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The Australian Thread: Part Sixteen

Rainbow Sky

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Oh god.. :naughty:


So you think you can love me and leave me to diiii-iiiie?

Sorry. Couldn't resist :naughty:


Good thanks ! Weather is disturbingly windy tho' :boxed:


A Southerly Kelz ! Storms are predicted ... :wink2:





Oooooooooooooooh Baybeeeeeeehhhh ...

My view outside tells me it's not far off actually.. And it's verrrry windy.

Can't do this to me baaaaaay-beeehhhhhhhh :no:

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Sorry. Couldn't resist :naughty:



My view outside tells me it's not far off actually.. And it's verrrry windy.

Can't do this to me baaaaaay-beeehhhhhhhh :no:

I knooooowwww !! You should see our gum trees ... they're spinning around like tops !! :boxed:




Just gotta get ouuuuuuttt ...

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Good thanks ! Weather is disturbingly windy tho' :boxed:


A Southerly Kelz ! Storms are predicted ... :wink2:





Oooooooooooooooh Baybeeeeeeehhhh ...


Ooh, I love windstorms...they be excitin'




NOT that I'm complaining about the hot sun though :naughty:





Just gotta get out...just gotta get right out of heeeere


And 'Allo Rosie :wub2:


'Allo Kelzeeeee! :huglove:

You are le Frunch ce soir?

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Ooh, I love windstorms...they be excitin'




NOT that I'm complaining about the hot sun though :naughty:





Just gotta get out...just gotta get right out of heeeere




'Allo Kelzeeeee! :huglove:

You are le Frunch ce soir?


The wind can be great .... but when you live in the middle of a forest with madly swaying trees ....... :shocked::naughty:


EDIT: It's died down now anyway ... :cheerful_h4h:

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I do live in the middle of a forest :naughty:


Actually, we had a rotten tree fall onto our car this morning. :blink: Luckily, it didn't even leave a dent...still...

Oh !!! *oops* :blush-anim-cl::naughty:


Wow, that is lucky !!

I just get a tad nervous around the sound of cracking tree limbs & trunks ... :blush-anim-cl::bleh:

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Oh !!! *oops* :blush-anim-cl::naughty:


Wow, that is lucky !!

I just get a tad nervous around the sound of cracking tree limbs & trunks ... :blush-anim-cl::bleh:


Well, more on the edge of one. But we would be in the middle of a forest were it not for the small obstacle of the ocean...:bleh:


I do too. But I still find it exciting...:naughty:



I'm off for tonight, FY&GN everyone! :bye:

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Morning aussies


Hk ... i came across some aussie smileys the other day .....








Just thought i would share


I don't have these two!




Wendi, I have not spoken to you in forever! How are you my friend?




Hi S-D! I am not too bad, thank you for asking. How are you?




HK, when is dinner served? How goes the Verandah?

*collects pretty shells from the nearby beach*


Hey Liz!



I really need to upload those pics from Friday night...


I am ok thanks Liz - it is months since I have seen you "on" here!!

I catch some of your posts sometimes - but you never seem to be

on when I am. Its the Pitlochry Highland Games this weekend - so lots

of handsome guys (and some not as handsome!!) will be flooding the

town!! Its a hard life


I bet it is...


I'd love to see some pics...




Before the cancelashun.. *sighs*


*sighs with Kelz*


I wish I was more assertive. And more honest. In regards to a certain person we were talking about a little while ago. Let's just call him M.


This will probably sound like a silly question, but how can you tell if a really shy guy likes you?


I'm confused.


I still don't know half the time if they're interested... but if they're sitting really close to you and don't mind you touching them that's a pretty good sign...


Hi SD - body language is probably the best sign.

Eye contact and blushing are good signs!!


Oh yeah!


I've caught Joel looking at me a lot...


Hmm. It's a bit tricky. He just doesn't seem like the kind of person who you would ask a question like that to. He's... different. I don't think I would be able to ask it either. But lately it does seem as if he's been a bit less inhibited around me. Or maybe it's just my imagination.


I'll try to give you a few examples. The other day in photography he moved where he was sitting to a spot next to me, he hi-fived me when he found out that I'm doing english extension next year because he is as well, he's asked me whether I'm doing history next year (he is), yesterday he was looking at me and frowning and I frowned back and it was cute etc. Just little things like that. Also lately we've been sharing these sort of 'looks', if you get what I mean. And sometimes I'll turn to look in his direction and he'll quickly turn his head, as if he had been looking towards my general area beforehand.


But at other times he doesn't seem as interested. It's confusing.


Sorry, I must sound so self-obsessed. But I'm just really annoyed that nothing is happening. Nothing ever happens with me, because I'm too shy.


Oh, and I thank Mother Melzy for the advice!


You're not the only shy one...


Sounds like he's interested to me...


Look what I found..




Sinead O'Connor ft. The Edge. He looks distracted.


Poor Dave..







That just reminded me of the Stuck In a Moment You Can't Get Out Of film clip... the football one...


The Lemons coach is called Dave Evans, and he's "made some pretty edgey plays"... :naughty:


Hey, Nico! Did I see you being fangurly and actually posting on a Mika blog earlier today, or is someone else using your name?


I saw that as well!


Oh crap... yes it was *is embarrassed*




Was that the thread about the curly or straight hair? I can't remember where I was being fangirly, but remember I was being fangirly...


I think I'm about halfway through season 3 of The Nanny. At the end of season 2 Mr Sheffield (who I personally think is quite good looking) professed his love for Fran while they thought they were about to die in a plane crash. But then it didn't crash and Mr Sheffield took back what he said. Now I feel like watching The Nanny.


No, I didn't know. That would be awesome though!


I remember that one!!! I loved The Nanny... and used to watch it on Pay Tv too!


He took back episodes!!

I love the episodes after that.. Hilarious..

I absolutely LOOOOVVVEEEEE Niles



Yep, it's on paytv occasionally. It's really funny.

It reminds me of He Man and She-ra.. You might not remember them though.


I remember Niles and CC getting together...


HE-MAN AND SHE-RA!!!! They were awesome... we used to watch He-Man!




Speaking of... have you seen Masters Of The Universe?


It's got Robert Duncan McNeill (aka Tom Paris) in it... and Courtney Cox...


Wait, wait, wait, scrap that. First and foremost - ZOMG!!1!!1 I got your package Tegan! And it was an actual PACKAGE, *FG* *FG* *FG*!


Yes, that's better.

BUT, how many years had U2 and Hanson been going when they had made it to Australia 2-3 times? It's only been like a year and a half since Mika released his first album .. he's still got plenty of opportunity to tour Australia (I hope). The Kooks are coming here twice in under six months, and they'd never been here once in their first 2 and a half years, so Mika's already beating them!


Would it be safe to assume that you like it?



Hanson had 7 years between Middle of Nowhere promo and promo/concert for Underneath...


U2 had 13 years between Zooropa concert tour (ft. Adam being too drunk to play in Sydney - 1993) and Vertigo tour (2006 - my supervising teacher on internship went to the Sydney concert with the parents of one of his students... on my last day of internship)... they were supposed to do a concert on about March of 2006, but someone's family member got sick so they cancelled and came back in November of 2006...



If you ask me, It doesn't look good.. might just profess my dislike of Mika now, and come back to his music in 7 years then (hell, it worked for me and Hanson!)


Why would I want to? Both my parents have them, but they also only have crappy records... *shrug*


You obviously haven't seen my parent's record then... Richard Clayderman anyone??? Billy Ocean??? ELO??? Villiage People??? Hush???






Bonus points (okay, maybe a cake!) for anyone who is able to guess what ELO stands for... and no cheating by searching for it!




No probs!


Oooooh and btw .....



Here is my vote for who should take on the role of frank. N . Furter ... in the remake of TRHPS .....





I'd go for Magenta with that sort of hair...


I'm like a cat on a hot tin roof around someone I really like. There is staring deep into the eyes and looking for ways to initiate physical contact, but there's also horrible clumsiness and a tendency to giggle like a twit.


Dribbling is always a good sign.


I tend to say stuff that sounds quite innocent in my head but is misinterpreted by the person I like... Actually that happens on here too...


for me, clumsiness=breaking schooners..


Yeah, he was...but I don't like Bella so that's OK *zhhz*

And am I the only who'd pick Jacob over Edward?


Bella can be kind of annoying...



But I'd prefer Jacob and Edward get together... that's forbidden love for ya!


gooooooooooood morning australia!


Okay, that reminds me of Good Morning Vietnam...


Yes, I've done that a time or two...and even forgotten my own last name.


Hey everybody.....





I've forgotten my first name!




Bow before your ruler, worthless slaves!




How's that?


He's bored cos she haz no hairs.. *smth*





Lucy Lawless ft. as an FBI agent in one of the Ronni Mars eps I watched last night.


That must be it...


Oooooh! Shiny!

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One for us girls....


Apples and Wine


Women are like apples on trees.

The best ones are at the top of the tree. Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they sometimes take the apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. The apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who is brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.


Now Men!...

Men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it's up to women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.


Women part: Interesting... yet true...


Men: :lmfao:


*Wonders when her apple tree will get picked*


That reminded me of the Buffy singing ep... something about a Willow tree? :das:


All right, so in my new spirit of "any excuse is a good one for cake", here's a cake for Artsy to say congrats on her job. I hope there's enough to go round.




Oooooooooh... yummy!


I've been called evil, so does that make you my mistress?


My PB account is the_evil_one, does it count?


Dearest, best Aussie-thread-participants!!


I have a request and I feel pretty audacious (sp?) to request it because I haven't been here for quite a while - I don't have proper internet at home (and I usually don't switch on my computer when I come back from work) and at the moment I CANNOT MFC from work because we have a new intern at work and *I* am the one that has to entertain her (she is really really nice though) and she is constantly sitting next to me (apart from our too short lunch breaks).


But, my request.


The thing is the following - I lovelovelove the Kooks. They are currently touring the US but according to rumours, they are going to play a secret gig at the Apple store in Regent Street here in London next Thursday. Tickets can't be bought and there seems to be no way to get them otherwise in advance (not even through good old relations) - however, there is the chance to win them and it would be great (!!!) if you guys could help me here.


So I registered for this Street Team thingy and I got a link which others have to click and which makes me get points for each click and with enough clicks I can win the tickets. I guess you have seen these links before - some people have been spamming entire threads with these. I'm sorry - this is no attempt to spam or whatever - it would just be really really great if you helped me.


When you click the link (either the following or the one in my signature), a new window will pop up and you'll end up on the Kooks' fanpage for that Street Team. That's it.










*crosses fingers*



I would but the links don't work...


I watched Across the Universe! And I figured that Jude's name was from that Hey Jude song! I knew that much!




But did you see Bono???





Has anyone seen August Rush? Robin Williams is in it... and if he had cool glasses like Bono is wearing in ATU, he's look just like Bono...


And geez I love Angel of Harlem... I heard it at work today...


(Tegan, Ana & I are currently packing your parcel! :das:)


Yayness! I think I might have ot add a few more bits and pieces to yours.. its got a lot of food though..


I just had a funny thought.. Pity Mika didn't guest program Rage whilst he was here for 4 days.. He'd have had fun doing that..


Oh yeah... might have to mention that for next time...


Or is he too commercial?


And yeah ... maybe next time he'll be famous enough to guest host ??!! *zhhz*


You'd hope so..


Good times, good times.


*wipes away sentimental tear*


Def good times... I really should come and visit you sometime soon...


Congratulations! That is quite an achievement (and yes, I am being condescending). If you concentrate in that movie every one of the main character's names is from a Beatles song. Jude - Hey Jude, Lucy - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, Max - Maxwell's Silver Hammer, Prudence - Dear Prudence, Sadie - Sexy Sadie and Jojo - Get Back.


Did you like 'Across The Universe'?


Knew that...


I did... considering I don't really like the Beatles..


Though I do like how Bono did I Am The Walrus... and Let It Be (that song makes me cry...)


So you think you can love me and leave me to diiii-iiiie?


Pssssssst... you forgot the headbanging a la Wayne's World...


Oh, and Ross Noble was just on Thank God You're Here... he was part of the Fellowship (as in Fellowship of the Ring... )

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ELO stands for Electric Light Orchestra !!! I didn't have to cheat 'cos I had their records & saw them live ... they were Awesome !!! :sneaky2: *zhhz*


*goes back to finish your MQ * :naughty:


EDIT: Then again ... you are only one year older than my daughter !! :lmfao:



Now, I asked dad about embarrassing records... he'd list it as an embarrassing one...


Then again, he DID buy the Villiage People... :naughty:



Here's your cake!









*sings along to One... and imagines Edge, Adam, Larry and Bono in dresses*




*thinks Edge looks good dressed like a woman*


*thinks Adam looks a bit funny, yet hot*


*thinks Larry need to stop looking so serious*


*thinks Bono looks good in a dress, but not as good as Edge*

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Dude called Wes singing Beautiful Day!!! :shocked:




I don't like it that much... too much violins and crap, not enough rock... Edge would be disappointed...


Judges -

Dicko: Hehe... too try hard with the piano... damn straight... he said it was good *disagrees*...

Marcia: great job... *dislikes Marcia now*

Sandilands: He's a hat dude... and shaved off the Chewbacca thing... and apparently cracking start...



*shoots Dicko and Sandilands for being tools, slaps Marcia*

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I'm (we are) at 140 points! This is great!!!


Could you please please please please please please please do me the favour and click again?


I have NO IDEA if this is going to work after all because the only source that says that ther is a gig is that fanpage and there is no official announcement so far and then - where is the use of actually getting the guys over from the US (during their tour!) to play a gig in a store nobody knows about ? :blink:

I don't get it. Really. :blink:


But we (Ana & I) would at least like to know that we have at least tried to get tickets (even if it is cancelled :crybaby:).


Thank you!!!! :wub2::wub2:

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Okies... I posted a few pics in the Scottish thread... I went to the tartan ball on Friday (minus RBSKY :tears:)...


Twas an interesting night...


I was flirting with Adam (one of the pipers)... we were standing pretty damn close while we were talking, and when I was standing behind him he was leaning against me (good thing he was sitting, cause he's bloody tall! At least Mika height, maybe a bit more!)... and we were holding hands after I told him he was my partner for strip the willow...




I didn't get a good night snog though... :thumbdown:

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I'm (we are) at 140 points! This is great!!!


Could you please please please please please please please do me the favour and click again?


I have NO IDEA if this is going to work after all because the only source that says that ther is a gig is that fanpage and there is no official announcement so far and then - where is the use of actually getting the guys over from the US (during their tour!) to play a gig in a store nobody knows about ? :blink:

I don't get it. Really. :blink:


But we (Ana & I) would at least like to know that we have at least tried to get tickets (even if it is cancelled :crybaby:).


Thank you!!!! :wub2::wub2:


So... if I just click on the link, that will count? or do I need to sign on for the thing?


Hey guys.....im on here as per usual, starting and finishing an assignment the day before its due :naughty:

Just thought i'd pop in to say: HI! :bleh:


Nice one!


I just finished the assignment that's due tomorrow... Now I have to work on the one due Wednesday...

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I knooooowwww !! You should see our gum trees ... they're spinning around like tops !!

No storm as of yet..Hopefully soon though.

Just gotta get out...just gotta get right out of heeeere

Nothing really matters.. anyone can see..

'Allo Kelzeeeee! :huglove:

You are le Frunch ce soir?

Errr.. oui?


Speaking of... have you seen Masters Of The Universe?


It's got Robert Duncan McNeill (aka Tom Paris) in it... and Courtney Cox...

Nope, I haven't.

You obviously haven't seen my parent's record then... Richard Clayderman anyone??? Billy Ocean??? ELO??? Villiage People??? Hush???

Mother Melzy loves Richard Clayderman :roftl:

Bonus points (okay, maybe a cake!) for anyone who is able to guess what ELO stands for... and no cheating by searching for it!

I knew it too, though HK beat me to answering.


That reminded me of the Buffy singing ep... something about a Willow tree?

Speaking of Buffy, last night (or was it the night before) when I went bed Buffy the movie was on, at was at Hilary Sw.ank's "Get out of my facial" :roftl:

My PB account is the_evil_one, does it count?

That counts.

Has anyone seen August Rush? Robin Williams is in it... and if he had cool glasses like Bono is wearing in ATU, he's look just like Bono...

I'd noticed the resemblance a while back *zhhz*

And geez I love Angel of Harlem... I heard it at work today...


Or is he too commercial?

I suppose in other countries, yes.. But here, he should feel privileged to be asked to guest program. maybe? *shrug*

Pssssssst... you forgot the headbanging a la Wayne's World...



*sings along to One... and imagines Edge, Adam, Larry and Bono in dresses*




*thinks Edge looks good dressed like a woman*


*thinks Adam looks a bit funny, yet hot*


*thinks Larry need to stop looking so serious*


*thinks Bono looks good in a dress, but not as good as Edge*

:roftl: It would be hilarious if they dragged up now.

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Nope, I haven't.


It's quite good... in a daggy, 80's sort of way...


Mother Melzy loves Richard Clayderman :roftl:




I think that was one mum stole from her sister... I hope...


I knew it too, though HK beat me to answering.


*finds cake*


Speaking of Buffy, last night (or was it the night before) when I went bed Buffy the movie was on, at was at Hilary Sw.ank's "Get out of my facial" :roftl:


Noice! I love that movie... might get off and watch it again...


That counts.


Excellent... *is evil*


I'd noticed the resemblance a while back *zhhz*


Great minds think alike then...


I suppose in other countries, yes.. But here, he should feel privileged to be asked to guest program. maybe? *shrug*


He should feel priveleged...


:roftl: It would be hilarious if they dragged up now.


Bloody oath... I wish they would...


Or at the very least for MacPhisto to resurface :das:...

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