?


Do you know where I live?


Are you a man or a mannequin? :naughty:

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Do you like the Phantom of the Opera:naughty:

My friends and I went to go see the show and I got the DVD a couple years ago for a gift. I'm not in love with it or anything, but it's neat-o!

Do you think I'm sexy?

I want your body. :mf_lustslow:

Can you do the Chicken dance?


Who is your least fav person on earth?

Probably my Dad. or Usher (the singer).

If you were a song, which one would you be?

Not to be cliche or anything, but I'm an insanely optimistic person and I think "Love Today" would be fitting.





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What's your fav colour?


What's your favorite sport?

I don't really do sports. Some people would answer "ballet!" or "dance!" do this, but those should be arts, really. Not sports. You should've seen me playing volleyball yesterday. :naughty:

Do you like theme parks?

Sure! I haven't really been in like 5 years though.

What's your favorite country?

I haven't been out of this country. :tears:

Do you know where I live?

The Netherlands? Okay I cheated and hit back.

Are you a man or a mannequin? :naughty:

WHY I'M A MAN. Just kidding. Pssstt click on it!



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Hi Kate! My turn! :bleh:


Ok here goes:


If you could choose to be anybody on earth right now who would you choose?



If your house was burning down, what are the first 3 things you'd save?


Rocky Road or Cookies and Cream?



What's your favourite smilie?



If somebody offered you a free holiday to anywhere you liked, where would you choose to go?

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Hi Kate! My turn! :bleh:


Ok here goes:


If you could choose to be anybody on earth right now who would you choose?

Katy Perry because she's DOIN' IT.


If your house was burning down, what are the first 3 things you'd save?

My iPod because it's the love of my life. My purse (because it contains everything under the sun), and my laptop, probably. Even though it's not really mine. :naughty: But my iPod would probably be in my purse... OH I'd bring shoes then!

Rocky Road or Cookies and Cream?

Cookies and Cream


What's your favourite smilie?

:mf_lustslow: I tihnk it's the new sarcasm smiley, no?


If somebody offered you a free holiday to anywhere you liked, where would you choose to go?

Probably London. I like cities.



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What colour are your eyes?


When was the last time you cried?


What's your favourite movie? And why? Okay, if you don't have ONE favouirte, name a few...


What's your favourite meal?


Can you play an instrument? If so, which ones?


Do you ever laugh at "lame" jokes?


Do you consider yourself like a kid? You know, you like toys or juiceboxes and Goldfish crackers or something like that...

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What colour are your eyes?

Dark Brown

When was the last time you cried?

I've been bitching more than crying lately, haha. My mom was really stressing me out a few weeks ago and I think I cried then.

What's your favourite movie? And why? Okay, if you don't have ONE favouirte, name a few...

I have a few. I'm not really a movie person, I tend to get bored with them fast. I'd prefer to listen closely to an album. HOWEVER, I love deep movies. :naughty: Brokeback Mountain, Juno, Ferris Beuler's Day Off, Romy and Michele's High Shool Reunion... Which is deeper than you would know!

What's your favourite meal?

Tomato soup. just plain. Warms my heart.

Can you play an instrument? If so, which ones?

Piano, kind of. and I've been sneaking guitar- While I babysit and the kids are sleeping, I've been trying to teach myself acoustic guitar in the basement. :roftl: With the dad's guitars.

Do you ever laugh at "lame" jokes?

OH. I cannot resist the corny joke.

Do you consider yourself like a kid? You know, you like toys or juiceboxes and Goldfish crackers or something like that...

Oh yes yes yes. I play Dragonball Z all day with the kids I babysit, and I eat total kid food. And I watch entirely way too much Spongebob. But on my own, no lie, I still play old school Pokemon. And I was quite eager to do this lego inspired painting, mostly because I dug up my old legos!


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Are you wearing a watch?

Not at the mo.

Can you do cartwheels?

I believe so!

Are your ears pierced?


What are you doing tomorrow?

Going to a friend's grad party, shopping at Trader Joe's.

How is the weather today?

Hot and sunny. :cool:

What's the last thing you ate?

Special K.


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What's your fav Mika song ? (not an ordinairy question ,is it ?:naughty:)

I don't know if I can pick one! HMDYLM is beautiful. Any Other Worldis my favorite live.

What time is it where you live ?

9:45 AM. I'm putting up the new thread after I answer these.

What's the last movie you've seen ? the one you want to see ?

I watched 4 movies last night. i'm watching 13 Gonig on 30 with my friend righht now. I want to see... The Love Guru, because I have to for Justin Timberlake.


Hotseat ova!

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