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The Australian Thread: Part Sixteen

Rainbow Sky

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Brother brought home a puppy he found wondering the streets. He knocked on doors near where it was but alot of people weren't home... so is going back tomorrow....


So for now we're dogsitting


Aww - puppies are cute - I am hoping my Jack Russell will be having a

few in about 4 weeks!! I have homes for them!!


Chickadee - found your cookery thread - its brilliant!! I will copy the

recipe from there - straight into my diary!! :thumb_yello:

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MMmmmmm .... I just placed in the oven my first ever attempt at home made Tandoori Chicken ... ... ft. yoghurt, fresh chopped coriander & Tandoori paste ... served on a bed of basmati rice & a side serving of buttered spinach ....


*collects pretty shells from the nearby beach*



Before the cancelashun.. *sighs*

Its the Pitlochry Highland Games this weekend - so lots

of handsome guys (and some not as handsome!!) will be flooding the

town!! Its a hard life :naughty::naughty:

Photo-op?? :das:


Brother brought home a puppy he found wondering the streets. He knocked on doors near where it was but alot of people weren't home... so is going back tomorrow....


So for now we're dogsitting

Mutt :dog:

No problem! I'm good thanks. Just a little bit... Hmm what's the word?



Why's that?? :blink:

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Brother brought home a puppy he found wondering the streets. He knocked on doors near where it was but alot of people weren't home... so is going back tomorrow....


So for now we're dogsitting

Awwwww .... you are obviously destined to have pups in your life Soy ! :wub2:dog.gif:thumb_yello:

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I wish I was more assertive. And more honest. In regards to a certain person we were talking about a little while ago. Let's just call him M. :naughty:


This will probably sound like a silly question, but how can you tell if a really shy guy likes you?


I'm confused. :blink:

Oh, Mr M.. :fisch:


It's harder with the shy guys, but if he really likes you then he is probably less shy and more comfortable around you compared to other girls. You might just have to ask him outright. "Do you like me more than a friend?" Yes or No answers are the best option :naughty:


But, if he finally wants to tell you he likes you he'll probably get clumsy, and, according to Mother Melzy, stare at you and dribble. :roftl:

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I wish I was more assertive. And more honest. In regards to a certain person we were talking about a little while ago. Let's just call him M. :naughty:


This will probably sound like a silly question, but how can you tell if a really shy guy likes you?


I'm confused. :blink:


Hi SD - body language is probably the best sign.

Eye contact and blushing are good signs!! :wink2:


Oh, Mr M.. :fisch:


It's harder with the shy guys, but if he really likes you then he is probably less shy and more comfortable around you compared to other girls. You might just have to ask him outright. "Do you like me more than a friend?" Yes or No answers are the best option :naughty:


But, if he finally wants to tell you he likes you he'll probably get clumsy, and, according to Mother Melzy, stare at you and dribble. :roftl:


According to my b/f beloved , he says .... just spend some time together, keeping the convo. light ... & read the 'signs' ..... in other words, trust your feelings/heart/intuition .... & we also go with Kelzy/Mother Melzy's advice too !!! :lmfao:

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Hi SD - body language is probably the best sign.

Eye contact and blushing are good signs!! :wink2:


Thanks for the help! The problem is that I'm sort of getting mixed messages, in regard to body language.


*sings 'Body Language' because it is now in her head*


Oh, Mr M.. :fisch:


It's harder with the shy guys, but if he really likes you then he is probably less shy and more comfortable around you compared to other girls. You might just have to ask him outright. "Do you like me more than a friend?" Yes or No answers are the best option :naughty:


But, if he finally wants to tell you he likes you he'll probably get clumsy, and, according to Mother Melzy, stare at you and dribble. :roftl:


Hmm. It's a bit tricky. He just doesn't seem like the kind of person who you would ask a question like that to. He's... different. I don't think I would be able to ask it either. But lately it does seem as if he's been a bit less inhibited around me. Or maybe it's just my imagination.


I'll try to give you a few examples. The other day in photography he moved where he was sitting to a spot next to me, he hi-fived me (:naughty:) when he found out that I'm doing english extension next year because he is as well, he's asked me whether I'm doing history next year (he is), yesterday he was looking at me and frowning and I frowned back and it was cute etc. Just little things like that. Also lately we've been sharing these sort of 'looks', if you get what I mean. And sometimes I'll turn to look in his direction and he'll quickly turn his head, as if he had been looking towards my general area beforehand.


But at other times he doesn't seem as interested. It's confusing.


Sorry, I must sound so self-obsessed. But I'm just really annoyed that nothing is happening. Nothing ever happens with me, because I'm too shy. :thumbdown:


Oh, and I thank Mother Melzy for the advice!

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Also, couldn't sleep, woke up from coughing, and needed a 'middle-of-the-night' snack. I'll leave some for you...Sivan had one already.:naughty:



Sorry...didn't get a chance to put icing on all of them. Please share nicely. G'night.

Hey, Suzy. It's good to see you drop by. :thumb_yello: Especially with cupcakes. :naughty:



*steals* Thanks!

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Aussies (and friends)! I miss you...

Just getting non-alcoholic punch recipes at 3am in the morning from chickadee in her thread, but wanted to pop in and say "hi" to some of my favourite MFCers here. I'm never on long enough to carry on a proper chat so I'm rarely here anymore and my stupid computer keeps freezing up.


Should really try to go back to bed, and end my MSN chat with sivan.

*blows kiss*


Sorry I couldn't be any real help Suzy.


Oh CD ... I quite like seeing siggys. & avvies. .... in fact, if I couldn't , I'd feel I was missing out on something !:naughty:


You being a nurse of course know about the slightly epileptic reaction some ppl can have to flashing light etc.:wink2: ... well, that's me ..... haha, when we saw Mika in Sydney , the bloody crappy support band OVERUSED strobe lighting AND their music was deafening ... I spent most of the time with my eyes & ears shut !!! (hoping Mika wouldn't do the same ... ) Which he didn't ! Not one flash nor LOUD note !!! :cheerful_h4h:


Back when every man and his dog had moving gifs of Mika covering himself in mud etc in their siggy's, it really slowed down the pages loading and if I was trying to catch a few minutes on the pc in the evening while hubby was off it, I didn't actually get much read. And then I kind of got used to not seeing them. I don't miss them as much as you might expect. The other bonus is that I actually look at people's usernames more now, instead of recognising someone's posts just from their siggy or avi (which always stuffed me up when they inevitably changed them).


As for the strobing light, yes I did know about that, but probably more because I have an aunt with epilepsy.

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Thanks for the help! The problem is that I'm sort of getting mixed messages, in regard to body language.


*sings 'Body Language' because it is now in her head*




Hmm. It's a bit tricky. He just doesn't seem like the kind of person who you would ask a question like that to. He's... different. I don't think I would be able to ask it either. But lately it does seem as if he's been a bit less inhibited around me. Or maybe it's just my imagination.


I'll try to give you a few examples. The other day in photography he moved where he was sitting to a spot next to me, he hi-fived me (:naughty:) when he found out that I'm doing english extension next year because he is as well, he's asked me whether I'm doing history next year (he is), yesterday he was looking at me and frowning and I frowned back and it was cute etc. Just little things like that. Also lately we've been sharing these sort of 'looks', if you get what I mean. And sometimes I'll turn to look in his direction and he'll quickly turn his head, as if he had been looking towards my general area beforehand.


But at other times he doesn't seem as interested. It's confusing.


Sorry, I must sound so self-obsessed. But I'm just really annoyed that nothing is happening. Nothing ever happens with me, because I'm too shy. :thumbdown:


Oh, and I thank Mother Melzy for the advice!


You don't sound self-obsessed at all! I can relate to what you're saying with this guy though. From what you've said, it sounds like something might be cooking and you may regret not finding out if there was a chance of something. I remember (many, many years ago) there was this guy who I liked that I thought kind of liked me, and it took me all year to finally get up the guts to ask how he felt and he devastated me by saying that he did like me and would have gone out with me except my family by this time was about to move about 4 hours away! It might never have worked out between us, but I'll never know.

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DC And Madoona.


Trust ewe! :naughty:



The third one sounds like one of DC's dreams *pbs*


Hm.. maybe before her cheek implants? :mf_rosetinted:



The two of them go together like Evian water and black & white documentaries.


:roftl: *zhhz*


In Bed With Melzy's Doona (Dutch Oven Mix) :das:




Look what I found..




Sinead O'Connor ft. The Edge. He looks distracted.

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You don't sound self-obsessed at all! I can relate to what you're saying with this guy though. From what you've said, it sounds like something might be cooking and you may regret not finding out if there was a chance of something. I remember (many, many years ago) there was this guy who I liked that I thought kind of liked me, and it took me all year to finally get up the guts to ask how he felt and he devastated me by saying that he did like me and would have gone out with me except my family by this time was about to move about 4 hours away! It might never have worked out between us, but I'll never know.


Thankyou! That's some excellent advice, but I'm such a wimp when it comes to expressing my feelings. I think I'm just going to wait and see what happens for a little while. We're in the same group in photography (making a 5-minute short film) so that's going to give some more chances to suss him out a bit. He's the actor and I'm the director. :naughty:


Hey, Nico! Did I see you being fangurly and actually posting on a Mika blog earlier today, or is someone else using your name?


I saw that as well! :roftl:

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Hmm. It's a bit tricky. He just doesn't seem like the kind of person who you would ask a question like that to. He's... different. I don't think I would be able to ask it either. But lately it does seem as if he's been a bit less inhibited around me. Or maybe it's just my imagination.

Nah, not your imagination. I'd bet that he is quite fond of you. Maybe romantically, maybe not.

I'll try to give you a few examples. The other day in photography he moved where he was sitting to a spot next to me, he hi-fived me (:naughty:) when he found out that I'm doing english extension next year because he is as well, he's asked me whether I'm doing history next year (he is), yesterday he was looking at me and frowning and I frowned back and it was cute etc. Just little things like that. Also lately we've been sharing these sort of 'looks', if you get what I mean. And sometimes I'll turn to look in his direction and he'll quickly turn his head, as if he had been looking towards my general area beforehand.


But at other times he doesn't seem as interested. It's confusing.

High 5 :roftl:

He's showing obvious signs that he likes you..

Maybe you're not showing enough signs in return that you like him too and that's when he doesn't seem so interested... :wink2:

Sorry, I must sound so self-obsessed. But I'm just really annoyed that nothing is happening. Nothing ever happens with me, because I'm too shy. :thumbdown:


Oh, and I thank Mother Melzy for the advice!

If you can't talk to us about it, then who can you talk to *shrug*

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In Bed With Melzy's Doona (Dutch Oven Mix) :das:

:roftl: I plan to Dutch Oven ewe in Melbourne ft. fluffy toy on your bed (Mondo, prostitute for love)

Look what I found..




Sinead O'Connor ft. The Edge. He looks distracted.

He looks bored. *zhhz*

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Thanks Kelzy! He seems to be quite fond of hi-fiving. Another time he got me to hi-five him (I can't remember why) and afterwards he said "That was the weakest hi-five I've ever had." :naughty:


Okay, I'll shut up now.

I'm fond of high 5ing people on MSN :naughty:


So, after all that, my advice would be to show you like him too in some way..Even if it means letting him "catch" you staring at him.. :das::wink2:

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According to my b/f beloved , he says .... just spend some time together, keeping the convo. light ... & read the 'signs' ..... in other words, trust your feelings/heart/intuition .... & we also go with Kelzy/Mother Melzy's advice too !!! :lmfao:


I just realised I forgot to reply to you happikali. :shocked:


Thanks to you and your b/f! :wub2:

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No, I don't mind. I'm just thinking that you might be getting sick of talking about my problems.


Anyway, how have you been lately? :naughty:

I don't mind if you want to talk about things happening with you!! Sheessh!!

How are your new DVD's? How many times have you watched them?


hmmm.. I'm good.. I've been good.. Things are good.. ummm.. :naughty:

Ok, I lie.. I've been sick etc, but I'm not going to whinge about it here.. Actually, I think I've worked out why I've been getting sick more in the last 20 months.. because I never used to get sick this often. I'm relapsing twice a year atm.. I used to only relapse once every 2 years.. I have to do alot of research now on what happens when the body is immunised against things.. Like when you have the flu injection.. etc.. except worse, because I got immunised against Hepatitis when I was with a different, not so cluey doctor, and that's when this all started..


But I am good. :bleh: I don't like to lump all this stuff on people, because seriously, how boring... so I just tend to talk about anything but.. :wink2:

So how are your DVD's??? :naughty:

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