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The Australian Thread: Part Sixteen

Rainbow Sky

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Or cake?





I found a really clever one... but its a bit inappropriate to post :das:... I'll post it on AMF instead! :das:


OMG i want that Mario cake!!! My brother would absolutely die if he saw that! I'd love to get one made for his 30th this year.... :bleh:

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OMG i want that Mario cake!!! My brother would absolutely die if he saw that! I'd love to get one made for his 30th this year.... :bleh:

I got a bit excitable when I realised it was a Mario cake... my sister and I walk around saying "It's me, Mario" like he does in the Mario 64 game... :naughty:


We're not quite game enough to say it when our uncel's around (whose name is Mario)...

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Holy crap! those cakes are frikkin awesome! I love the one in the shape of the old nintendo! My brother has a Wii and whenever im over his place, i constantly play all the old mario games :P

Im seriously thinking i need to order a mario cake for his brithday now.....thanks for the idea :thumb_yello:

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Now, I asked dad about embarrassing records... he'd list it as an embarrassing one...


Then again, he DID buy the Villiage People... :naughty:



Here's your cake!





Thnak ye Teegs !!! Mmmm ... yummy cake !!! Well, I aint the slightest bit embarrassed about ELO ! They were amazing ! I haven't 'heard' of Richard Clayderman ... & 'tho' i didn't buy their music, I think the Village people are p*ssingly funny !!! And boy, those guys can sell records ... esp. to the gay scene !!!:punk:


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Congratulations! That is quite an achievement (and yes, I am being condescending). If you concentrate in that movie every one of the main character's names is from a Beatles song. Jude - Hey Jude, Lucy - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, Max - Maxwell's Silver Hammer, Prudence - Dear Prudence, Sadie - Sexy Sadie and Jojo - Get Back.


Did you like 'Across The Universe'?


Thank you! *takes award*


Wow, they either have a lot of songs with names in them, or just a lot of songs :naughty:


Yes, I did like it actually!


You won't find anything.


Psht, that's what you say.

(Good thing I forgot to go and look then)


Every time I have Maple Syrup I think of youuuu!!


I had maple syrup this morning :original:


Me too! It's my second favourite film of all time, after 'Love Actually'.


I love that movie too. Althouh I only saw it for the first time like ... a few weeks ago, when Petra sent it to me :blush-anim-cl:


Awwww, well if you luuuuurv me then of course you count




If they have enough grease on them, chances are they won't get soggy *pbs*


:lmfao:!! Comforting!


Well done!!!!!!!!11 *claps slowly*


Thank you, thank you! *bows to applause*


My face no see links :smth:


They are the pictures!

What does :smth: code for? This has been bothering me for far too long.


I love the fact that the security guy is just nonchalantly tugging on his trousers...I bet he's been waiting a long time to be able to do that...


:roftl: I love it. The funny thing is that he must have actually been waiting to do that, because they always grab the back of his pants, so he must tell them to do so before or smth. They get a nice view down his pants though :das:


Well, more on the edge of one. But we would be in the middle of a forest were it not for the small obstacle of the ocean..


Those stupid oceans, always getting in the way :sneaky2:


Would it be safe to assume that you like it?



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Hanson had 7 years between Middle of Nowhere promo and promo/concert for Underneath...


U2 had 13 years between Zooropa concert tour (ft. Adam being too drunk to play in Sydney - 1993) and Vertigo tour (2006 - my supervising teacher on internship went to the Sydney concert with the parents of one of his students... on my last day of internship)... they were supposed to do a concert on about March of 2006, but someone's family member got sick so they cancelled and came back in November of 2006...



If you ask me, It doesn't look good.. might just profess my dislike of Mika now, and come back to his music in 7 years then (hell, it worked for me and Hanson!)


Okie dokes then. We'll see who's right :naughty:


You obviously haven't seen my parent's record then... Richard Clayderman anyone??? Billy Ocean??? ELO??? Villiage People??? Hush???


:roftl: Sheesh, I don't even want to take a closer look at my parents'


I would but the links don't work...


They work for meee :S


But did you see Bono???


I did :naughty:


Oh, and Ross Noble was just on Thank God You're Here... he was part of the Fellowship (as in Fellowship of the Ring... )


Eurgh, I was going to watch that episode. Ross Noble AND Frank Woodley! But then I fell asleep instead...




I'm (we are) at 140 points! This is great!!!


FANTASTIC! That puts you in the top ten - right? right?!


Hey guys.....im on here as per usual, starting and finishing an assignment the day before its due

Just thought i'd pop in to say: HI!


You have weird priorities! (Although they are similar to mine.. *coughexamontuesdaycough*)


So... if I just click on the link, that will count? or do I need to sign on for the thing?


Just clicking counts! Signing up counts for more. If you sign up use the iiio cover link, it counts for more I think :original:


I suppose in other countries, yes.. But here, he should feel privileged to be asked to guest program. maybe? *shrug*


Yeah, but would Rage consider him too commercial to ask?


Or cake?






We're not quite game enough to say it when our uncel's around (whose name is Mario)...


This is more like the cake I want...




SK made one almost exactly the same for her GD or FK or HT or smth. It looks awesome.


But I love that this cake is for cellebrating the xbox's birthday.


This woman had a console cake for her wedding!


And it looks crappier than most of the other cakes. But I think you'll find that most of those mario cakes were wedding cakes, because they have mario + that princess on them = the bride and groom.

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:roftl: OMG!! Why haven't I seen this before!! :bow:


:roftl: Because I woz iz lookin' when you woz izn't !! :lmfao:


I agree, ELO are fantastic! My mum would constantly play them when i was growing up.....should get their cd out and listen to it again....havent heard it in agessssss


:punk:COOL SEN !!! Check it out !! I'll have to find them again on the net as I no longer have their records ... :blush-anim-cl::bleh:

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Thnak ye Teegs !!! Mmmm ... yummy cake !!! Well, I aint the slightest bit embarrassed about ELO ! They were amazing ! I haven't 'heard' of Richard Clayderman ... & 'tho' i didn't buy their music, I think the Village people are p*ssingly funny !!! And boy, those guys can sell records ... esp. to the gay scene !!!



Well, keep in mind I grew up listening to a lot of AcC/DC and Skyhooks... not so much anything else... Oh wait... some of the mixed ones I did.. Loved Rack Off Normie when I was a kid... and the Newcastle Song (I think that's what it's called)... Rack Off Normie is very Aussie methinks...



Oh, and a little bit of the Villiage people... Love the pic!











OOoooooh... noice!



I want! Esp the one where Bono's standing nearby...


Okie dokes then. We'll see who's right




Sheesh, I don't even want to take a closer look at my parents'




Yeah, but would Rage consider him too commercial to ask?



And it looks crappier than most of the other cakes. But I think you'll find that most of those mario cakes were wedding cakes, because they have mario + that princess on them = the bride and groom.


Hmmmm... I hope I'm wrong...


I'm sure they'll have a few jewels like that...


Probably would... then again he might pick some obscure sh!t...


I did pick up on the fact they're wedding cakes... they're just very very cool... and I didn't say they weren't wedding cakes... just that they were cakes... I ain't stupid after all :naughty:...


And her name is Peach (just had to add that)...



Now I'm going to bed...

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I always do the MQ and then forget to say anything else. So here's a few days worth of 'something elses'. In random order, because that's how my brain functions.


Today my dad was cutting wood at the other side of the paddock and bringing it back through the gate, and Ambrose snuck through, then when he tried to get Ambrose back, Coco snuck into the backyard. She is so fricking cute, she just runs up and down the fence trying to play with the dogs, and then today she had the time of her life running around the house with the boys. So cute. She's now bigger than Zen (who is HUGE), when she used to be smaller than Jack (who is little) - cuuute! And she stabbed Ambrose with her horn by accident. It was funny, because he deserved it for trying to play fight with a lamb/sheep/goat/dog :naughty:


And then we went to take the dogs for a walk, and Coco followed us on the other side of the fence, very cute, and distracting, because then we realised we couldn't find Ambrose any more (well, there is all this ... long grass/wheat stuff, and the boys normally run around in there, but you can see it moving where they are, and Jack and Zen were on the path, and Ambrose was no where). So my dad went to look further around and I went back home. Ambrose was at home. The idiot.


And I had my mirror standing on the floor because dad was going to drill a hole for it today, and Jack HATES it. :lmfao: He walked in and really really extremely visciously started growling and barking at his reflection - HILARIOUS. And Ambrose was just looking at him like "wtf??" and then ran away because he got scared.


Princess is not looking very well. Billy and Princess were the two sheep with the salt problem, Billy is all better now, but Princess is still looking very skinny, hobbling/limping around, and barely eating at all. :tears:


Yesterday at work there was a psychotic evil cat. Quite ironic really, when we had a lecture at school just the other day about how to deal with psychotic animals, but then all of a sudden all I could remember about cats was some figure (which I can't exactly remember) about them being able to scratch you 50 times in one second or something, and to not put them in a bottom cage, because you can't get out of the way quickly. So psychotic cat was, of course, in the bottom cage. And I was like (through the cage) "Awww, you're not a crazy evil cat are you? Aww, you're just a cutey-pa-tooty", and then I opened the door and it went MENTAL and leaped out and attacked my arm and then started sprinting around the room (luckily I had decided to close the door just in case), and it ran back and forth 40 times, ran along all the shelves and knocked everything on the floor, literally started climbing up the walls .. like ... digging it's claws into them or something, I don't know how!, and I was like :shocked: and just tried to stay out of it's way and opened the door of the cage I wanted it to go into ... and then eventually it ran in there and I slammed the door shut behind it :roftl: And THEN, when I was tending to my arm, I remembered the other thing they said - to wear big gloves :roftl:


Oh, and my computer re-installed the freaking update by itself today and AGAIN didn't work :sneaky2: So I had to delete it again. And get this - it's a junk mail filter for outlook - wtf? I don't even use outlook.

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I did pick up on the fact they're wedding cakes... they're just very very cool... and I didn't say they weren't wedding cakes... just that they were cakes... I ain't stupid after all :naughty:...


:naughty: You just didn't comment on the fact that peopel had super mario wedding cakes, but seemed quite astonished that someone would have a console wedding cake.


Too bad... I'm just about to get off, otherwise I'd get you a cake...


Now I'm really going...



A cake for what?

Oh, I'll get one myself :naughty:




Ambrose! :wub2:

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And love the mario cakes... I want one (or to be able to make one )



Work was fine....


So how is everyone?

I'd love to make one too. Would take all day.

I iz good. How are you?

Found a home for Yapper yet?


Because I woz iz lookin' when you woz izn't !!
:naughty: Do you know who did it??


Ambrose was at home. The idiot.


And I had my mirror standing on the floor because dad was going to drill a hole for it today, and Jack HATES it. He walked in and really really extremely visciously started growling and barking at his reflection - HILARIOUS. And Ambrose was just looking at him like "wtf??" and then ran away because he got scared.


Princess is not looking very well. Billy and Princess were the two sheep with the salt problem, Billy is all better now, but Princess is still looking very skinny, hobbling/limping around, and barely eating at all.

Awwwwww :tears:

Yesterday at work there was a psychotic evil cat...........


Oh, and my computer re-installed the freaking update by itself today and AGAIN didn't work So I had to delete it again. And get this - it's a junk mail filter for outlook - wtf? I don't even use outlook.

Then don't install it. Stupid Windows updates..

I don't install most of them..

So you'll need to let Windows find the stupid update again..

But, then you click the yellow shield and select "custom install".

Untick the update and click close.

It will ask if you want to be reminded to install..

You don't want to be reminded.. :thumb_yello:



And Goodnight Teegs..

I'm going too. Night Y'all! :huglove:

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I'd love to make one too. Would take all day.

I iz good. How are you?

Found a home for Yapper yet?



It would... I made a fruit cake once almond and royal icing for a cooking class in high school once... took a few classes to do but looked awesome.


I'm good... tired but good. Watching some dr who episodes with brother becster v.1


Brother Becster v.2 and friends found ratdogs/yappers owner yesterday... he came out of his house when he saw them knocking on the neighbours complete with lost dog signs, and claimed him.

Apparently he had gone out for 30 mins, and come home to the dog being gone. He'd only had it a few days though, and was glad someone had found it, took care of it for a night and brought it back

Brother becster v.2 said it was all worth it for the look on the guys face.

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I actually think that is one of the most stupid things he's ever done. And that's really saying something. He was soooo excited about going walkies, and then to get confused at the 500m mark and decide to go home .. :insane:


Then don't install it. Stupid Windows updates..

I don't install most of them..

So you'll need to let Windows find the stupid update again..

But, then you click the yellow shield and select "custom install".

Untick the update and click close.

It will ask if you want to be reminded to install..

You don't want to be reminded..


Eurgh, okay, I'll watch out for a yellow shield. I didn't even notice it had done it again this time, just when I turned on the computer it said it was installing an update and I was like :mad3:

I'm going too. Night Y'all! :huglove:




Oh! I just remembered something else! How do you get the video off of a TV-recorded DVD? Onto a computer or something? Tanya found another Kooks interview-thing on V :wub2:


It would... I made a fruit cake once almond and royal icing for a cooking class in high school once... took a few classes to do but looked awesome.


Royal icing? Is that the kind on those cakes? How do you make it? :drool:


Brother Becster v.2 and friends found ratdogs/yappers owner yesterday... he came out of his house when he saw them knocking on the neighbours complete with lost dog signs, and claimed him.

Apparently he had gone out for 30 mins, and come home to the dog being gone. He'd only had it a few days though, and was glad someone had found it, took care of it for a night and brought it back

Brother becster v.2 said it was all worth it for the look on the guys face.


AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! That is fantastic! :cheerful_h4h:

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Royal icing? Is that the kind on those cakes? How do you make it? :drool:




AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! That is fantastic! :cheerful_h4h:


Its either royal or white icing.. ones the harder one, one you pipe....


You can buy it from safeway/woolworths in the cake decorations section.



And I know....

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